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Letters from the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121028053935/http://www.suntimes.com:80/opinions/letters/index.html
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Sunday, October 28, 2012


Cubs Charities helps kids with Down sydrome

Rick Telander’s column two Sundays ago, “Charity more about what Cubs can get,” was misleading, unfair and, in my case, deeply hurtful. I am the founder of GiGi’s Playhouse, one of the charities referenced in Mr. Telander’s column. He implied that the support Chicago Cubs …

Support Israel — up to a point

Steve Huntley wrote on Oct. 22 that Christians should support Israel. Many Christians, Jews and Muslims support the state of Israel, but not its current governmental policies that enact rules and restrictions on Palestinian residents of the land. United States taxes — $3 billion or …

Freedom? Ask smokers, pregnant women

Is America really the land of the free? Cook County wants to increase taxes on cigarettes to force you to stop smoking. Indiana U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock wants to force a woman to have a baby no matter how she was impregnated. I don’t …

Ironworkers standing behind Obama

As reported in Mike Sneed’s column last week, a member of our union, Iron Workers Local 1, recently affixed a Mitt Romney banner to an antenna atop the Willis Tower. Just to be clear, while we respect and support every union member’s right — and …

Vote ‘no’ on Illinois constitutional amendment

Vote ‘no’ on amendment James Madison needed only 45 words to write the First Amendment to our Constitution. Its meaning is clear. I wonder how many voters have taken the time to read the text of Illinois Amendment 49 in its entirety. At 700 words, …

Vote against progressive tax for Illinois

Vote against progressive tax for Illinois It is no secret that Gov. Pat Quinn and the people who helped him win office in 2010 and raise income taxes in 2011 are laying the groundwork for a progressive Illinois tax. This will require a Constitutional amendment …

Ricketts’ support helps kids with cancer

I was very disheartened by Rick Telander’s Oct. 14 column, “Cubs looking to be more charitable to themselves.” As CEO and founder of Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, a national organization whose mission is to eliminate pediatric cancer and to provide hope and support to …

Gun tax would solve nothing

The proposed additional tax on guns and bullets symbolizes the problems of Cook County. I was a resident of the county for 57 years, but after being taxed at inflated rates both personally and on my business, I finally moved to Northwest Indiana — where …

Planned Parenthood and abortion

President Barack Obama brought up Planned Parenthood four times in Tuesday’s debate. It was an obvious attempt to frighten women into thinking that Gov. Mitt Romney would take away their health care. What he failed to mention is that Planned Parenthood is the largest single …

Biden is right on Social Security benefits

I am a 75-year old middle-class American. At age 16, for my part-time after-school and summer jobs, I obtained my Social Security card and began paying into the system. For 50 years until I retired, I paid into the trust fund and when I graduated …

One big skydive for mankind

When I saw Nick Wallenda crossing Niagara Falls on a wire, I was amazed. Now Felix Baumgartner skydives from space; I could not believe it. So what’s next? The first person on Mars? Can human beings really defy anything? Mateo L. Capinpin, Downers Grove No …

Telander’s column on Bill Jauss brought tears

I loved Rick Telander’s column on Bill Jauss and “The Sportswriters on TV.” It moved me to tears. I loved that show and all the guys on it. Jauss and Bill Gleason always had me rolling with laughter. Ben Bentley’s comments and facial gestures were …

Give priority seat to mom holding baby on bus

The CTA’s new policy that strollers should be folded up on crowded buses is misguided. Anyone who has ever taken a stroller on the bus knows that with the stroller in one arm and the baby in the other, it is nearly impossible to hold …

Speed cameras are just a money grab

I find it funny that Mayor Rahm Emanuel says installing speed cameras throughout the city is being done for the safety of the children. Oh, how noble! But now the mayor is counting on those speed cameras to generate $30 million in revenue for the …

Emanuel shouldn’t endorse sugary beverages

Mayor, don’t endorse sugary beverages Like millions of Americans, I was overweight/obese for a large part of my life. As a recent graduate from Loyola Stritch School of Medicine, I know many Chicagoans struggle with obesity and related diseases like diabetes, stroke and hypertension. Losing …