Communicating with mail & database management services

Whether you're just getting started or an experienced marketer, Australia Post can help you with all aspects of mail communications, from tips on how to get the most from your direct mail campaigns, maintaining and developing your customer database, printing and invoice production and complete mail outsourcing.

Using mail for marketing your business

Find out why mail is one of the most effective ways to keep in touch with your customers - and find new ones. It cuts through the advertising clutter and literally delivers your message into the hands of your target audience.

Learn how to plan and execute your direct marketing campaigns - from setting your objectives and identifying your target audience, to creating your mail piece and measuring results.

Find out how combining targeted promotional messages with your existing transactional communications such as bills, statements or receipts can deliver extra returns for your business.

Build and maintain your database

Utilising our unique depth of data and insights, we can help you find customers based on who they are, where they are and where they are going.

With our depth of address updating services, we can help you keep in contact with your existing customers and improve the effectiveness of your database and marketing campaigns.

Print & Production services

Our direct marketing solutions offer a range of industry-leading products designed to enhance the impact, cut-through and cost-effectiveness of your marketing activities.

Our suite of products and services can assist you to improve your essential customer communications - from financial transactions such as invoices and statements through to high volume business documents and even ticketing.

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