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Dependence on paid informant in terror case may aid defense

Dependence on paid informant in terror case may aid defense

The federal complaint against the four Southland men was based in large part on incriminating statements recorded by the informant.

U.S., Afghanistan to begin talks on post-withdrawal security

The negotiations, expected to be heated, will attempt to balance the U.S. goal of denying terrorists a base of operations and Afghanistan's demands for sovereignty.

If soldier killed Afghan civilians in rampage, did he act alone?

If soldier killed Afghan civilians in rampage, did he act alone?

JOINT BASE LEWIS MCCHORD, Wash. — The case against U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales appeared at first to be horribly simple: Days...

Bleakness only a child's smile can lift

Bleakness only a child's smile can lift

KABUL, Afghanistan — Raza Gul trudges the half-mile to work through a maze of brick and mud homes, sewage streams and toddlers running...

Guards testify in Afghanistan massacre case

Guards testify in Afghanistan massacre case

JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. — An Afghan guard testified Friday night that he was "shocked" to see a U.S. soldier returning to...

Kandahar shootings: Youngest survivors recall night of terror

Kandahar shootings: Youngest survivors recall night of terror

Looking gravely across a courtroom in Afghanistan, 7-year-old Zardana raised her hand Saturday and swore to testify truthfully about the...

Troops heard shots on night of Afghan massacre

Troops heard shots on night of Afghan massacre

JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. — American troops heard sporadic gunfire coming from the Afghan village of Alkozai for more than...

 As 'insider attacks' grow, so does U.S.-Afghanistan divide

As 'insider attacks' grow, so does U.S.-Afghanistan divide

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Army Spc. Steve Beaty was on alert for signs of danger, well aware of a surge in attacks on...

Soldiers recall massacre suspect's behavior in Afghanistan

Soldiers recall massacre suspect's behavior in Afghanistan

JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. — An Army staff sergeant accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians in a middle-of-the-night shooting...

Prosecutors in Afghanistan massacre case face tough challenge

Prosecutors in Afghanistan massacre case face tough challenge

KABUL, Afghanistan — Most everyone was asleep when an Afghan guard at a U.S. military camp spotted the American...

At Afghanistan university, disputed name turns into fighting word

At Afghanistan university, disputed name turns into fighting word

KABUL, Afghanistan — If they could sit down together, the chancellor and the hotheaded student activist who helped shut down his...

Taliban's attack on Pakistan education goes beyond one girl

Taliban's attack on Pakistan education goes beyond one girl

SWABI, Pakistan — Under a torrid sun on a parched patch of dirt, 65 young boys and girls wiped sweat from their foreheads and...

 Review: 'The Black Tulip' shows Afghanistan's triumphs, tragedies

Review: 'The Black Tulip' shows Afghanistan's triumphs, tragedies

Made under challenging circumstances, "The Black Tulip" is an earnest melodrama about Afghanistan's tumultuous recent past, told through the...

Farewell to Afghanistan, with sadness and affection

Farewell to Afghanistan, with sadness and affection

KABUL, Afghanistan — After years of comings and goings, almost everything about leaving Kabul is familiar: the ride through dusty dawn...

 Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, shot by Taliban, able to stand

Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, shot by Taliban, able to stand

LONDON — Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenage education-rights campaigner who was shot in the head by the Taliban, has been able to...

 Optimists see an opening for better India-Pakistan ties

Optimists see an opening for better India-Pakistan ties

ATTARI, India — Real estate prices have jumped sharply in recent months in this area where India meets Pakistan, as resorts and...

 Afghanistan forces prepared for NATO withdrawal, Karzai says

Afghanistan forces prepared for NATO withdrawal, Karzai says

KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that Afghan security forces were ready to protect the country if the U.S.-...

Pakistan outraged over girl's shooting, but crackdown on Taliban unlikely

Pakistan outraged over girl's shooting, but crackdown on Taliban unlikely

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — On city streets, on the airwaves and in the newspapers of a country numbed by years of bombings and...

Wounded Pakistan teen is now face of girls education movement

Wounded Pakistan teen is now face of girls education movement

Malala Yousafzai did not trade in her modest head scarf for a pair of skinny jeans. She wanted to go to school.

Afghanistan at a crossroads, in no-man's land

Afghanistan at a crossroads, in no-man's land

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan — The sun pounds down on the U.S. Marine sergeant and the tribal elder in this faceless, bone-colored...

Pakistan sends former Taliban fighters to militant rehab

LAHORE, Pakistan — The seed of jihad was planted in Shahbaz Ahmed in 2001 when fundamentalist mosques in Pakistan welled up with...

NATO's secretary-general discusses Afghanistan, Libya

NATO's secretary-general discusses Afghanistan, Libya

BRUSSELS — Since becoming head of the world's most durable military alliance three years ago, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh...

Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote Bin Laden book gets warning from Pentagon

Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote Bin Laden book gets warning from Pentagon

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon formally warned a former Navy SEAL who has written a first-person account of the raid that killed Osama...

 Change of U.S. command expected in Afghanistan

Change of U.S. command expected in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON – The top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan is being transferred and another Marine general will take over the war...

Pakistan offers little justice for victims of acid attacks

Pakistan offers little justice for victims of acid attacks

FAISALABAD, Pakistan — The cherub-faced 10-year-old girl was standing at a bus stop, saying goodbye to visiting relatives, when her...

Lakeshore resort in Afghanistan shattered by violence

Lakeshore resort in Afghanistan shattered by violence

KABUL, Afghanistan — To the people ofAfghanistan's teeming, dusty capital, sparkling blue Lake Karga on the city's outskirts has...

Pakistanis fear becoming isolated

Pakistanis fear becoming isolated

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — As U.S. frustration with Pakistan's six-month blockade of Afghanistan-bound supplies became painfully apparent...

NATO summit: Obama's Pakistan gamble falls flat

CHICAGO — When the White House sent a last-minute invitation for Asif Ali Zardari to attend the two-day NATO summit, they were...

Army sergeant sentenced to 30 days for private's suicide death

WILMINGTON, N.C. -- Army Sgt. Adam Holcomb was sentenced to 30 days in prison Tuesday and was reduced in rank for assaulting and maltreating...

U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers

The paratroopers had their assignment: Check out reports that Afghan police had recovered the mangled remains of an insurgent suicide...

Civilian contractors playing key roles in U.S. drone operations

After a U.S. airstrike mistakenly killed at least 15 Afghans in 2010, the Army officer investigating the accident was surprised to...

Osama bin Laden, born to privilege, dies a pariah

Osama bin Laden, a scion of one of Saudi Arabia's wealthiest families, became the grim apostle of a strain of Islamic radicalism that...
