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CCP producer: Retribution a 'great foundation for the second decade of EVE'

Sci-fi, EVE Online, Expansions, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, Sandbox

EVE Online - Minmatar destroyer
Stop us if you've heard this one before: Sci-fi sandbox developer admits its long-running title has accessibility issues and pledges to fix them. Yes, CCP is harping on EVE's new-player friendliness again, this time in concert with some of the changes coming your way with this week's Retribution expansion.

Producer John Lander says that as the game eyes its second decade, it's crucial to maintain the hardcore status quo while roping more players into the fold. "I want to try and reduce that barrier of entry to playing EVE. I don't ever want EVE to be nice and fluffy and it's a wonderful place to be. I think there's a place in the MMO world for a dark and dangerous, really good sci-fi world where you can be the goodie, the baddie, a criminal, the good samaritan. But it's very important we allow as many people as possible to get access to that game," Lander tells Eurogamer.

Chief among Retribution's usability improvements are tweaks to the game's targeting systems and changes to the crimewatch system.

Massively Exclusive: Kartuga's first pirate class is the Destroyer

Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Classes, MMO industry, New titles, PvP, News items

Massively Exclusive  Kartugas first pirate class is the Destroyer
Earlier this year at E3, we got a hands-on taste of the sea-faring battles in the upcoming action-MMO Kartuga, where players engage in PvP as pirate ships. Today, we get to introduce you to the first of the three ship classes -- an agile, all-purpose weapon aptly christened the Destroyer. Built to be the aggressor in battle, the Destroyer deals massive damage while counting on speed and maneuverability instead of durability to avoid sinking when attacked.

While there are only three pirate classes, players will be able to further customize each one by unlocking skill trees that branch into three different specializations. As Destroyers, players can become a Raider, a Ravager, or a Brawler. Raiders specialize in hit-and-run tactics, whereas the Brawler has the thickest armor and can wade into the battle. The Ravager, however, is best played from a distance, lobbing attacks from long range.

Want to see what this class can do? Watch the trailer after the break. And if the game looks right up your fjord, head on over to the official site to sign up for a chance to participate in the closed beta planned for early 2013.

[Source: InnoGames press release]

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Aion 3.7 goes live today, adds new instance

Fantasy, Aion, Game mechanics, Patches, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Dungeons

Aion 37 goes live today, adds new instance
With so much news trickling out about Aion's upcoming -- and as of yet undated -- 4.0 expansion, it was easy to miss news about today's 3.7 patch. Mum's no longer the word, though, as NCsoft has just released the patch notes so folks can read up on what to expect when the servers come back online.

So what tantalizing new things await Daevas? For one, there's a brand-new level 55+ instance called The Hexway deep in Silentara Canyon. Many other higher-level instances will have altered entry times, changing from timed lockouts to opening at a specific time each day. Other additions to the game include a 2v2 training arena in the Crucible Coliseum, a new escape skill (in case you get stuck in terrain), and furniture paint guestblooms and paint remover. On top of that, Daevas also get a separate cube for quest items, coins, and tickets!

Changes are also coming to the Fast-Track server. Along with the Steel Rake instances, this PvP-free zone will allow Daevas up to level 55; however, the server XP boost is not available for the level 50+ crowd.

Smedley slams aimbotters, teases new PlanetSide 2 weapons

Sci-fi, Culture, Game mechanics, MMO industry, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2 rocket launcher that never works because of flares
SOE president John Smedley lit his Twitter account on fire last night with some pointed comments directed at PlanetSide 2 aimbotters. "Haruhi at artificialaiming.com was just banned. All three of his accounts. Goodbye you scumbag. Find a new hobby or get good at the game," Smedley wrote.

"As they develop hacks we will break the hacks. We have time and great people. Trust that this is a top priority. Hackers will not win," he continued. Smedley also revealed that new weapons are coming to the sci-fi MMOFPS in short order, including anti-vehicle and anti-air variants.

Petroglyph lays off End of Nations developers

Betas, Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, MMORTS

End of Nations concept art
Petroglyph Games has laid off 30 staffers from its Las Vegas-based studio. "Well, it appears this winter break will be extended indefinitely," tweeted End of Nations designer Adam Stevens. "Layoffs at Petroglyph. Looking like I'll be leaving Las Vegas."

