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Free for All: Five gripes about DC Universe Online

Fantasy, Sci-fi, Bugs, Culture, Game mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-play, Humor, DC Universe Online, Free for All, Miscellaneous

DC Universe Online screenshot
I enjoy the heck out of DC Universe Online. It's a fantastically fun, action-based romp through a wonderfully drawn universe of wacky characters and amazing adventures. Even for someone who never really enjoyed almost anything that DC Comics has released (Superman? Ha!) the game provides tons of linear, quest-based fun when I want it or loose, open-world destruction when I feel like exploring. I have to admit that the game did not seem that complex or deep when I first started playing it but now I see how much has been added and just how much can be done with what seemed like a limited.

This is no perfect relationship, however. I have some issues with the game. Of course I am not a typical player and have not yet climbed my way to the top of the level mountain, so many of the issues I have will more-than-likely not be the same issues most other gamers have. I just don't worry about stuff like lock-out timers or loot drops. That stuff's all part of the math of the game, and that bores me.

No, my gripes stem from customization or making the game your own. So, at the risk of making it seem like I dislike the game in some way, here's my list of five things I want to see either go away or be remedied.

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WildStar Wednesday details the split between the Dominion and the Exiles

Sci-fi, Lore, Previews, News items, Dev Diaries, WildStar

I know it was the losing side, I'm not totally sure it was the wrong side.
When you're not dealing with the chaos and madness of the planet Nexus in WildStar, odds are good you'll be dealing with the game's main factional conflict between the Dominion and the Exiles. But how did this split come to pass? What are the Exiles exiled from in the first place? The latest WildStar Wednesday tackles exactly this issue, explaining how one man led a rebellion against the largest military power in the galaxy and won -- or at least came close to winning.

The Exiles, as it turns out, were originally citizens of the Dominion's capital planet, Cassus. Unpopular Dominion policies led to riots on Cassus, which culminated in the retired Admiral Serrick Brightland stealing his flagship from drydock and leading several other traitors on military raids against Dominion holdings. Brightland succeeded in hurting the Dominion, but without a home base to fall back on, his fleet was forced to flee, becoming the Exile fleet scouring the fringe of the galaxy for a new home. Take a look at the full article for details about Brightland's last stand and the core of the conflict between these two factions.

SWTOR developers talk about update 1.5

Sci-fi, Video, Patches, Endgame, News items, PvE, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries

beep beep boop HK 51 ACTIVATED
Star Wars: The Old Republic's game update 1.5, HK-51 Activated, is looming ever-closer. To stir up some interest, the dev team has released information about the new HK-51 companion and the patch's graphical updates. Now it's time for a look at the big picture. A new developer dispatch gives the down-low on what players can expect the update to bring to PvE.

A big feature of HK-51 Activated will be Section X on Belsavis, the site of the Republic's first attempt at a prison colony. Now the area will play home to new Dread Master antics. The area is meant to be "darker" and "edgier" than other content players have encountered and is being touted as the "coolest-looking area" in the game. Players will also find the wreck of the Fatality, which sets them off on a very special venture. (Hint: You're going to track down a legion of HK-51 assassin droids, and this whole thing is called HK-51 Activated, and you know that at some point you get an HK-51 companion.)

Players will be introduced to multiplayer quests during which they have to work together to move through an area without setting off traps or activating alarms. A new world boss, Dreadtooth, will be introduced. When Dreadtooth is killed, he respawns with a stack of Dreadful Resurgence, which makes him harder to kill every time he respawns with players in the area. Those stacks will dwindle if players leave, or they can be deliberately increased to make encounters more interesting. If interesting is what you like, you'll also find nightmare mode available for Operation: Explosive Conflict.

Skip below the cut to hear the developers talk about the patch!

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Hammerpoint delaying The War Z clan features, focusing on hackers

Betas, Horror, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Sandbox

Hammerpoint pushing back The War Z clan features, focusing on hackers
The War Z is a hot topic in gaming circles these days, and Hammerpoint's zombie-centric sandbox is starting to see an increase in shady player activity as its user base grows. The dev team has acknowledged the need to devote time and resources to dealing with hackers, and as a result some of the title's feature development is temporarily going on the back burner.

"As I'm sure all of you are aware, there [have] been a lot of discussion lately surrounding the hackers," Hammerpoint wrote on its forums. "Over here we've been working round the clock on a solution -- however, that's meant we've had to push back clans a bit, so it's looking more like next week. We're also investigating a number of bugs, such as the ability to glitch onto roofs, and item duplication."

EVE Online player gets fit to look like his avatar

Sci-fi, EVE Online, MMO industry, News items, Sandbox

EVE Online encourages player to get fit to look like his avatar
Going from virtual to reality, one EVE Online player is bucking the stereotype of gamers as lazy couch potatoes by using his in-game avatar game as inspiration to get fit and change his life. Marcus Dickinson, a self-proclaimed roleplayer, hit the gym and changed his eating habits in an effort to better resemble his EVE persona Roc Wieler, a retired military colonel with an imposing visage and impressive discipline. And the hard work has paid off; Dickinson has toned up and trimmed down.

