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Daniel Franklin

Image of Daniel Franklin

Daniel Franklin is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He received his B.A. in political science from UCLA and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Government at the University of Texas, Austin. He has taught American politics and American foreign policy at Colgate University, The Colorado College, El Colegio de Mexico (Mexico City) and the University of Texas, Austin. He served as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow in the offices of Rep. Larry Smith (Florida) and Sen. Tom Harkin (Iowa). Franklin has published a number of articles, book chapters, and reviews focusing primarily on the relationship between the U.S. Congress and the President. He is also the author of several books, including Extraordinary Measures: The Exercise of Prerogative Powers in the United States (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991), Making Ends Meet: Congressional Budgeting in the Age of Deficits (Congressional Quarterly Press, 1993), Political Culture and Constitutionalism: A Comparative Approach (M.E. Sharpe Press, 1995) of which he is also co-editor, and Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the United States (Rowman and Littlefield, 2006). In 1999 Franklin received the Georgia State University Distinguished Honors Professor award.

How Smart Does a President Have to Be?

I often ask my students were they given the choice of voting for an unqualified candidate with whom they agreed against a qualified candidate with whom they disagreed, what would they do? The vast majority of students go with ideology.
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Remembering President Ronald Reagan

I am often asked as someone who studies the presidency what I think of Ronald Reagan’s term in office. My short answer is that Reagan was a remarkably effective president, a game changer. In fact, I’ll go one step further. I’d say that Ronald Reagan is still our president, his legacy still overhangs much of our policy and much of our political debate; and that’s too bad. Yes, you read that right. Reagan was a great leader, with a substantial legacy, but he led us in the wrong direction.
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The Obama Presidency: What Happens Now?

Political scientist Daniel Franklin looks at the meaning of the 2010 midterms and charts Obama's course. His bottom line: "it would be a mistake for Obama to shift gears in the policy sense as the result of this election." Find out why.
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The U.S. Senate: Undemocratic and Anachronistic (Convert It into a U.S. House of Lords)

I have an offbeat proposal which I borrow from the British Parliament. How about turning the Senate into an American version of the House of Lords? Now, wait a second, before you tune me out, I’m not proposing that we create hereditary privileges (by the way that is forbidden by the Constitution anyhow). What I am proposing is that we institutionalize an award of service to the nation and take advantage of the input of citizens of the United States who have done great things in the service of their country but who are unlikely to get involved in politics.
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Get Rid of the U.S. Senate: A Dangerous (and Undemocratic) Institution

Last week's election of Republican Scott Brown to fill the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the U.S. Senate means the Democractic Party has lost its filibuster-proof majority. The election has also, fortunately, focused attention on the U.S. Senate in general, an institution that is inherently undemocratic. It's time to reform the U.S. Senate. In fact, just get rid of it.
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Avatar: The Plot, the Controversy, the Irony

Released on December 18 Avatar became the top-grossing film of 2009 in just twelve days. Controversy about the film followed just about as quickly.
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Happy Birthday, Van Johnson!

Van Johnson (pictured far left, in the video frame shown here) was born on this day 93 years ago. He died only eight months ago. Johnson was a star of so many war movies in the 1940’s and 50’s that he once bragged that he had served in all the branches of the military. It’s actually kind of strange that Johnson thrived as a movie war hero because the characters he played in contrast to Aldo Ray, John Wayne, or Ward Bond had a softer edge. That may or may not have something to do with the fact that Johnson was probably gay. I say probably because he was very private about his personal life but was “outed” by his vengeful ex-wife. [Video begins at about the 9-second mark.]
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Obama Needs a Spine: The President’s Embarrassing Response to the Libyan Controversy

President Obama's spinelessness makes you pine for the days of George W. Bush. Bush's reaction to this terrible affront would have been quick and sure. When confronted with an insult as profound as the enthusiastic and official Libyan greeting of a paroled terrorist convicted of killing 270 innocent travelers, most of whom were Americans, Bush’s retaliation would have been swift and terrible. He would have invaded Algeria. But at least he would have done something and that, I suppose, was his charm.
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Arianna Huffington, Happy Birthday!

Today is Arianna Huffington’s birthday. She was born in Greece, graduated from Cambridge University, hobnobbed with the rich and famous in Hollywood, was a right-wing wife and spokesperson, is a mother (of two daughters), co-founder and editor in chief of the very successful Huffington Post, and now a liberal blogger. There is a lot to like about her. Besides the fact that she is pretty, smart, and loyal, I like her because she is intellectually honest---she obviously doesn’t believe in anything. Wait a second, I don’t mean that as an insult ...
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A Pioneer of Infotainment (Roone Arledge Remembered)

Happy birthday, Roone Arledge, who was born this day in 1931. He died in 2002. I suppose it would have happened no matter what, but Arledge was instrumental in integrating journalism into the entertainment business. Now, as “the Old Grey Lady” (The New York Times) approaches its last gasp in hard copy, we have the pioneers in the creation of “infotainment” like Arledge to thank. Indeed, as you read this blog post now, you are paying homage to Arledge and his successors.
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