Last week we reported on End of Nations' open beta postponement, and publisher Trion Worlds also began refunding purchases made by the MMORTS title's closed beta participants. According to Gamasutra, Petroglyph stated that it had "identified several key areas of the game which need polish and improvement," and even went so far as to remove a link to End of Nations from the company's official forums.

Late last month, community manager Myell Erik noted that "End of Nations has not been cancelled," but the game's latest delay means that sci-fi real-time strategy aficionados won't see it until 2013 at the earliest.

League of Legends pro player banned for jerkiness

Fantasy, Culture, MMO industry, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, MOBA, League of Legends

League of Legends pro player permabanned for jerkiness Fantasy MOBA League of Legends is (in)famous for its boorish player behavior, so much so that Riot Games even tasked a group of 30 developers and scientists with finding a way to get the game's expansive community to play nice.

The firm has apparently given up on reforming one player, though, as it has handed down a permanent ban to pro gamer Christian "IWillDominate" Rivera for his "tendency to engage in verbal abuse and insults, his lack of cordial demeanor, and his treatment of less-skilled players." Rivera, who is a member of Team Dignitas, has been brought before LoL's player tribunal nine times, and Riot reports that he has also engaged in "repeated incidents of similar behavior outside the game."

The company's announcement acknowledges the effect the ban may have on Rivera's career, but it says that "no other professional players in North America approach this individual's harassment score," and "promoting good sportsmanship and improving player behavior is a mission that's extremely important to Riot."

Path of Exile open beta starts January 24

Betas, Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play

Path of Exile open beta starts January 24
Free-to-play dungeon crawler Path of Exile will enter its open beta phase on January 24, 2013. AusGamers notes that this represents a delay of about a month from Grinding Gear's previous open beta target, and the company has released a statement on its official forums explaining its decision.
"Our development team have worked incredibly hard year-round and this will be their first break in a long time. For most of them, this is the only time they get to travel to see their families or not have to worry about the constant challenges we throw at them at work. Grinding Gear Games is not going to ask them to cancel their holidays. Instead, they'll come back well-rested and just as eager as you to launch Open Beta."

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you use as a substitution for a dead one?

Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous

The Daily Grind What MMO do you use as a substitution for a dead one
The second that City of Heroes shut down last week, that domineering voice in my mind piped up, "I want to play City of Heroes!" I tried to say that it wasn't a possibility any more, but the voice wasn't having it. It also wanted Froot Loops with chocolate milk. Now I have a sugar high.

So I began hunting around for a substitution to fill the gap in my now hurting soul. DC Universe Online was first up, but I couldn't quite get into the setting or the actiony playstyle. So I swallowed my distaste for Champions Online's free-to-play restrictions and reloaded that title onto my machine. There's enough of that old Cryptic magic to soothe the loss of CoH, I think.

Have you ever done this? Have you ever used an MMO as a substitution for a title that's shut down? If so, share with us and let us know if it was a soothing balm or a weak facsimile.

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Update 1.6 PvP progression

Sci-fi, Patches, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guides, Hyperspace Beacon

Hyperspace Beacon SWTOR Update 16 PvP progression
Lead Designer Damion Schubert made an interesting statement during the last Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream. He proclaimed that although the designers don't want to completely eliminate vertical progression, the stats between the upper tiers of PvP armor will begin to flatten out.

As many of you are aware, I am not a fan of vertical progression in MMOs overall, especially in PvP. I have issued many gripes and even stood on a soapbox proclaiming how it's bad. It's not that I don't want players to have a sense of gain as they play the game, but a purely vertical progression system (in which stats only ever get bigger) invites the dreaded power creep. And as I said on my soapbox, power creep is not good for players or designers. So when Schubert talked about flattening out stats, I was excited. Finally, SWTOR is stepping away from a vertical progression system!

Update 1.6 brings multiple changes to PvP specifically. The new warzone, Ancient Hypergates, is probably the biggest. But for today, the most important change is the elimination of the Battlemaster tier of PvP gear and the introduction of Elite War Hero gear. What does this do to the overall feel of PvP, and are these changes enough to soften the heart of the MMO gamer?

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Korea Times quotes Mercedes Lackey calling City of Heroes closure 'unethical'

Super-hero, City of Heroes, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play

Hard to believe that it's possible to miss Statesman, but here we are.
NCsoft's recent closure of City of Heroes didn't win the company any fans in the US market, but it looks like the effects are being felt even over in the company's home of Korea. A new article in the Korea Times quotes fantasy author Mercedes Lackey regarding the game's shutdown. Her words on the matter were unambiguous: "I think canceling a game that is making a profit, along with destroying jobs and an online community, is entirely unethical."

