Delayed ... turn-by-turn navigation in Australia will be available at some stage in November, according to Apple's website.

Delayed ... turn-by-turn navigation in Australia will be available at some stage in November, according to Apple's website.

In another blow to the credibility of Apple Maps, the company has delayed the turn-by-turn navigation feature in Australia, making us the last country to receive the upgrade.

When Apple originally unveiled Apple Maps as part of its revamped iOS 6 operating system in September, Australia was slated to get turn-by-turn navigation at some stage in October.

But the company has pushed back the release until sometime in November, according to an update on the availability section of its website.

Asked to resign ... Scott Forstall.

Asked to resign ... Scott Forstall. Photo: Reuters

With turn-by-turn navigation already available in 52 countries around the world, from Macau to Morocco, Australia is the last remaining country to have the feature enabled, according to Apple's website.

When Apple Maps was released in Australia, several landmarks were mislabelled and locations were in the wrong place, including Uluru and Apple's flagship Sydney store. Directions (different to turn-by-turn navigation) given to Australian users included sending drivers into the middle of bodies of water and through buildings.

Meanwhile, users of the turn-by-turn navigation feature in countries where it is already available, such as the US, have reported frequently being given the wrong directions by the app.

At the launch of iOS 6, ex-iOS chief Scott Forstall revealed the feature was in "qualifying stages" for Australia.

The delay could be due to the fact that Forstall has since resigned from Apple — which some reports claim to be due to the numerous errors and customer complaints surrounding the release of Apple Maps.

In September, Apple chief executive Tim Cook issued a public apology for Maps, which appeared on the company's website. "We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers," he wrote.

Cook even recommended users turn to rival mapping services such as Google Maps and Microsoft's Bing Maps while Apple fixed glitches in their own service. ""While we're improving Maps, you can try alternatives," he wrote.

It was this letter of apology that Forstall allegedly refused to sign, and he was subsequently asked to leave the company, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Apple may also miss another October deadline. At the iPhone 5 launch in September, the company said a revamped version of iTunes would be available by the end of October. Apple has just one day to hit the deadline for iTunes 11, with no update available at the time of writing on October 31.

Fairfax Media with agencies