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Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR developers talk about update 1.5

Sci-fi, Video, Patches, Endgame, News items, PvE, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries

beep beep boop HK 51 ACTIVATED
Star Wars: The Old Republic's game update 1.5, HK-51 Activated, is looming ever-closer. To stir up some interest, the dev team has released information about the new HK-51 companion and the patch's graphical updates. Now it's time for a look at the big picture. A new developer dispatch gives the down-low on what players can expect the update to bring to PvE.

A big feature of HK-51 Activated will be Section X on Belsavis, the site of the Republic's first attempt at a prison colony. Now the area will play home to new Dread Master antics. The area is meant to be "darker" and "edgier" than other content players have encountered and is being touted as the "coolest-looking area" in the game. Players will also find the wreck of the Fatality, which sets them off on a very special venture. (Hint: You're going to track down a legion of HK-51 assassin droids, and this whole thing is called HK-51 Activated, and you know that at some point you get an HK-51 companion.)

Players will be introduced to multiplayer quests during which they have to work together to move through an area without setting off traps or activating alarms. A new world boss, Dreadtooth, will be introduced. When Dreadtooth is killed, he respawns with a stack of Dreadful Resurgence, which makes him harder to kill every time he respawns with players in the area. Those stacks will dwindle if players leave, or they can be deliberately increased to make encounters more interesting. If interesting is what you like, you'll also find nightmare mode available for Operation: Explosive Conflict.

Skip below the cut to hear the developers talk about the patch!

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SWTOR executive producer reveals the state of the game

Sci-fi, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR executive producer reveals the state of the game
Players have been anxiously waiting to hear how Star Wars: The Old Republic is fairing -- straight from the tauntaun's mouth, as it were. Executive Producer Jeff Hickman jumped to the official website earlier today to specifically address player concerns. Players have been curious as to why certain developers have left. They wanted to know why so many bugs passed through Update 1.4. And finally, Oceanic players are concerned about their server populations.

Hickman explained in the post that a studio like BioWare and a game like SWTOR "live on and thrive as we change, actually thrive because we change," implying that developers leaving are a natural part of studio evolution. He was quick to note that key players like Creative Director James Ohlen are still around to "carry the banner of BioWare."

Regarding the 1.4 bugs, he was quick to note that designing and testing a large game like SWTOR is very complex. However, the QA team has put in new measures to help catch future issues like those seen in the last update. He said, "We will strive to give you the best, high quality, bug-free experience that we can."

Lastly, the Oceanic players are still a concern for the developers, but the free-to-play update will hopefully change the population of the Oceanic servers. Hickman explained that he wants to hold out to see what F2P brings before making a final decision regarding these servers.

Hyperspace Beacon: Returning to SWTOR

Sci-fi, Culture, Opinion, Free-to-play, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guides, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon Returning to SWTOR
With Update 1.5 and free-to-play looming on the Star Wars: The Old Republic horizon, many players are feeling the itch to come back to the game. Two and half years ago when I started the Hyperspace Beacon, I compared that itch to that of a freshly shaved Wookiee. Now it can probably be compared to a Gungan rash. But it's still there; you still have to scratch it. Unanswered questions remain. Has BioWare fixed the launch issues? Is there a compelling reason to play every day? And probably the biggest question of them all: Is free-to-play going to make SWTOR worth coming back to? Personally, I'd like to answer yes to all those questions, but I can truly speak only for myself. If you want a real answer, you're going to have to come back to try it.

Hyperspace beacons in the Star Wars lore are stationary probes that navicomputers lock on to so that starships speeding through hyperspace don't crash into a star, planet, or other celestial object. Today, this column will be your guide through the reaches of internet-space so that you can find the information you need to get back into the Star Wars MMORPG.

Angle the deflector shields as I boot up the navicomputer. We will make stops around the best fan sites for news, guides, and community building. If you've been away for a while, you'll notice that galaxy-scape has changed, but I will show you the new landmarks. If you're ready, punch it, Chewie!

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The Soapbox: The problem with power creep and progression

World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, The Secret World, Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Soapbox

The Soapbox Power creep! How to keep MMO progression fun and interesting
We've all seen it. You might not have put a name to it, but it's there. As MMOs get older, certain dungeons become obsolete. Or maybe that fantastic top-level gear you once had to have is completely worthless now and isn't even in normal gear progression anymore. That is power creep, the phenomenon by which content becomes completely worthless as a game ages. I can't imagine being on the developer's side when power creep starts rearing its ugly head. All that time a developer spent sculpting the content to be the perfect match of mechanics and story becomes wasted.

Power creep can't be avoided, right? Developers have to make new content to keep people interested in the game. And themepark games have to have a linear progression, right? We also don't want the disparity between the new players and the old players to be too great because it will discourage population growth. Then how in the world do we stop this never-ending cycle? How do we keep MMO progression fun and interesting without content falling off the end of the treadmill?