The article covers several of the pieces of confusion regarding NCsoft's management of the shutdown and the perceived ambiguity about the financial side of the decision. Lackey also emphasizes in her quotes that she and other City of Heroes fans will not stop until they have exhausted every option to resurrect the game. NCsoft is clearly feeling the pinch considering the news of recent layoffs, but it looks as if the company is losing the image war on several fronts as well.

Star Wars: The Old Republic's Jeff Hickman encourages player feedback on F2P changes

Sci-fi, Business models, News items, Free-to-play, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dev Diaries

Screenshot -- Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic's community has had plenty to say about the game's recent addition of its free-to-play option, and BioWare wants players to keep the opinions coming. In a new post on the official site, the game's executive producer Jeff Hickman speaks on the importance of player feedback of the new F2P model and announces a few upcoming changes based on said feedback.

For starters, the ridiculous practice of requiring players to purchase additional hotbars seems to be on its way out. "Starting today," Hickman writes, "Preferred Status Players will see an increase to their default quickbars from two (2) to four (4)" while any players who have already shelled out for additional bars will have their Cartel Coins refunded. On top of that, an upcoming patch (exact date to-be-determined) will increase the number of character slots available to preferred players from two to six. In that same patch, BioWare will be substantially increasing the global 50-character limit for subscribers, in case anyone really wants an army of their own. In closing, Hickman reminds players that "even if [the developers] can't respond to every post, know that [they're] listening and looking to enhance The Old Republic gameplay based on player feedback." For the full details, click on over to the SWTOR official site.

NCsoft offices undergoing 'realignment'

MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous

This may fail to engender sympathy.
The hits just keep on coming for NCsoft. In the wake of City of Heroes' closure, the publisher's Seattle offices are apparently undergoing "realignment." The company has denied that the Seattle office is closing but has noted that several positions in the office have been terminated as a result of recent events. No details were released regarding how many people have been let go or how this will affect titles under NCsoft's aegis.

NCsoft made a similar round of layoffs last year in October, with several offices hit with large staff reductions. This round comes in the wake of continued losses for the company, including a 12% reduction in revenue in 2011, major losses already posted from earlier in 2012, and a stock price that is currently half of what it was earlier in the year. Our best wishes go out to all those affected by these layoffs.

Star Trek Online reveals holiday rewards

Sci-fi, Events, in-game, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play

Star Trek Online reveals holiday rewards
If the sound of Q's Winter Wonderland returning in Star Trek Online got you excited yesterday, then just wait until you see the rewards. The developers posted on the bounty of goods that players can earn and win during this holiday event.

To earn the rewards, players will need to accumulate collectables by participating in the various holiday activities. Those collectables can be traded with other players and cashed in to purchase Tribbles, winter jackets (now with stylish midriffs!), scarves, winter weaponry, and snowmen pets.

Fleets can work together to build a Breen ship ornament in their starbase. However, the big prize of the event is a Breen Chel Grett Warship. The warship is free for the taking to captains who run the footrace 25 times out of the 35 days of the event.

Guardians of Middle-Earth brings competitive MOBA gaming to consoles

Trailers, Video, Launches, New titles, PvP, News items, MOBA

Console MOBA Guardians of MiddleEarth launches
It seems as if the world has gone MOBA-mad in recent years, with Dota 2 launching the first ever million-dollar competitive tournament and League of Legends becoming the most played game in the world. While there are plenty of PC games following in the competitive footsteps of classic DotA, the console market has remained largely untested. Today that changed with the launch of Guardians of Middle-Earth, the first 3-D console MOBA to be designed for classic DotA-style competitive matches.

Guardians of Middle-Earth gives players control of iconic characters from the Lord of the Rings lore, like Gandalf and Gollum. Each character has an array of special abilities, and teams of five players battle against each other in short competitive matches. A streamlined item system and directional attacks adapt the game for the controls and faster pace of gameplay console gamers expect, but it remains to be seen whether the console audience will form a hardcore competitive tournament scene. The game went live on the Playstation Network today and goes live on XBox Live Arcade tomorrow.

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Wurm Online officially releasing December 12th

Fantasy, Launches, Patches, Wurm Online, Free-to-play, Sandbox

WURM Online officially releasing December 12th
While Wurm Online, that sandbox of sandboxes, has been entertaining the public for a while, it's yet to officially launch. That will definitely change come December 12th, as the title will transition into version 1.0.

