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National Cancer 2011 Non-Ranked Nonprofit Reviews
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Non-Ranked Nonprofit Reviews: National Cancer 2011

"In 2011, about 571,950 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 people a day." - American Cancer Society
"In 2011, about 571,950 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 people a day." - American Cancer Society

This is the complete list of all non-ranked nonprofits reviewed by our experts. We do not have enough information at this time to recommend these organizations, but have provided you with the complete expert reviews to learn more.

The type of expert is indicated by one of the following colors:
Foundation Professionals
Researchers and Faculty
Nonprofit Senior Staff
Other (consultants, journalists, policy makers)

Click on an organization to see what the experts say about its impact, strengths and areas for improvement.

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Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (2 recommendations) The best nonprofit working in the area of childhood cancer is Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation / They support grants for young investigators, and this is perhaps the most important area, as it helps keep young investigators interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine. / ALSF has the broadest number of categories for support (young investigator, innovation, infrastructure) and give the most in terms of individual grants and overall dollars each year to these grants.
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer


Evidence of Impact

The best nonprofit working in the area of childhood cancer is Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation / They support grants for young investigators, and this is perhaps the most important area, as it helps keep young investigators interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine. / ALSF has the broadest number of categories for support (young investigator, innovation, infrastructure) and give the most in terms of individual grants and overall dollars each year to these grants.
Developed a number of novel funding opportunities to address current gaps in clinical-translational research, including infrastructure to support development of novel therapeutic agents.

Organizational Strengths

They have the lowest overhead costs and very fair peer-review.
Focused, well organized.

Areas for Improvement

Raise more money, fund more grants, expand grant categories.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) (2 recommendations) ASCO has grown its professional and patient activities, broadening its mission both proactively and reactively to environmental changes. It represents the voice of many cancer professionals and uses it extensive networks to provide patients and professionals with a wide range of programs.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)


Evidence of Impact

ASCO has grown its professional and patient activities, broadening its mission both proactively and reactively to environmental changes. It represents the voice of many cancer professionals and uses it extensive networks to provide patients and professionals with a wide range of programs.
Fund grants as well as annual meetings and workshops.

Organizational Strengths

For the past 5 years, ASCO has had outstanding staff leadership, both in its EVP and with many senior directors. It also has used technology remarkably effectively to implement its mission.
Low overhead, fair peer-review.

Areas for Improvement

ASCO has many priorities and many constituencies and there are projects which barely move forward because of lack of prioritization or unwillingness to "upset" certain groups.
Raise more money, fund more grants, expand grant categories.
Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA) (2 recommendations) The organization's ability to raise awareness for colorectal cancer screening among patients is impressive. Their Dress in Blue Day in March makes it easy and fun for people to talk about colorectal cancer.
Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA)


Evidence of Impact

The organization's ability to raise awareness for colorectal cancer screening among patients is impressive. Their Dress in Blue Day in March makes it easy and fun for people to talk about colorectal cancer.
I have worked with the Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA) on a couple of programs and have witnessed their work to increase screening rates and survivorship of the most preventable cancer.

Organizational Strengths

The staff is enthusiastic and creative. Their fundraising event - the Undy 5000 - is very creative.
CCA has a strong dedicated staff who are committed to their mission -- essential for any non-profit to be successful. They engage the public, and Congress, to educate them on colorectal cancer in informative ways.

Areas for Improvement

They put product advertising in their communications and they do not disclose their corporate support when weighing in on regulatory issues that will impact the companies that give them money. They should discontinue the former and improve their disclosures on the latter.
Conquer Cancer Foundation (2 recommendations) Represents the oncology community and serves as a centralized organization for US based and international oncologists, but also offers significant resources for patients.
Conquer Cancer Foundation


Evidence of Impact

Represents the oncology community and serves as a centralized organization for US based and international oncologists, but also offers significant resources for patients.
The Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO has come a long way over the past 8-10 years. They provide funding for fellows, research, education, grants to state affiliates (for projects that will benefit other states, not just one state) on a yearly basis (nonrenewable), and many other things, including the www.cancer.net website which is top notch for patients and caregivers. Nearly all of my oncologists in the 9 states are members of ASCO and also contribute personally to the foundation. The foundation has given over $93 million in research grants to make a large dent in the scientific community regarding a number of different cancers.