What instigated the transformation? Dickinson noted that Roc Wieler is a brand, with his own blog and even merchandise for fans. However, a trip to Iceland for EVE Online FanFest in 2009 was a wake-up call; Dickinson said he felt nothing like Roc; he felt like a stereotypical geek. "Something snapped inside me, and I realized I wasn't being true to my brand. Why can't I be this character? Why can't I look like this?"

Using that as his inspiration, Dickinson changed his lifestyle and now does look more like Roc -- right down to the shades.

Leaked dev blog: Bungie's Destiny project 'still quite like Halo'

Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play

Leaked dev blog - Bungie's Destiny project 'still quite like Halo'
Remember Bungie? Its Halo franchise helped define the console shooter genre, and even though it surrendered the IP to Microsoft and had nothing to do with this week's ginormous Halo 4 release, the firm is still on our radar.

That's because its Destiny project is still in full swing, and Kotaku has published excerpts from an internal Demonware blog, whose author got some hands-on time with the game at a recent company function.

So, wait, who or what is Demonware? It's a development firm that "handles online infrastructure for Activision's titles and also lists Bungie" as a partner, Kotaku says. In any event, a senior Demonware employee wrote the following on the company blog (which has since been removed):

"This is not a dedicated server game, but there is some simulation and coordination running in their server infrastructure. The game was up and down a lot, playing in a team of three we did manage to experience entering a zone to find other players already taking on the bad guys. It's cooperative so we helped out [...] before both groups went their separate ways." The author went on to compare the game's "sense of exploration" to Elite, and he also said that Destiny is "still quite like Halo."

SWTOR executive producer reveals the state of the game

Sci-fi, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR executive producer reveals the state of the game
Players have been anxiously waiting to hear how Star Wars: The Old Republic is fairing -- straight from the tauntaun's mouth, as it were. Executive Producer Jeff Hickman jumped to the official website earlier today to specifically address player concerns. Players have been curious as to why certain developers have left. They wanted to know why so many bugs passed through Update 1.4. And finally, Oceanic players are concerned about their server populations.

Hickman explained in the post that a studio like BioWare and a game like SWTOR "live on and thrive as we change, actually thrive because we change," implying that developers leaving are a natural part of studio evolution. He was quick to note that key players like Creative Director James Ohlen are still around to "carry the banner of BioWare."

Regarding the 1.4 bugs, he was quick to note that designing and testing a large game like SWTOR is very complex. However, the QA team has put in new measures to help catch future issues like those seen in the last update. He said, "We will strive to give you the best, high quality, bug-free experience that we can."

Lastly, the Oceanic players are still a concern for the developers, but the free-to-play update will hopefully change the population of the Oceanic servers. Hickman explained that he wants to hold out to see what F2P brings before making a final decision regarding these servers.

Sevencore's Shadow Crusade update incorporates new class and race

Sci-fi, Classes, Patches, PvP, Free-to-play, Races

Sevencore's Shadow Crusade update incorporates new class and race
Fledgling MMO Sevencore passed through a significant rite of passage today by releasing its first update, Shadow Crusade. The fantasy/sci-fi title, which launched last month, is fleshing out its content offerings with a new class, an additional race, crafting changes, and a PvP arena.

New to the game is the Assassin class, a melee fighter that relies on high chances to crit and dodge. Assassins use daggers and dual claws, which give the option for single- or multi-target attacks, respectively. Shadowcore is also adding the diminutive but powerful Aimon race. Aimon characters get a boost to their mounts' energy and have a faster out-of-combat health regen.

Finally, Shadow Crusade is looking to make waves with a 5v5 PvP arena, a new zone, a level cap increase to 95, and a new type of crafting that combines old gear to make better items.

[Source: gPotato press release]

Taikodom pops into open beta

Betas, Sci-fi, Free-to-play, Promotions

Taikodom pops into open beta
Are you itching for some fast-and-furious space warfare? Missing your fix after Black Prophecy shutdown? Then you're prime to experience Taikodom: Living Universe, which has leaped into open beta.

The sci-fi shooter is now being distributed through GamersFirst. Reloaded Games' CMO Rahul Sandil says he's "stoked" to include Taikodom into the company's roster and promises dozens of additional titles in the coming year.

Taikodom is also offering three founder's packages. These packages range from $9 to $49 and include benefits such as in-game items, unique achievements, and lifetime VIP status.

[Source: GamersFirst press release]

David Braben is kickstarting a new multiplayer Elite sequel

Sci-fi, EVE Online, Culture, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items, PvE, Sandbox

EVE Online title image
Elite and its sequel Frontier: Elite II were arguably two of the most influential early space games ever made. They dropped the player into an immense sci-fi sandbox with just a tiny ship and a handful of credits. You could work your way up to larger and larger hauling ships, fight off pirates intent on taking your loot, travel the stars in search of lucrative deals or just wormhole into deep space. If that sounds familiar, it's because Elite was part of the inspiration for sci-fi MMO EVE Online.

