Dan Steinberg
Dan Steinberg

Dan Steinberg started at The Post as a part-time agate clerk, news aide and high school sports reporter in the fall of 2001. Since then, he’s covered high school volleyball, college football, the Final Four, two Olympics, the Preakness, the Super Bowl, the National Spelling Bee, the Indianapolis 500, the NBA and NHL playoffs, and the New Zealand curling team. He writes a blog about D.C. sports.

Latest by Dan Steinberg

Alfred Morris still sleeps on the couch at home

Alfred Morris still sleeps on the couch at home

Redskins running back continues to add to his record-breaking humility by refusing to take a bed at his mom's house.

Kai Forbath on Washington's kickoff strategy

Kai Forbath on Washington's kickoff strategy

Redskins kicker says he could boot the ball through the end zone if asked, but that's not the strategy

Kevin Durant's new shoe inspired by Mumbo Sauce

Kevin Durant's new shoe inspired by Mumbo Sauce

D.C.'s finest NBA star has a new shoe coming out, and it apparently has a unique inspiration

Morning Pixels: RGIII in the British press

Morning Pixels: RGIII in the British press

The legend of Robert Griffin III hops across the pond with a feature and graphic in the Times of London.