With the launch comes several improvements to the title. The developers are adding character customization, visible armor, buildings with more than one story, and "nicer-looking creatures."

Wurm Online's launch will also coincide with the release of a new server for players looking for a fresh start. The team said that once Wurm Online goes to 1.0, players will see a lot more communication and publicity for the game.

Flameseeker Chronicles: Ascended gear in Guild Wars 2

Fantasy, Economy, Endgame, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles, Dungeons, Crafting

Flameseeker Chronicles Ascended gear in Guild Wars 2
It's time to take a look at the new Guild Wars 2 item rarity: the Ascended tier. The first bits of Ascended gear came in with the Lost Shores patch, but we've been a little busy since then, have we not? Anyway, ArenaNet's Chris Whiteside took some time (like, the better part of a workday -- and then he went home and kept on taking time) to do an Ask Me Anything on Reddit, which largely focused on the question of Ascended stuff and what it means for the game.

So let's get into it, shall we?

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TERA pounds out patch improvements

Fantasy, Patches, TERA

TERA pounds out patch improvements
Patch 18.10.08 may not be the biggest content update in the history of TERA, but its humble offerings are nothing but good news to the playerbase. The newly available patch includes a couple of highly useful drops as well as additional bonuses for inexperienced dungeon runners.

Gamers can now fiddle with their gear's bonus options with semi-enigmatic scrolls, which are found as players defeat the big-ass monsters in various parts of the game. Those monsters also have a chance to drop complete crystalbind scrolls, which keep crystals from breaking due to death for a limited time.

The team really wants players to invite new people into group runs, which is why a trio of additional rookie buffs have been added. These buffs protect crystals from breaking, allow for a one-time on-the-spot resurrection, and increase attack power by 12% for the entire group.

Turbine proposes, nixes $50 LotRO hobby horse

Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Business models, Patches, Free-to-play

Turbine proposes, nixes $50 LotRO hobby horse
Would you pay $50 for an in-game toy hobby horse? That's the question that Turbine put to players in Lord of the Rings Online this past Sunday. The studio put the item on sale on the test server store for 5000 Turbine Points (roughly equivalent to $50) and asked players for feedback on the item and price.

The hobby horse functioned as a standard mount with an increase in traveling speed, even though it was a toy horse head on a stick. Unsurprisingly, players were not overly thrilled about the hobby horse and filled the thread with concerns and discussion over the expensive item.

Following a few days and several hundred posts, a representative for the game said that the price will be changed: "The hobby horse will now not be going live with that price point. [Turbine is] experimenting with items and pricing on the store. This test was, as is obvious from your feedback, unsuccessful. The feedback was somewhat expected."

Today's MechWarrior patch features 8v8 matchmaking, Ilya Muramets, lumps of coal

Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, MechWarrior Online

New MechWarrior Online hero mech
If the thought of running around 8v8 maps in a giant robot exoskeleton blowing up other players in giant robot exoskeletons makes you go "oh cool," then you'll probably want to continue reading this post about MechWarrior Online.

Today's patch introduces a custom matchmaking feature, new electronic countermeasure functionality, and a new hero mech called the Ilya Muramets CTF-IM Cataphract (say that three times fast). And yes, there's definitely a Santa bobblehead available for your cockpit. You'll find it in the cash shop along with an elf, a lump of coal, and some Christmas lights, all of which may used to pimp out the dashboard of your favorite mech.

Check out the new Ilya via the screenshot gallery below or the video after the break.

[Source: Piranha Games press release]

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The Soapbox: I demand to pay more for this!

Business models, Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous

Buy me, my friends!
Champions Online launched amidst a bunch of controversy. Admittedly, this was back in a time when we as a community had a much lower bar for controversy, but still, there were accusations and recriminations flying around like, well, superheroes. One of the chief complaints was that the game had a subscription fee, but it also had a cash shop right from launch. Scandalous!

These days we don't blink too much at this sort of thing. Pretty much every game in the world has a cash shop now, and the rare exceptions are games that try to pretend it's something else. But there are still a lot of people who object to the idea, who would much rather have a subscription or nothing or see everything from the cash shop free to subscribers.

I am not one of those people. In fact, I'm happy when a game goes into the free model or just opens up a cash shop of any stripe. The way I see it, there are some definite upsides to having a cash shop.

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