About our site

You'll find everything you need to know about Australia Post on this website, including information on our products and services, post office locations, tracking services and postage calculators.

If you have any questions about using the site, you should find the answer here. If you need assistance or have any feedback, please contact our customer service team by phone, email or mail.

Technical tips

If you're having any problems with navigation or tools on our site, please check our technical troubleshooting tips and learn more about our accessibility standards.


This site meets all W3C Content Accessibility Guidelines Priority 1/Level A checkpoints. That means anyone, regardless of disability, should be able to access our information online.

If you have any difficulty completing a form online or accessing information, please call our customer service team on 13 POST (13 76 78).

Online security, scams and fraud

At Australia Post, we take security of online transactions, protection of customer information, and your personal privacy seriously. That's why we use the latest security technology and industry standards to ensure your personal information is safe with us. Learn more about security, scams and fraud.

Terms and conditions

Read the terms and conditions for using this site and any content within it, and our privacy policy - which covers this website and also any interaction you have with us.

Australia Post on your phone

You can also access useful information about our services from your smartphone. Find out how to download our apps for a range of mobile devices.

Join our online community

Would you like to be the first to know about updates to our products and services, and access online customer service? Australia Post is on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr, so connect with us on social media.