Pope Benedict XVI attends a mass in Antonio Maceo square in Santiago de Cuba March 26, 2012. The Pope landed in eastern Cuba on Monday for a three-day visit to showcase improving Church-state relations and push for a larger Church role at a time of change on the communist island. REUTERS/Osservatore Romano/Pool (CUBA  - Tags: RELIGION) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

A lofty purpose behind @pontifex

Pontiff is part of a wider strategy by the social-media company to recruit more big-name users.

Pope to Twitter: Follow me

Pope to Twitter: Follow me

“If you don’t retweet the pope, is that a sin of omission?” asks one Catholic blogger.

Pope Benedict XVI’s first tweets

Pope Benedict XVI’s first tweets

The message is a papal blessing.

From the On Faith Blog Network

The role of Islam and the possibility of Islam teaming up with China

The role of Islam and the possibility of Islam teaming up with China

Powerful factors point toward an alliance between Islamic nations and China, says author.

Did Glenn Beck just back gay marriage?

The conservative commentator called for the government to get out of the marriage business.

Remaking the Knights of Columbus

Remaking the Knights of Columbus

At issue is our vision, says a member of the national Catholic fraternal benefits organization.

Unwrap the gift of health this holiday

Unwrap the gift of health this holiday

Nail up the mistletoe, grab a kiss or two for your health’s sake and don’t forget the love, says columnist.

‘War on Christmas’: A tradition for all

‘War on Christmas’: A tradition for all

Atheists use this seasonal opportunity to support diversity, says secularist.

Unions as a means of protecting human dignity is echoed in Jewish law

Unions as a means of protecting human dignity is echoed in Jewish law

Many legal authorities who have written about unions supported workers to organize, says rabbi.

Secret to winning the Christmas wars

Secret to winning the Christmas wars

Maybe it’s time to put down the ammo and call a permanent truce on Christmas Eve, says author.

Supreme Court must right a great wrong on marriage

Supreme Court must right a great wrong on marriage

Now is the time for the court to act, not wait when it takes up same-sex marriage cases, says theologian.

Humanism for children

New Web site never encourages kids to think critically about humanism itself, says theologian.

Punishable peacemaking?

Punishable peacemaking?

Faith leader says Clinton should change directives now hampering groups in conflict zones.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews light a candle on the first night of the holiday of Hanukkah in the southern city of Ashdod December 8, 2012.  REUTERS/Amir Cohen (ISRAEL - Tags: RELIGION)

Shining brightly on ‘Festival of Lights’

PHOTOS | Around the world, Jews gather around their menorahs to celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah, which lasts for eight nights.

Report on discrimination: Religious freedom, not just for the religious

Survey highlights how “religious nones” are treated as enemies of the state in some societies.

A gay Mormon moment

A gay Mormon moment

Can a new site change life--in this one and the next--for LGBT Mormons in the LDS church?

Christians need to look beyond individualism this holiday season

Christians need to look beyond individualism this holiday season

We forget that every facet of the Christmas story is communal and relational, says author.

A vibrant, but different, future for religion in the U.S.

A vibrant, but different, future for religion in the U.S.

Religion remains a potent and prevalent force in American society today, says Gallup editor.

Sci-fi ‘Anomaly’ and the church of popular culture

Graphic novel explores profound questions regarding reality, says USC's dean of religious life.

‘Lincoln’ rekindles equality

‘Lincoln’ rekindles equality

Memphis writer says film promotes an ethic emphasized in his faith: equality among all living beings.  


Pope Benedict sends first tweet

Pope Benedict sends first tweet

VIDEO | Pope Benedict sent his first tweet using his handle @pontifex. The Pope writes: "Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart."
Rev. Franklin Graham: America has rejected God

Rev. Franklin Graham: America has rejected God

Rev. Franklin Graham: America has rejected God
Rev. Franklin Graham on his holiday outreach program

Rev. Franklin Graham on his holiday outreach program

Rev. Franklin Graham sits down with the The Post’s Sally Quinn to talk about his holiday outreach program, Operation Christmas Child.
Eckhart Tolle on losing trust in God, being in the now

Eckhart Tolle on losing trust in God, being in the now

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle spoke with The Washington Post’s Sally Quinn about his Roman Catholic upbringing, losing trust in God and the core of his teachings: being in the now.
Bishop Stallings on controversial ministry

Bishop Stallings on controversial ministry

Bishop George Stallings, founder of the Imani Temple African Catholic Congregation talks about his controversial ministry and allegations that he abused altar boys while a priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
Polls: Romney up, God down

Polls: Romney up, God down

New polls show Mitt Romney catching up to Obama. Meanwhile, God seems to be losing ground: a new poll shows that one in five Americans now self-identify as secular. We speak to religion reporter Michelle Boorstein and Jesse Galef of the Secular Student Alliance.
Bishop Vashti McKenzie speaks at DNC

Bishop Vashti McKenzie speaks at DNC

Bishop Vashti McKenzie, co-chair of the DNC Credentials Committee and the first woman elected as bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, called the Democratic Party the “most forward-looking” party.
Mitt Romney’s RNC speech highlights

Mitt Romney’s RNC speech highlights

Mitt Romney accepts the official GOP nominee and speaks to the Republican National Convention on its final night.
Rick Santorum earns RNC standing ovation

Rick Santorum earns RNC standing ovation

Former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum brought the crowd in Tampa, Fla., to their feet after stating he was thankful for a party that loves both the born and unborn.
‘Nothing to do with WikiLeaks’

‘Nothing to do with WikiLeaks’

‘Nothing to do with WikiLeaks’
Kay Warren on God: ‘There are times that I feel it’s all a big cosmic joke’

Kay Warren on God: ‘There are times that I feel it’s all a big cosmic joke’

The Post’s Sally Quinn talks with Saddleback Church co-founder Kay Warren on doubting God’s existence, the HIV/Aids epidemic and why God allows suffering.
Joel Osteen on his connection with fans

Joel Osteen on his connection with fans

Evangelist Joel Osteen discusses his connection with fans and how he got his start. Osteen will speak at Nationals Park on Saturday, April 28.