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RSS (Environment and Nature News in Science web feed) News in Science

Image of Earth from space

Elastic Earth tips poles back into place

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Stresses within the outer layer of the Earth helps snap our planet back into position whenever it strays from its rotational axis.

This was the first time that avoidance of sick individuals has been shown in birds Birds of a feather don't share a sick bed

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Coal-fired power plants emit sulphate pollution that dims sunlight and so offsets warming Study explains slow down in global warming

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Dogs appear to be hard-wired to explore any novel object - toy or not Why dogs find some toys boring

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

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RSS (Environment and Nature Nature Features web feed)Nature Features


Your beach treasures

Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Come beachcombing with us and see the beautiful treasures discovered along our sandy beaches and under the waves by our photo competition winners and finalists.

RSS (Environment and Nature Science Features web feed)Science Features

Fruit fly

The meaning of life

Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Science photographer Malcolm Ricketts' stunning images of plants and animals are the result of almost thirty years documenting the work of University of Sydney scientists.

RSS (Environment and Nature Ask an Expert web feed)Ask an Expert

School of fish

How do fish know if they're swimming in the right school?

Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Fish can't see themselves, or use a mirror! How do they know they are in the right school of fish? 5 comments

RSS (Environment and Nature Dr Karl's Great Moments In Science web feed) Great Moments in Science

Black mark: Each time a tyre rotates, it loses a layer of rubber about a billionth of a metre thick.How dangerous is rubber dust?

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Rubber dust is an environmental and health hazard. 8 comments

BreastfeedingBreast milk is full of surprises

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Breastfeeding nutures and protects babies and their mums in many ways, but Dr Karl discovers breast milk still has plenty of secrets to spill. 29 comments

RSS (Environment and Nature Science Quizzes web feed) Science Quizzes

Kangaroo pawKingdom of plants

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

They're beautiful, fascinating and vital to our world.

RSS (Environment and Nature Science Games web feed) Science Games

Chemistry quizChemistry quiz

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Is your chemistry knowledge as light as helium or as heavy as plutonium?

RSS (Environment and Nature Photos web feed) Photos

Male peacock spider

Animals in action

The beauty and brutality of the animal kingdom is brought to life in exquisite detail by the finalists in the 'animal behaviour' category of the 2012 ANZANG Nature Photo Competition at the South Australian Museum.

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RSS (Environment and Nature Science Careers web feed) Science Careers

Kathy Belov's love of science is in her genes.Geneticist

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Kathy Belov's love of science is in her genes. Watch Ace Day Jobs and find out how her work as a geneticist helps Tasmanian devils.

Phillipa Dean is fascinated by fish.Aquaculturalist

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Phillippa Dean is fascinated by fish, all day, every day. Watch Ace Day Jobs to find out how she became an aquaculturalist.

Video features from Catalyst

Catalyst 25/10/2012

Organ Bioprinting

Organ Bioprinting

Catalyst 06/09/2012

Plastic Oceans

Plastic Oceans

Catalyst 30/08/2012

Indigenous Science Education

Indigenous Science Education

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Scribbly Gum Nature Forum

Celebrate seasonal events across Australia with our web of nature lovers.

ABC Environment
Crude - the incredible story of oil

We depend upon oil, yet few of us know what it is. Watch this award-winning documentary to discover how oil is shaping our Earth's future.

Audio Features from ABC Radio National

RN Future Tense

Going underground

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Science Show

Brugmansia or Angel's Trumpets the genus that relies on humans

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Science Show

The daffodil's mysterious trumpet

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more Animals

Feral cat in the wild

Feral cats work around dingo's lifestyle

Feral cats are not afraid of the big, bad dingo, as long as they have somewhere to hide, according to new research.

more Botany

A group of Eucalyptus diversicolor - the Karri

Giant eucalypts sent back to the rainforest

Giant fire-dependent eucalypts should be classified as rainforest species, a new study has found.

more Climate Change

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 13 (GOES-13) captured this natural-color image

Was Hurricane Sandy caused by climate change?

Experts say they cannot give a black-or-white answer for one of the most complex issues in meteorology.

more Earth Sciences

Bird's Eye View of Lausanne, Switzerland City

Tsunami hit Geneva in AD 563

Nearly 1500 years ago a tsunami triggered by a rockfall swept Lake Geneva, Swiss scientists report.

more Oceans and Reefs

A fur seal in Antarctica

Antarctic ocean sanctuary talks end in failure

An international conference has failed to agree on new marine sanctuaries to protect thousands of polar species across Antarctica.