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Leaderboard: One character or many?

Sci-fi, Polls, MMO industry, Opinion, Massively Meta, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Final Fantasy XIV, Leaderboard

The guy on the left looks awfully smug about his neck.
Final Fantasy XIV does not encourage players to have multiple characters. Even disregarding the game's somewhat strange pricing structure, you're expected to have one character because that one character can level every class and clear every quest. All that having another character does is slow your overall progress -- you'd only be doing things twice.

By contrast, Star Wars: The Old Republic all but insists that you make alts. The game's Legacy feature encourages you to level several different characters, and the fact that chunks of the game's story differ depending on your choices means that a single character doesn't see the whole game. Having another character enhances both characters to the point that filling your character slots is almost expected.

Most players fall somewhere away from either extreme on the sliding scale of alts. But let's assume you have a game that gives you only the two options -- have one character or have all the characters. Which would you prefer: a lone character who can do everything or an army of characters that collectively do everything?

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SWTOR uploads new companion HK-51's backstory

Sci-fi, Lore, Patches, Previews, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR uploads new companion HK51's backstory
Coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic in Update 1.5 is the game's first additional post-launch companion: HK-51. BioWare's crafted an encyclopedia entry designed to get us familiar with the substance and style of this new character.

Based off of Knights of the Old Republic's HK-47 (who is also in SWTOR), HK-51 is a more advanced droid assassin model that prizes "efficiency over brutality." While remarkably effective at killing, the HK-51s were all but destroyed. Only a single crashed ship carrying the remainder of their kind is reported missing on Belsavis. BioWare also mentions another starship that may have design blueprints for the droid, but it too is lost.

The droid assassin will be obtainable in a new area on Belsavis that also comes with the update, although free players will need to purchase this content to gain access to the companion.

EA's Moore on SWTOR: 'Price was always the issue'

Sci-fi, Business models, Interviews, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

EA's Moore on SWTOR 'Price was always the issue'Wired has a new interview with Electronic Arts COO Peter Moore that touches on just about every facet of the games industry.

The former Microsoft exec talks at length about his Xbox days, Zynga, mobile gaming, digital vs. retail, the PC renaissance and how it may affect both consoles and hand-held devices, and of course the impending free-to-play conversion for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

"Price was always the issue," Moore says. Former customers often said "I just didn't want to pay $15 a month. I felt kind of locked in. I love the game, but I'm locked in, and for a lot of people 15 bucks a month is a lot of money."

Hyperspace Beacon: Roleplaying conflict in SWTOR

Sci-fi, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-play, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon Roleplaying conflict in SWTOR
Like many of you, I'm eagerly awaiting the launch of Update 1.5 for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which will hopefully happen next week. Although I have been on the test server and tried out the new content, I don't want to give my impressions until it's officially launched. So this week, I've decided to address an issue I've seen crop up more and more in the roleplay community that has nothing to do with the pending game update.

In any good story, there is conflict -- physical, interpersonal, or otherwise. In MMO roleplay, a good chunk of conflict turns physical. After all, most of our characters are highly skilled warriors and other combat specialists, and physical conflict is the natural course. That means that roleplayers then have to be highly skilled at PvP if their characters are to be highly skilled, too, right? Don't get me wrong, I love PvP, but this supposition always rubbed me the wrong way, especially in a game like TOR where there is a large disparity between PvE skills and PvP.

So what kinds of physical conflict resolutions are there if it's not straight-up PvP? And doesn't the dueling system in TOR limit itself to one-on-one dueling? How do you resolve that issue? Excellent questions. I'm glad you asked. Let's dive in.

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Disney buys out Lucasfilm, LucasArts for $4.05 billion

MMO industry, News items, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: The Old Republic

LucasArts logo
Disney is continuing its quest for global domination of the entertainment industry by announcing that it has bought out Lucasfilm -- including the studio's game developing branch, LucasArts -- for $4.05 billion US. While we're sure the nerdosphere has plenty to say about Disney's development of the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII (slated for release in 2015), we MMO fans are probably focused on a different facet of the buyout.

Now that LucasArts is under Disney's wide-reaching umbrella, there's a distinct possibility that we'll be seeing a new breed of Star Wars games hitting shelves in the near future. The question is, of course, whether a new Star Wars MMO could rise from the new ownership. So let's discuss, dear readers. Do you think a new Star Wars MMO is on the horizon? If so, what would you like to see? Many gamers mourned the loss of Star Wars Galaxies last year. Would you like to see a revival with Disney at the helm, or would you rather see something completely different? Smack on your tin-foil hats and let the speculation run rampant, folks.

Massively Speaking Episode 222: Trick or treat!

