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News Articles by Steve Huntley of the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121119040218/http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/index.html


Steve Huntley biography

Steve Huntley is a commentary columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and a member of its editorial board.

He served as editor of the editorial page …

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Tactics — not views — doomed Romney

What went wrong and what can be done about it? Those are questions agonizing Republicans after President Barack Obama’s re-election and the failure of the GOP to pick up seats — it lost a couple — in the U.S. Senate in an election season that …

  • Huntley: Dems had energy needed to win

    The biggest winner: President Barack Obama, liberal Democrats and their coalition of women, Latinos, African Americans and young voters. The conventional wisdom was that the energy was on the Republican side, but Obama’s team proved that wasn’t so. $100 million doesn’t go as far as …Read More

  • Close race will fuel bitterness

    Whew! Can anyone recall a nail-biting, down-to-the-wire election like this one between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney? Who’ll win in Tuesday’s voting? Who knows? Predictions are all over the place — from a landslide to a squeaker that will keep us …Read More

  • Romney is best bet for Hispanics

    It is a political truth universally acknowledged that the Republican Party needs to appeal to Hispanics if it wants to have a bright future in an America of changing demographics. But could it also be true that Hispanics have a compelling self-interest in supporting GOP …Read More

  • Obama erodes the American dream

    One of President Barack Obama’s latest campaign themes is trust — that he can be trusted and Republican nominee Mitt Romney can’t. Thanks to his own words, we know that Obama can be trusted to put ideology ahead of commonsense economic goals to put people …

    East Coast media elites pile on Romney

    With less than two weeks before the election, Mitt Romney enjoys considerable momentum thanks to the debates that showed him to be a responsible, sensible problem-solver with a reasonable economic agenda to address the weakest economic recovery in modern history and get millions of unemployed …

    Christians should support Israel

    Tens of thousands of Syrians killed by their government. Persecution of Christians in Muslim nations so widespread that the faithful are literally running for their lives. The genocidal fanatics in Iran working overtime to make a nuclear bomb. With such turmoil in the Middle East …

    Asking questions about Benghazi isn’t ‘playing politics’

    In Tuesday’s debate, President Barack Obama proclaimed he was offended by any suggestion that politics influenced his administration’s account of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. Well, Obama can shout his anger to the rooftops, but that doesn’t relieve him of accountability for …

    Libya security problems will erode Clinton’s legacy

    Poor Hillary Clinton. Either the secretary of state is being thrown under the bus by the White House for the security failure in Libya leading up to the Sept. 11 killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens or she was a partner in the Obama administration’s misleading …

    Easy blame misses the point in Libya

    In assessing the complexities and dangers of the war on terrorism, President George W. Bush would say we have to be right 100 percent of the time but the terrorists have to be lucky only once to inflict death and destruction. That — better than …

    Romney’s foreign policy: peace through strength

    In a time of chronic unemployment and falling household income, foreign policy probably won’t sway many voters. But in a close election, every vote counts, so Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney took aim at those in the electorate for whom international issues count and delivered …

    Jobless rate looks nice — until you look under hood

    The debate saga of Campaign 2012 moves to the vice presidential level Thursday as Democrat Joe Biden takes on Republican Paul Ryan with the twin goals of altering the narrative of debate failure by President Barack Obama and touting the September decline in the unemployment …

    Romney carves up Obama’s record

    Asignature achievement of Mitt Romney’s debate triumph over President Barack Obama in Denver was to nudge the presidential campaign back toward being a referendum on Obama’s failed policies that have left the nation in an economic quagmire of lost jobs, falling family income, a stagnating …

    Emperor Obama has no clothes

    The conventional wisdom is that Wednesday night’s presidential debate is a huge opportunity for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The emperor-has-no-clothes reality is that the political forum would be meaningless if President Barack Obama could stand on the stage and boast his administration had ushered in …

    Netanyahu draws red line for Iran

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his U.N. speech Thursday by reminding the world that King David established Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state 3,000 years ago. That was a rebuke to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who used his visit to New York …

    Obama must stand up for U.S. values at U.N.

    Egypt’s Islamist President Mohammed Morsi says the United States must change its thinking and policies about the Middle East and demonstrate more respect for Arab values and culture. Maybe Morsi was napping when President Barack Obama made his famous 2009 Cairo speech promising “a new …

    Media cover for Obama’s failures

    Each new day seems to bring further evidence of the unremitting failure of President Barack Obama’s economic and foreign policies. Yet the presidential contest remains even, due in large part to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s failure to articulate a specific economic reform agenda and …