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Sports Articles by Rick Morrissey of the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121119060639/http://www.suntimes.com/sports/morrissey/index.html


Rick Morrissey biography

Rick Morrissey has been a sports columnist at the Sun-Times since December 2009. Before that, he was a columnist at the Chicago Tribune for nine …

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MORRISSEY: Bears have turned forced fumbles, INTs into art form

I’m trying to remember how many times I’ve said the Bears can’t continue to force turnovers at such a furious pace. Twenty times? Thirty? Or perhaps just seven times —one for every defensive touchdown they’ve scored in the first eight games?

MORRISSEY: ’85 reasons why fans aren’t in love with today’s Bears

The85Bears. One word. The grip that team has on Chicago is such that you don’t know where its hand begins and the city’s heart ends. We were reminded of it again last week when Hall of Famer Richard Dent went on a local radio show …

MORRISSEY: Rory McIlroy poses big threat to Tiger Woods with move to Nike

Rory McIlroy is a lot of things Tiger Woods isn’t — open, charming, engaging, young, consistently successful and, as far as anyone can tell, not into porn stars. Besides passing Woods in the world golf rankings, McIlroy is threatening to take away Tiger’s death grip …

MORRISSEY: Phil Emery’s O-line oversight makes Bears a tough Super Bowl sell

There is one reason the Bears aren’t the powerhouse NFL team they should be. Or there are five. It depends on how you want to assign blame. You can find five culprits by going down the offensive line and pointing a finger at each stop. …

Morrissey: This Notre Dame team adding to lore of the Irish

NORMAN, Okla. — From the moment they walked onto Notre Dame’s campus, the players had heard about the Four Horsemen, Touchdown Jesus, the Grotto and all the other Fighting Irish traditions — had, in fact, been hit over the head with them so much they …

MORRISSEY: Bears’ real season starts Monday

Nothing against the Colts, Rams, Cowboys or Jaguars. A check of the standings indicates all are real NFL teams doing business in actual cities, though Jacksonville is less a metropolitan area than a life sentence of T.G.I. Friday’s, tanning salons, cellphone stores and Walmarts.  Did …

Pat Fitzgerald laments lost leverage by his Cats

Nebraska had the market cornered on stupid ­Saturday. The Cornhuskers lost three fumbles and had a recovery of a Northwestern fumble wiped out by a personal-foul penalty. You name it, and Nebraska dumbed it down. It’s the type of opponent and game that the brainy …

Lions are the Bears’ real rivals

RICK MORRISSEY: This will be considered heresy in a city that involuntarily gags at anything dark green and gold, but there’s not a lot to hate about the Packers, aside from all the obnoxious success.

Not a great spokes-man

You know it’s bad when Nike, which would support a dictator as long as his AK-47 had a swoosh on it, drops your sorry, saddle-sore butt. And you know you’ve reached a new low when you finally realize that the charity you’ve been hiding behind …

MORRISSEY: Notre Dame has legit chance to win title after false hopes

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — It’s the strangest thing: The school that likes to talk about its 11 national championships doesn’t want to talk about the possibility of winning its 12th this season. The school that has had 12 undefeated, untied seasons won’t say a word …

Morrissey: Sports kinship, real kin aren’t the same

Few people make me grind my teeth more than football coaches, players and front-office types who equate ‘‘team’’ and ‘‘family.’’ The idea behind it, of course, is to create a climate in which teammates are willing to sacrifice everything for each other and the greater …

NIU’s Nabal Jefferson owes debt of gratitude to Fr. Dan Mallette

DeKALB — The football player arrived unannounced Monday night, settled his 287 pounds into a chair and made the lonely priest smile. That was the whole idea. For the next two hours, they talked, the same as it had been for years. Nourishment for both. …

MORRISSEY: Charles in charge: Tillman interception brings Bears to life again

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Charles Tillman won a football game all by himself Sunday. Oh, right. Sorry. This is a team sport, and you know how football coaches are about anything that chips away at the concept of ‘‘family.’’ So we’ll play nice and say Tillman …

Morrissey: Cubs fans might not like to hear this, but rebuilding takes time

We’ve been  conditioned to believe a contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. A three-year contract might as well be a one-year contract might as well be a 50-year contract. The length of president Theo Epstein’s deal with the Cubs has some bigger meaning …

MORRISSEY: It’s Jay Cutler’s fault that he’s a distraction after big win

When a national audience sees Cutler, perhaps the most gifted quarterback in franchise history and certainly one of the most controversial Bears ever, walk away from an offensive coordinator who only wants to have a chat during a game, the question that comes to mind is not about how good the team is - It’s about why Jay is being Jay again.

Morrissey: Europeans feel the roar as Medinah maniacs play major role in USA’s lead

This Ryder Cup has had almost everything. A beautiful golf course. Loud, engaged fans. Wonderful weather. Imagine how much better it would have been had the Europeans shown up on time. As it stands, two days into the three-day event, the Ryder Cup has become …

Team Europe has upper hand in huffing and puffing at Ryder Cup

Apparently, the whole golf thing at the Ryder Cup is a ruse, a pretext for a bloodbath the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Normandy. I fear for our safety. On Wednesday, Team Europe’s Ian Poulter admitted to homicidal tendencies. ‘‘There’s something about the …