Podcasts, MMO industry, News items, Massively Meta, Massively Speaking, Wizard101, Star Wars: The Old Republic, RIFT, World of Tanks, Miscellaneous

Massively Speaking Episode 222
Never accuse us here at Massively of being prejudiced against dinosaurs. We love them. Sure, they're scaly, bitey lizard/bird/demon monstrosities, but they do make great mounts and steaks. Oh, and MMOs. We desperately need more dinos in our MMOs, which is why we applaud Wizard101 for doing so this week.

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to podcast@massively.com. We may just read your email on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

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Take a peek at graphical updates for SWTOR update 1.5

Sci-fi, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries

swtor 15 tech blog
It's time to start getting excited for Star Wars: The Old Republic's upcoming 1.5 update. In order to whet your appetite for change, Senior Technical Artist Ben Cloward has graced fans with a glimpse of one of the big graphical changes that'll be coming in with the patch.

Foliage is going to be a lot more beautiful and realistic. Instead of looking solid and therefore unnaturally dark when viewed against the sun, players with their Shader Complexity set to High will notice that leaves and grass will be moderately translucent, allowing sunlight to filter through them. While this may be but one small step for graphics, it's joined by "some even better improvements in the pipe," according to Cloward.

Head on over to the official post to preview the change.

SWTOR lead dev addresses free-to-play concerns

Betas, Sci-fi, Business models, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

SWTOR lead dev addresses freetoplay concerns
Star Wars: The Old Republic players are checking out the game's potential free-to-play changes on the test server, and serious concerns about some of the restrictions have prompted a response from BioWare.

Lead Designer Damion Schubert wrote a lengthy forum post to state that the team's been observing the test server and has decided to make a few changes to the F2P restrictions. In particular, free players will now get two quickbars instead of one, can experience five PvP warzones a week instead of three, and will find the temporary lock timer for items bought in the cash shop reduced.

Schubert said that a more detailed post is incoming; it will spell out details for preferred status players, who include any former subscribers to the game. He also addressed the controversy over the store selling endgame mod crystals to low- and mid-level characters by explaining that it will not unbalance the game: "We're still philosophically avoiding putting any stat advantage at this level that subscribers cannot earn through reasonable normal play."

Star Wars: The Old Republic launches the Cartel Market on the PTS

Sci-fi, Economy, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars The Old Republic launches the Cartel Market on the PTS
Since the free-to-play announcement, Star Wars: The Old Republic fans have been asking what exactly will be offered in SWTOR's microtransaction cash shop. Fans on the public test server now have the chance to find out. This morning, BioWare shut down the PTS for a few hours and brought it back online with a fully installed Cartel Market.

To test out its new market, BioWare set all PTS players to F2P status so the team can fully assess the F2P options. But does that mean that players have to spend real money to test out F2P? No; according the patch notes, "all PTS testers will be periodically granted a small amount of Cartel Coins for the purpose of testing the Cartel Market."

Earlier today, the Hyperspace Beacon talked about the impact of F2P on SWTOR. Log on to the PTS, test out the Cartel Market, then let us know what you think in the comments. How does it stack up to other cash shops? Is this enough to change the course of the game?

Hyperspace Beacon: Will free-to-play save SWTOR?

Sci-fi, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-play, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon Will freetoplay save SWTOR
Last week, I discussed the reasons I still play a game that literally a million people have quit playing. I believe a huge part of that discussion stemmed from my expectations of the game. I truly believe that many people expected Star Wars: The Old Republic to be the answer to all MMO problems and Wookiees. Of course, no game could ever live up to that dream. I attempted to curb some of those expectations in a few of my articles, but some community desires were just beyond the scope of BioWare's plans for SWTOR. This led to disappointment and a lot of unreal prospects for the game.

On that note, I'd like to take a look at the free-to-play plans for our Star Wars MMO. Many players hope that F2P will finally launch SWTOR in the right direction. Others believe that if SWTOR had launched F2P, we wouldn't have seen the mass exodus that we saw in March. (Of course, there are also those who claim that F2P is just the next step toward fail and that the game will shut down in less than a year.)

Personally, I'm a fan, so I'm hopeful. However, I take that hope with the realization that this could definitely be the beginning of the end for SWTOR. Ultimately, the potential for success hinges on the disparity between what the players want and what BioWare delivers. Will F2P save SWTOR?

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BioWare details SWTOR's Kira Carsen companion

Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Kira Carsen
So, companions. Apparently they're a thing in Star Wars: The Old Republic. They're also a thing in Firefly, but we won't go into that right now. In SWTOR they're a thing that has spawned a web series called Companions 101, which features screenshots, biographical info, customization details, and various and sundry gameplay tips designed to maximize your relationship potential.

The latest entry focuses on one Kira Carsen, whom BioWare describes as anything but your typical Jedi. "Kira disregards authority on multiple occasions. She respects the Jedi Order, but when you are choosing your conversation options remember that she doesn't mind breaking the rules from time to time," BioWare advises.

Check out the full entry and related media on the official SWTOR website.

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