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, staff, finances
Until the past several years I only knew about the foundation when they asked for money each year. Some of my states have received one-time, one-year grants for projects that help other states. They have really streamlined the grant process and I believe it is handled much more professionally than in previous years. The website is the very best one to recommend to patients and caregivers and has evolved through the years. I love sections like "Questions to ask your doctor". This organization has grown and become much more visible to the oncology world over the last few years. Before they were asking for contributions, but now are able to share how they distribute their contributions and do so in different areas.

Areas for Improvement

As strong as their patient resources are, with such expertise from among their members, the amount of patient focused resources could be increased.
Traditionally ASCO members (and board members) have been academic ones, and they have many foreign members. They are finally really reaching out to community and other oncologists for the first time and I've been part of a planning committee designing a "council" with a representative (physician) from each state and setting up the format and structure. The council will be making recommendations and reporting issues in common directly to the ASCO board of directors. I really hope this will actually be implemented in early 2012. The ASCO Cancer Foundation is affiliated with the national American Society of Clinical Oncology. ASCO is a large bureaucracy and has a large number of foreign members. However the ASCO board is finally reaching out to US oncologists who are not primarily in academic settings. I've seen improvement this last year from the ASCO board.
CureSearch for Children's Cancer (2 recommendations) Provides funding for collaborative clinical trials sponsored by the NCI and conducted by the Children's Oncology Group.
CureSearch for Children's Cancer


Evidence of Impact

Provides funding for collaborative clinical trials sponsored by the NCI and conducted by the Children's Oncology Group.
They support grants for young investigators, and this is perhaps the most important area, as it helps keep young investigators interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine.

Organizational Strengths

The only national, chapter-based children's cancer organization specifically focused on children's cancer research.
Low overhead, fair peer review of grants.

Areas for Improvement

Continue to raise more money. Expand funding beyond clinical trials.
Raise more money, fund more grants, expand grant categories.
Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) (2 recommendations) Well established and well respected organization in the field of blood cancers. Provides excellent educational initiatives in a variety of formats.
Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF)


Evidence of Impact

Well established and well respected organization in the field of blood cancers. Provides excellent educational initiatives in a variety of formats.
Highly focused on lymphoma research; supports academic advancements.

Organizational Strengths

Highly respected medical advisory board and phenomenal social worker CEO with deep roots and knowledge in the field of oncology.
Strong leadership.

Areas for Improvement

Fund support services for people living with cancer and their loved ones.
Improve fundraising.
National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund (NBCCF) (2 recommendations) NBCC has clear vision, mission and focus on ending breast cancer.
National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund (NBCCF)


Evidence of Impact

NBCC has clear vision, mission and focus on ending breast cancer.
Impact in provoking and affecting policy discussion and decision making on national policy.

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, discipline, research advocacy training.
Leadership, marketing.

Areas for Improvement

Better collaboration with non-breast cancer organizations; leadership succession plan.
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (2 recommendations) Its conference and its reach to patients and its national advocacy.
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance


Evidence of Impact

Its conference and its reach to patients and its national advocacy.
Ovarian Cancer national Alliance has a strong mix of professional expertise and advocacy focus. They are respected leaders in the policy and education arenas in women's cancers.

Organizational Strengths

National advocacy, good reach to patients given small size.
Leadership, staff

Areas for Improvement

Continued outreach to further extend its reach.
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance is well known in DC circles. Greater exposure "outside the beltway" would help grow the organization.
Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) (2 recommendations) Patient Advocate Foundation is the only non-profit that I am aware of to focus on assisting patients navigate public and private insurance.
Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF)


Evidence of Impact

Patient Advocate Foundation is the only non-profit that I am aware of to focus on assisting patients navigate public and private insurance.
Carved out a unique but very needed role in meeting needs.

