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    Saving Money

    By Molly McCluskey, The Motley Fool

    | 6:00AM 10/26/2012
    Some of life's little luxuries haven't gotten any more necessary -- but they have become cheaper. From learning a new language to finding a great read, these six things no longer require a line item in your personal budget. Go ahead, indulge for less.

    By Matt Brownell

    | 5:03PM 10/19/2012
    There's plenty of free stuff up for grabs this weekend, including Amazon credits, free antivirus software and Redbox movie rentals.

    By Business Insider

    | 6:00AM 10/08/2012
    Blame the government or blame the economy, but Americans should also blame themselves for their declining net worth. We waste over half a trillion dollars each year -- and that's just for areas with available data. And what do we waste that money on? Read on ...

    By The Associated Press

    | 11:50AM 9/12/2012
    Airlines are offering more deals to passengers who book flights directly on their websites. It's an effort to steer people away from online travel agencies such as Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity, which charge the carriers commissions of roughly $10 to $25 a ticket.

    By Robyn Gearey, The Motley Fool

    | 10:42AM 9/11/2012
    Over the course of a school year, the cost of having your kid buy lunch in the cafeteria every day can really add up. But the alternative -- packing lunch for them -- has its own stresses. So what's a cash-strapped mom who hates packing lunch to do? Turn to the blogs, of course!

    By Ross Kenneth Urken

    | 3:13PM 9/10/2012
    When Apple fans start shelling out for the new iPhone 5 Wednesday, most will be retiring older, but still perfectly good, smartphones to the backs of desk drawers -- or the trash. But the smart tech junkies will be getting paid cash for their former phones by selling them on "recommerce" sites.

    By Ross Kenneth Urken

    | 6:00AM 9/07/2012
    Here's one trend: School budgets are getting sliced year after year, leaving parents and PTAs struggling fill in the gaps. Here's another: Groupon-style daily deal sites are still extremely popular. Enter Schoola, a startup that funnels profits from discount deals straight into classrooms.