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Norridge-Harwood Heights News

Eat fish, limit violent video games for healthy brain, studies show


Eat plenty of fish and don’t play violent video games if you want to keep your brain healthy. Those are the findings of two studies presented Wednesday at the Radiological Society of North America’s annual conference in Chicago.

Health Calendar

Fitness Seated exercise classes for older adults will be held 1-2 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at The Community House, 415 W. Eighth St., Hinsdale. Seated classes are for people who want to stay active and mobile but want something gentle on the body and easy …

Healthbeat: Research highlights negative results of underage drinking

New Research Findings Highlight Negative Consequences of Underage Drinking Alcohol does much more harm to the body than just damaging the liver. Drinking also can weaken the immune system, slow healing, impair bone formation, increase the risk of HIV transmission and hinder recovery from burns, …

Healthbeat: New help for patients with wounds that won't heal

A wound is a very unwelcome house guest for anyone's body. Usually the result of a traumatic run-in with a car door or a dishwasher or an accidental fall, they are reminders of just how imperfect we are. These wounds might itch, crack or bleed …

Healthbeat: Botox: Debunking myths about the popular cosmetic treatment

Mention the word "botox" at a cocktail party or office gathering and the first response will generally be jokes or other misrepresentations about a drug that continues to gain favor as an anti-aging treatment, despite being maligned and misunderstood by many people. Botox and Botox …

Healthbeat: There's still time to turn back the clock on diabetes

More than 25 million people in the United States have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Associates. Even more shocking is the estimated number of Americans who are considered pre-diabetic: 79 million -- approximately 25 percent of the population. Fortunately, those at risk have more …

Healthbeat: Adding fiber to diet brings several health benefits

Most people think of fiber in terms of their gastrointestinal health -- aiding with constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome. While fiber does play an important role in treating those ailments and many others, it has also been shown to have a broader range …

Healthbeat: Protecting a child's sleep leads to better quality of life

About 70 percent of children under age 10 have difficulty falling asleep or have sleep problems that diminish their quality of sleep. This means children are a large part of the 70 million Americans who suffer from sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can cause stress …

Healthbeat: When should parents start watching their child's weight?

According to the Office of the Surgeon General, there are more than 12.5 million children and adolescents -- 17.1 percent of people ages 2 to 19 years -- that are overweight in America. As they grow older, overweight children and adolescents are more likely to …