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, staff, diverse funding sources

Areas for Improvement

PAF could serve additional patients with greater public awareness of the organization.
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania (1 recommendation) Best online directory of quality information for all types of cancer.
Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania


Evidence of Impact

Best online directory of quality information for all types of cancer.

Organizational Strengths

Operation of OncoLink has continued to be state-of-the-art for many years and continues to keep up with changing media and changing demographics and capacities of users.

Areas for Improvement

Public outreach! This is a great resource that remains underutilized. Needs SEO optimization.
Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI) (1 recommendation) Innovative model, entrepreneurial spirit and focus, high-end science and medicine focus
Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI)


Evidence of Impact

Innovative model, entrepreneurial spirit and focus, high-end science and medicine focus

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, Board of Directors, scientific and medical advisory board, internationally recognized

Areas for Improvement

Still young, needs to prove itself with some "wins," need to expand model and incorporate increased relationships with industry
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) (1 recommendation) Support research as well as an annual national and international meetings where most of the exciting work in the world is presented. They also support a number of workshops in selected areas.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)


Evidence of Impact

Support research as well as an annual national and international meetings where most of the exciting work in the world is presented. They also support a number of workshops in selected areas.

Organizational Strengths

Low overhead, fair peer-review

Areas for Improvement

Raise more money, fund more grants, expand grant categories.
American Asthma Foundation (1 recommendation) Unusual choice, as they don't focus on cancer at all. However, this organization is unique and could serve as a model for others.
American Asthma Foundation


Evidence of Impact

Unusual choice, as they don't focus on cancer at all. However, this organization is unique and could serve as a model for others.

Organizational Strengths

Outstanding scientific EAB, who are deeply engaged in the mission. Really think outside the box.

Areas for Improvement

Better exposure nationally.
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (1 recommendation) The organization's leadership and influence on Capitol Hill is tremendous. The are seen as THE leader on cancer issues and they work very well and are very generous with their assistance to smaller groups.
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network


Evidence of Impact

The organization's leadership and influence on Capitol Hill is tremendous. The are seen as THE leader on cancer issues and they work very well and are very generous with their assistance to smaller groups.

Organizational Strengths

Their policy staff is extremely knowledgeable on cancer policy. They have taken a leadership role in coordinating efforts among all cancer advocacy groups.

Areas for Improvement

Because of their size and influence, there are times when smaller organizations feel intimidated to speak up against something the organization is doing.
American Lung Association (ALA) (1 recommendation) This organization helps raise awareness about how you can get lung cancer or other forms of diseases and ways that you can attempt to prevent that.
American Lung Association (ALA)


Evidence of Impact

This organization helps raise awareness about how you can get lung cancer or other forms of diseases and ways that you can attempt to prevent that.

Organizational Strengths

It brings together doctors, researchers, fundraisers and patients to raise awareness while searching for cures and treatments.

Areas for Improvement

It is a very vast organization, and it could further improve by acting on more specific initiatives in certain cities or regions.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) (1 recommendation) ASGE directly supports research and education in the early detection, treatment and prevention of colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. ASGE funds research primarily into the endoscopic tools that are used in diagnosis, management and palliation. ASGE as the premier endoscopic society, provides both professional and public education in these areas. Works on the critical issues of cancer prevention for esophageal and colorectal cancer, and on early detection and palliation of pancreatic cancer.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)


Evidence of Impact

ASGE directly supports research and education in the early detection, treatment and prevention of colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. ASGE funds research primarily into the endoscopic tools that are used in diagnosis, management and palliation. ASGE as the premier endoscopic society, provides both professional and public education in these areas. Works on the critical issues of cancer prevention for esophageal and colorectal cancer, and on early detection and palliation of pancreatic cancer.

