(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Diversity in Airbus | Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20130124165611/http://www.airbus.com:80/work/why-join-airbus/diversity/
… / Diversity


Key to the success of Airbus is our cultural diversity. Our global team is made up of employees from more than 100 nationalities who speak 20 languages. And as a top management priority, diversity allows us to forge powerful collaborations.

We encourage inclusion and respect for how individual differences contribute to our collective performance. And although our headquarters and main manufacturing sites are based in Europe, we conduct business all over the world.

We are particularly committed to advancing women in the workplace. This year, our target for women employees is 25%. This figure is higher than the proportion of female students on European aeronautical courses, which averages around 15 to 18%.

While our recruitment process is fair and robust, there may be employment restrictions – for example, visas and work permits – for certain nationalities. We do not discriminate against such individuals, but we must adhere to laws administered by governments.

View the testimonials of some of our current employees below:

Airbus and the Global Engineering Deans Council launch award to encourage more diversity in engineering programmes at universities worldwide


Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer and GEDC (Global Engineering Deans Council), the leading organisation for engineering education, launch an award to recognize individuals who have been pro active in bringing more diversity into engineering classrooms. They intend to reward initiatives which encourage students of all profiles, gender, social and cultural backgrounds as well as disability, to study and succeed in engineering.

The long term aim of this new award is to increase diversity among the global community of engineering educators and professionals, so that the engineering...read more

Airbus champions engineering education at Buenos Aires education forum

Airbus promotes the Fly Your Ideas challenge during World Engineering Education Forum to inspire talent.

Airbus, the leading aircraft manufacturer presents Fly Your Ideas 2013 challenge (FYI) at the Second World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) taking place in Buenos Aires between October 15-18.  WEEF brings together the most important international organizations in engineering education. Airbus is to highlights its FYI 2013 challenge in a workshop for more than 100 international students, as well as a technical presentation for the academic delegates.

The third edition of Fly Your Ideas launched in June 2012, challenges students to develop new ideas for a more sustainable aviation industry... read more

Dark Lab experience for Airbus raises awareness of disability

On September 5th, Airbus executives took part in an unforgettable experience - the Dark Lab Day, organised at Airbus, Toulouse.

Attended by managers, purchasers and recruiters this event was designed to increase awareness of the daily lives of blind people. It included food tastings and topical debates held in complete darkness allowing the attendees to temporarily experience blindness.

Among other subjects, the discussion focused on the stereotypes that exist of people with disabilities in the recruitment process. The Dark Lab experience is just one of the significant actions Airbus has committed to undertake to attract and recruit talented people.

Click here for the French version...

Mission handicap & Emploi

In the framework of its Diversity policy, Airbus has signed with all the representative union organisations a company agreement for each of its entities in France aiming to promote the employment and accommodation of differently abled people.
To ensure effective implementation of these commitments, a dedicated team called "Mission handicap & Emploi” has been put in place.

More information available in French...

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