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Top Headlines

 On Thanksgiving, that holiday spirit

On Thanksgiving, that holiday spirit

On Thanksgiving Day, nine years ago, I stole my father's car.


Daum: Hostess is the Republican Party

Wednesday, just two weeks after the election all but declared an end to white male dominance, yet another nail was driven into the wood-...


Arizona rolls out the welcome mat for California companies

An Arizona business group will fly 100 California chief executives to Arizona to try to entice their companies to leave the Golden State for...

 Israel's failed strategy

Israel's failed strategy

Its deterrence policy in Gaza only feeds the cycle of violence.

Goldberg: Obama needs a family plan

Goldberg: Obama needs a family plan

He could show some leadership on the state of the black family, and the American family in general.

 Newton: Owens Valley dust-up

Newton: Owens Valley dust-up

Just how responsible is the L.A. Department of Water and Power for the area's air quality, and how much should it be required to do to fix the problem?

 Papyrus to paper: Get over it

Papyrus to paper: Get over it

We all feel for you — my pals parchment, clay tablet, cave walls, the whole gang. But as technology marches on, it's time to move out of the way.

 Hey GOP, take the Palin cure

Hey GOP, take the Palin cure

She's hot, she's blue collar, she's electable.

 McManus: The death of the moderate Republican

McManus: The death of the moderate Republican

They were an endangered species in Congress even before this year's election. Now they're even closer to extinction.

One nation -- but maybe not so indivisible

One nation -- but maybe not so indivisible

You red states want to secede? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Superstorm Sandy: How soon we forget

Superstorm Sandy: How soon we forget

With climate change, eventually more people will be living in blackout zones. How do we fix that when it's disturbingly easy to forget all about them?

 Tax reform? We need a revolution

Tax reform? We need a revolution

We should be shifting from taxes on corporations and income to taxes on pollution, wealth and consumption.

Tara Kolla, L.A's down-to-earth urban farmer

Tara Kolla, L.A's down-to-earth urban farmer

Because of people like Tara Kolla, laws have changed to permit farming, of a sort, all around town.

Petraeus and the blackmail myth

Petraeus and the blackmail myth

Did the ex-CIA director's affair threaten national security? Not likely.

On thin ice in the Arctic

On thin ice in the Arctic

The United States is woefully unprepared to patrol and secure this vital region.

The world after Petraeus

The world after Petraeus

Obama should seize this chance to adjust his foreign policy.

Kinsley: The great election-night scam

Kinsley: The great election-night scam

The television networks know who's going to win the vote and more or less how it's going to play out, county by county.

Daum: The frump factor and Holly Petraeus

Daum: The frump factor and Holly Petraeus

The era of old, crotchety white male dominance may be coming to an end. But it won't matter much until the women that replace them are allowed to get old and crotchety too.

McManus: Reshuffling Obama's Cabinet

McManus: Reshuffling Obama's Cabinet

The president should seek out new talent as he enters his second term.

From the Valley to downtown — by bike

From the Valley to downtown — by bike

NBC Universal's plan for a major expansion represents an opportunity to accomplish much, much more for Los Angeles.

Alvin Roth, Nobel matchmaker

Alvin Roth, Nobel matchmaker

Roth earned his 2012 Nobel Prize in economics for market design and matching theory — creating ways to pair 'buyers' and 'sellers' happily and fairly when price isn't a primary consideration.

CA to GOP: Adios

CA to GOP: Adios

The demographics of California's congressional delegation tell it all: a broad ethnic and racial mix for the Democrats, and solid white male for the Republicans.

Petraeus: A necessary man

Petraeus: A necessary man

David Petraeus' intellectualism was crucial to the U.S. military. Now the nation loses his skills.

Goldberg: The right isn't waving a white flag

Goldberg: The right isn't waving a white flag

There are signs of dismay and despair among Republicans but none of surrender.

Newton: Jan Perry's path to power

Newton: Jan Perry's path to power

The L.A. mayoral hopeful hopes to become the candidate of business.

'Dollar signs in uniform'

'Dollar signs in uniform'

Some for-profit schools take advantage of GI Bill veterans, wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars without educating them.

America's water mirage

America's water mirage

Even at Hoover Dam, the ugly truth about our water crisis is being ignored.

McManus: Wielding wedge issues

McManus: Wielding wedge issues

What the GOP once used to divide now unites Democrats.

The election prediction game: The winners and the losers

The election prediction game: The winners and the losers

The Times asked a few pundits and prognosticators to talk about how they arrived at their predictions and why they got them right — or wrong.

 I was a foot soldier for Obama

I was a foot soldier for Obama

A volunteer who traveled to Las Vegas to help the campaign comes away with admiration for its scope and efficiency.

 Connected by a wartime souvenir

Connected by a wartime souvenir

Opening a captured copy of 'Mein Kampf' starts a new story.

China's next hurdle

China's next hurdle

You think the United States has problems? Take a closer look at China.

Scouting's past, and future

Scouting's past, and future

The Boy Scouts of America has always insisted on protecting young people, though admittedly it hasn't always succeeded. But it has strong guidelines in place.

 McManus: Obama's second act

McManus: Obama's second act

The success of his next term will depend on what lessons the two parties take from the election.

Daum: Obama and the single girl

Daum: Obama and the single girl

If 'women hold up half the sky,' single women hold up two-thirds of the Obama administration. But it behooves election observers to be open about what that voting bloc means.