Organizational Strengths

ASGE is extremely well organized, led by a physician leadership that is constantly seeking ways to innovate in delivery of endoscopic care and delivery of state of the art education. ASGE and its philanthropic arm the ASGE Foundation funds cutting edge research and public outreach. Currently, only colonoscopy and endoscopy can prevent colorectal and esophageal cancers, respectively.

Areas for Improvement

Increased funding for endoscopic research. The federal government does adequately fund endoscopic research, despite the proven ability of colonoscopy to prevent colorectal cancer as evidence by several years of declining incidence in spite of an aging population. This leads non-profits to fund this research. ASGE as the premier endoscopy society is the primary source of non-industry funding for endoscopic research into the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of GI malignancies. The downturn in the economy has unfortunately lead to cuts in ASGE's research funds.
Avon Foundation for Women (1 recommendation) They not only bring significant awareness to the continued need for cancer research, but fund significant labs across the country to conduct much needed research. What sets them apart is their understanding of the scientific and socio-economic issues that are vital to making sure ALL that are affected by breast cancer have access to prevention and screening. The community outreach centers they fund across the country set them apart from other large breast cancer groups.
Avon Foundation for Women


Evidence of Impact

They not only bring significant awareness to the continued need for cancer research, but fund significant labs across the country to conduct much needed research. What sets them apart is their understanding of the scientific and socio-economic issues that are vital to making sure ALL that are affected by breast cancer have access to prevention and screening. The community outreach centers they fund across the country set them apart from other large breast cancer groups.

Organizational Strengths

They have great leadership at the Avon Foundation for Women that truly understand the science. There is not one person running the organization that assumes the spotlight, which makes their message and their programs like The Army of Women, that much more impactful.

Areas for Improvement

I think their branding confuses people. People know the retail brand and know their connection to breast cancer, but I think they do a poor job of communicating to a broad audience what they really do to help women everywhere.
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) (1 recommendation) In a very short time, Diane Quale has been able to build a high quality high impact organization catering to the needs of bladder cancer patients and their loved ones.
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN)


Evidence of Impact

In a very short time, Diane Quale has been able to build a high quality high impact organization catering to the needs of bladder cancer patients and their loved ones.

Organizational Strengths

Diane Quale is a kind, generous person with exceptional vision for how to bring change to the bladder cancer community.

Areas for Improvement

They could invest more in marketing and their website to improve people's ability to find their wonderful resources.
Breast Cancer Fund (BCF) (1 recommendation) Strong focus on Prevention
Breast Cancer Fund (BCF)


Evidence of Impact

Strong focus on Prevention

Organizational Strengths

Leadership; reach
California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP) (1 recommendation) Extraordinary research portfolio; focus on prevention
California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP)


Evidence of Impact

Extraordinary research portfolio; focus on prevention

Organizational Strengths

Leadership; longevity
Cancer GRACE (1 recommendation) GRACE does a phenomenal job of translating complex medical language into layman's terms. They do this through, blogs, social media, webinars and podcasts. GRACE provides a unique service to lung cancer patients.
Cancer GRACE


Evidence of Impact

GRACE does a phenomenal job of translating complex medical language into layman's terms. They do this through, blogs, social media, webinars and podcasts. GRACE provides a unique service to lung cancer patients.

Organizational Strengths

GRACE has wonderful leadership and programming.

Areas for Improvement

GRACE could use a more user friendly website.
Caring Ambassadors (CAP) (1 recommendation) Caring Ambassadors distributes a very informative weekly newsletter summarizing lung cancer in the news and lung cancer research. This is important to help educate the public.
Caring Ambassadors (CAP)


Evidence of Impact

Caring Ambassadors distributes a very informative weekly newsletter summarizing lung cancer in the news and lung cancer research. This is important to help educate the public.

Organizational Strengths

The leadership of Caring Ambassadors is thoughtful and strategic. They are also able to have a large impact on a limited budget.