Space in Frontier was especially deep, with a full-scale galaxy containing 100 billion stars and several empires with their own legal systems and trading outposts. Players could choose to raid other ships or play it straight, mining moons, scooping fuel from gas giants, and landing on planets to survey them for materials. The magic that made this colossal universe possible was procedural generation and some incredibly good programming by developer David Braben.

Today David took to Kickstarter to launch possibly the most anticipated sequel in the history of sci-fi sandbox games. Elite: Dangerous promises a Frontier-style sandbox with modern 3D graphics, a ton more content, and a seamless peer-to-peer multiplayer experience with no lobbies. Whether this will qualify as an MMO or not remains to be seen, but the project promises to blur the line between what is and isn't massively multiplayer.

EVE Online maps out 2013 balance changes

Sci-fi, EVE Online, Previews, Dev Diaries, Sandbox

EVE Online maps out 2013 balance changes
With changes to Retribution ships scheduled to land in EVE Online on December 4th, the dev team is already casting its sights to 2013 for additional tweaks to other tiers of ships. In a new dev blog, CCP lays out its detailed plans for ship balancing come the new year.

According to the team, battlecruisers are next in line for adjustments, followed by battleships. While the devs have a lot of changes in mind for the former, they're largely happy with the state of the latter and plan only small shifts in their current role. The post includes a handy chart which shows how all of the tech 1 ships will relate to each other when these changes are finalized.

The post also elaborates on new skill requirements when all of this is said and done, as well as eventual plans to tackle tier 2 and 3 ships.

Anarchy Online dev update talks new engine, server migrations, and more

Sci-fi, Anarchy Online, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play

Anarchy Online dev update talks new engine, server migrations, and more
There's a new monthly development update for Anarchy Online on the game's official forums. It's a fairly lengthy read, but then again there's a lot going on with Funcom's long-running sci-fi MMO.

First of all, the devs are extending Halloween festivities through November 12th due to Hurricane Sandy. The team is also finalizing its scripts for the upcoming server migration, and work continues on the much-anticipated Dreamworld engine upgrade. New character models, animations, textures, and mesh armors are all on the table, and Funcom says it's "in the home stretch" on the project as a whole.

Finally, this month's letter touches on AO's Steam presence as well as Funcom's plans for upgrading the new player experience. Read all about it on the game's official forums.

New PlanetSide 2 video features Terran Republic's Black Widow Company

Betas, Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2

New PlanetSide 2 video features Terran Republic's Black Widow Company
If you've got an outfit that's gearing up for war in PlanetSide 2, you might as well try to get yourselves featured on one of Sony Online Entertainment's press videos. The latest such boasts one Black Widow Company, a Terran Republic guild that's taking the fight to the New Conglomerate and the Vanu Sovereignty on the front lines of Auraxis' neverending war.

PlanetSide 2 launches on November 20th, and SOE intends it to bring massive sci-fi combat back to MMOs on a scale not seen since the original PlanetSide launched in 2003.

[Source: SOE press release]

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Hyperspace Beacon: Returning to SWTOR

Sci-fi, Culture, Opinion, Free-to-play, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guides, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon Returning to SWTOR
With Update 1.5 and free-to-play looming on the Star Wars: The Old Republic horizon, many players are feeling the itch to come back to the game. Two and half years ago when I started the Hyperspace Beacon, I compared that itch to that of a freshly shaved Wookiee. Now it can probably be compared to a Gungan rash. But it's still there; you still have to scratch it. Unanswered questions remain. Has BioWare fixed the launch issues? Is there a compelling reason to play every day? And probably the biggest question of them all: Is free-to-play going to make SWTOR worth coming back to? Personally, I'd like to answer yes to all those questions, but I can truly speak only for myself. If you want a real answer, you're going to have to come back to try it.

Hyperspace beacons in the Star Wars lore are stationary probes that navicomputers lock on to so that starships speeding through hyperspace don't crash into a star, planet, or other celestial object. Today, this column will be your guide through the reaches of internet-space so that you can find the information you need to get back into the Star Wars MMORPG.

Angle the deflector shields as I boot up the navicomputer. We will make stops around the best fan sites for news, guides, and community building. If you've been away for a while, you'll notice that galaxy-scape has changed, but I will show you the new landmarks. If you're ready, punch it, Chewie!

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Captain's Log: Testing Season Seven in Star Trek Online

Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Patches, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Captain's Log

STO New Romulus from Embassy Steps
Season Seven is closing in on us! According to the most recent State of the Game blog by Star Trek Online Executive Producer Daniel Stahl, the team is aiming for a launch "in the first half of November."

A majority of the new material is already up on Star Trek Online's Tribble test server, and this past weekend, a special Tribble test event was held. Players who signed into the test server and played for at least one hour will be granted a special reward.

I had an opportunity to take a quick run around the new Tau Dewa Sector and the new adventure zone on the planet of Mol'Rihan (New Romulus). I've also had the opportunity to give the new Romulan reputation system a spin. So join me as I go over my first impressions of the material that's coming in Season Seven!

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