Areas for Improvement

It would be great if Caring Ambassadors could branch into additional fields of communications - print materials, brochures, etc. They might benefit by partnering with a larger organization to increase the distribution and impact of their materials.
Children's Inn at NIH (1 recommendation) Had the pleasure and honor of working with The Inn for a number of years and witnessed the impact it made on the lives of children dealing with cancer, and their families.
Children's Inn at NIH

Evidence of Impact

Had the pleasure and honor of working with The Inn for a number of years and witnessed the impact it made on the lives of children dealing with cancer, and their families.

Organizational Strengths

The Inn provides children and families with a "place like home" in which they can unwind from the days treatment, and allows them to meet other families going through the same ordeal. The Inn provides the setting where children and families can share their story with one another, and form strong support groups which last beyond their ordeal.
Community Oncology Alliance (1 recommendation) I have watched COA grow over the past 7-8 years from a very small group of grassroots advocates for community oncology to a well-respected, powerful advocacy group with multiple websites and staff available to help in different areas: reimbursement issues, grassroots advocacy, policy analysis, pharma industry, practice managers/staff, patient advocacy, and the business of oncology. COA focuses on getting the best cancer care for their patients at the lowest cost and trying to keep oncologists in business and treating patients. Very strong advocate for cancer patients, providers and reimbursement issues. COA began as a small grassroots organization and is now one of the leaders at the national level in the world of oncology.
Community Oncology Alliance


Evidence of Impact

I have watched COA grow over the past 7-8 years from a very small group of grassroots advocates for community oncology to a well-respected, powerful advocacy group with multiple websites and staff available to help in different areas: reimbursement issues, grassroots advocacy, policy analysis, pharma industry, practice managers/staff, patient advocacy, and the business of oncology. COA focuses on getting the best cancer care for their patients at the lowest cost and trying to keep oncologists in business and treating patients. Very strong advocate for cancer patients, providers and reimbursement issues. COA began as a small grassroots organization and is now one of the leaders at the national level in the world of oncology.

Organizational Strengths

Leadership is a very strong point. Board members as well as staff are based in different locations with different perspectives and expertise in the field of oncology/hematology. The board has made a major impact in the growth and productivity in the organization. Their staff are exceptionally qualified for their roles and have lots of contacts and create a major impact in the different areas (patient advocacy, reimbursement, advocacy, from a practice CEO perspectives. They are also partnering at the national level with other oncology organizations.

Areas for Improvement

I'd like to see more staff because the ones they have are extremely high functioning and travel and go above and beyond and aren't good at balancing work and life. I've seen a lot of growth impact. I've also seen them adjust and be very open to feedback and input and are able to make changes much more quickly than large bureaucracies.
Dia de la Mujer Latina (1 recommendation) Reach into important underserved community.
Dia de la Mujer Latina


Evidence of Impact

Reach into important underserved community.
Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT) (1 recommendation) ENACCT is a very small, very new organization that is directly impacting how clinical trials are 'marketed' at the local level through their training and outreach programs. Research won't move forward without patients getting on trials, but very few patients (only 3-5%) actually participate in trials. ENACCT is helping research sites do a better job of talking to patients about trials and identifying which trials they need to open. Many organizations offer clinical trial matching programs. No other organization (non-profit) is doing the work that ENACCT is doing or approaching it with the academic rigor that ENACCT brings to the table.
Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT)


Evidence of Impact

ENACCT is a very small, very new organization that is directly impacting how clinical trials are 'marketed' at the local level through their training and outreach programs. Research won't move forward without patients getting on trials, but very few patients (only 3-5%) actually participate in trials. ENACCT is helping research sites do a better job of talking to patients about trials and identifying which trials they need to open. Many organizations offer clinical trial matching programs. No other organization (non-profit) is doing the work that ENACCT is doing or approaching it with the academic rigor that ENACCT brings to the table.

Organizational Strengths

This is driven by the vision of the founder, Margo Michaels.

Areas for Improvement

ENACCT needs to transition from the start-up, founder-driven phase, and institutionalize its programs.
Facing our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) (1 recommendation) They focus on groups that are at high risk for cancer and help them make informed decisions.
Facing our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE)


Evidence of Impact

They focus on groups that are at high risk for cancer and help them make informed decisions.

Organizational Strengths

Reach group that needs information. Has a very positive but also realistic perspective.
FasterCures (1 recommendation) A very strong affinity group of like-minded organizations across diseases all seeking cures as quickly as possibly, the organization creates opportunities for collaboration and informational sharing


Evidence of Impact

A very strong affinity group of like-minded organizations across diseases all seeking cures as quickly as possibly, the organization creates opportunities for collaboration and informational sharing

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, reputation, staffing, board of directors

Areas for Improvement

Less esoteric, more defined in focus and improved willingness to match organizations with donor resources
God's Love We Deliver (1 recommendation) God's Love We Deliver provides nutrition counseling, and delivers nutritious meals to cancer patients who are housebound in the NYC area.
God's Love We Deliver


Evidence of Impact

God's Love We Deliver provides nutrition counseling, and delivers nutritious meals to cancer patients who are housebound in the NYC area.

Organizational Strengths

They were leaders in providing healthy food to HIV patients and have widened their mission to help all those who are chronically ill. Their use of volunteers to help with the cooking and preparation of the food gives back in every way.

Areas for Improvement

They could extend their nutrition services further. They could also find a way to keep delivering daily hot meals to their clients instead of frozen.
GutRunners (1 recommendation) Gutrunners is a fundraising organization designed to fund colorectal cancer prevention efforts through public outreach and research. It sponsors runners at major marathons to raise funds and public awareness. Funds are used to pay for screening colonoscopies for uninsured patients, public outreach and research.


Evidence of Impact

Gutrunners is a fundraising organization designed to fund colorectal cancer prevention efforts through public outreach and research. It sponsors runners at major marathons to raise funds and public awareness. Funds are used to pay for screening colonoscopies for uninsured patients, public outreach and research.

Organizational Strengths

The leader, Dr. Chutkan, is a nationally known gastroenterologist and brings a wealth of knowledge and energy to this charity.

Areas for Improvement

Relatively new and small Gutrunners needs to grow in order to achieve its mission.
Hope Street Kids (1 recommendation) Hope Street Kids Foundation: They support grants for young investigators, and this is perhaps the most important area, as it helps keep young investigators interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine.
Hope Street Kids


Evidence of Impact

Hope Street Kids Foundation: They support grants for young investigators, and this is perhaps the most important area, as it helps keep young investigators interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine.

Organizational Strengths

Low overhead, fair peer review of grants.

Areas for Improvement

Raise more money, fund more grants, expand grant categories.
I'm Too Young for This! Cancer Foundation (i[2]y) (1 recommendation) i2Y provides an invaluable service to young adult cancer survivors, giving them a voice, a forum and a place to belong. There are no other organizations offering this service that I know of.
I'm Too Young for This! Cancer Foundation (i[2]y)


Evidence of Impact

i2Y provides an invaluable service to young adult cancer survivors, giving them a voice, a forum and a place to belong. There are no other organizations offering this service that I know of.

Organizational Strengths

Fantastic leadership and great programming.

Areas for Improvement

i2y really just needs to keep doing what they already are.
International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) (1 recommendation) Number one patient awareness and education organization
International Myeloma Foundation (IMF)


Evidence of Impact

Number one patient awareness and education organization

Organizational Strengths

Funds surprisingly successful smaller research projects

Areas for Improvement

Could cut travel and meeting costs. Some of the staff has been there too long. Forgets to put patients first.
Jeff Gordon Children's Foundation (1 recommendation) Provide valuable funding for a variety of children's cancer research initiatives.
Jeff Gordon Children's Foundation


Evidence of Impact

Provide valuable funding for a variety of children's cancer research initiatives.

Organizational Strengths

Celebrity endorsement creates increased awareness and the Foundation recently expanded funding to provide international support for children with cancer.

Areas for Improvement

Designate more money specifically to children's cancer research.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) (1 recommendation) Collaborative, well-informed, builds awareness
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC)


Evidence of Impact

Collaborative, well-informed, builds awareness
Men's Health Network (MHN) (1 recommendation) This group effectively leads the prostate cancer community. It champions legislation that is important the prostate community and men's health in general.
Men's Health Network (MHN)


Evidence of Impact

This group effectively leads the prostate cancer community. It champions legislation that is important the prostate community and men's health in general.

Organizational Strengths

This group has excellent staff. The staff of MHN is highly capable and has strong relationships across Capitol Hill and the advocacy community.

Areas for Improvement

This group could improve its process for policy development. Its process for developing an evidence-based approach to policy development could be strengthened.
Moving on Aerobics (1 recommendation) Moving On Aerobics is a free gentle dance exercise class, founded by Dr. Martha Eddy, for women in the NYC area who are recovering from, or still suffering from breast cancer
Moving on Aerobics


Evidence of Impact

Moving On Aerobics is a free gentle dance exercise class, founded by Dr. Martha Eddy, for women in the NYC area who are recovering from, or still suffering from breast cancer

Organizational Strengths

Dr Martha Eddy's classes in an easy way bring back women's sense of self after the months of treatment. It is a wonderfully gentle way to bring women to exercise.

Areas for Improvement

More classes for all cancers.
NCCN Foundation (1 recommendation) Developed national standards for evaluation and management of cancers
NCCN Foundation


Evidence of Impact

Developed national standards for evaluation and management of cancers

Organizational Strengths

This organization is multidisciplinary and evidence driven in developing its guidelines which have become widely accepted as standard of care
National Marrow Donor Program (1 recommendation) Increased public awareness of need for bone marrow donors and recruiting the same to the national registry.
National Marrow Donor Program


Evidence of Impact

Increased public awareness of need for bone marrow donors and recruiting the same to the national registry.

Organizational Strengths

Excellent public outreach and infrastructure to support the organization's mission.

Areas for Improvement

Establish partnerships with other cancer-specific organizations to increase the potential donor pool.
National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC) (1 recommendation) Promoting much-needed research in this field
National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC)


Evidence of Impact

Promoting much-needed research in this field

Organizational Strengths

Broad reach, mentoring, collaboration.
Prostate Cancer Foundation (1 recommendation) The Komen foundation of Prostate cancer - have done for prostate what Komen has done for breast.
Prostate Cancer Foundation


Evidence of Impact

The Komen foundation of Prostate cancer - have done for prostate what Komen has done for breast.

Organizational Strengths

Leadership, Board of Directors, partnerships with industry and academia, resources (financial) and reputation for funding great research.

Areas for Improvement

Could use model to help other organizations.
Sisters Network (1 recommendation) This is the first national breast cancer survivors group focused on African American women. It has significantly raised the visibility of survivorship among African American women.
Sisters Network


Evidence of Impact

This is the first national breast cancer survivors group focused on African American women. It has significantly raised the visibility of survivorship among African American women.

Organizational Strengths

The primary strength of this organization is it leadership, especially with the grooms of young women to transition into leadership roles as the founding members transition to emeritus status.

Areas for Improvement

Increasing the interactions with its affiliates. I believe that this is the greatest challenge to this organization.
The Children's Tumor Foundation (CTF) (1 recommendation) Unique organization. Only one focusing on these devastating diseases.
The Children's Tumor Foundation (CTF)


Evidence of Impact

Unique organization. Only one focusing on these devastating diseases.

Organizational Strengths

Emphasizes data sharing and collaboration. Also, pushes hard to get ideas into clinical practice.

Areas for Improvement

Better national exposure. Increased public awareness of these relatively common diseases that affect children.
The Hodgkins Foundation (1 recommendation) Due to how common the disease is, it is important that an foundation exists to try and raise money.
The Hodgkins Foundation


Evidence of Impact

Due to how common the disease is, it is important that an foundation exists to try and raise money.

Organizational Strengths

It has strong marketing skill and is easily able to raise funds to put toward research.

Areas for Improvement

It could advertise more to become a more well-known foundation.

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