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ICv2 : Inside Pop Culture
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20130217081143/http://www.icv2.com:80/faq/

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Frequently Asked Questions found below:

1. How can using ICv2 help me improve my business? For retailers ICv2 provides the latest news from around the industry and the most recent sales information -- unbiased information gleaned from cutting edge stores. In addition ICv2 will provide the perspective and analysis that will help you understand the likely staying power and potential of today's trends and fads. For advertisers ICv2 provides access to the buyers for thousands of stores, who are using ICv2 to find information on what to buy and how to make their businesses more successful.

2. Why should a retailer who specializes in just games (toys, comics, anime, trading cards, etc. ) use ICv2? Well we would like to think that we offer trade information that is valuable in each of the categories we cover, but we also think that it is important to know what is going on in other fields. Many products cross numerous categories and provide additional sales opportunities for even the most specialized store. And, of course how a particular property is performing in one category has an effect on how it performs in others.

3. How often is ICv2 updated and when is the newest information available? ICv2 is updated throughout the day, every business day.

. Are you going to let users comment on the industry? We encourage responses from members of the trade, which are published in our "Talk Back" department. Click here for information on submitting comments to ICv2.

5. Who are the people involved in the production of ICv2? Milton Griepp, who co-founded and led Capital City Distribution, was the editor of the print version of Internal Correspondence and is the executive producer of ICv2. Tom Flinn, who was Vice President of Product Management at Capital City Distribution, is the Vice President of Content at ICv2. Dennis Viau, who was a Product Manager at Capital City Distribution as well as a Purchaser at Diamond Comic Distributors, is responsible for a multitude of tasks. For more info, see "About ICv2."

6. Is ICv2 aligned with any particular publishers or portion of the industry? No, ICv2 has no ownership connection with any publisher, istributor, or retailer in the pop culture products industry. Also, we recognize that retailers, distributors, publishers and manufacturers are all interdependent and we want all segments of the business to prosper.

7. Does ICv2 sell advertising? Yes ICv2 sells advertising, from classified ads to major sponsorships -- it's the best value in trade marketing. For advertising information, click here. All advertisements will be unambiguously recognizable as such.

8. Do advertiser's products get special treatment? No, our entire purpose here at ICv2 is to provide an independent, unbiased view that retailers, who are constantly inundated with hype from other sources, can trust.

9. What happens when I change my e-mail address? Simply notify us of your change as soon as you can. Email us at help@icv2.com from your new address, and use "New Email Address" as the subject.

10. How can I communicate with ICv2? See "Contacts."

11. What will ICv2 do with my e-mail address and any other information I may provide? See "Privacy Policy."

12. How can I submit an idea for a story or product to cover ICv2? See "Send Us a Tip."

13. I'm a fan; where can I buy the products I see featured on ICv2? For a locator service for brick and mortar stores, try the Comic Store Locator Service. While not all of the stores on this list carry all of the product categories features here, they will all be active in some and most in more than one. Another great option for brick and mortar stores is The Master List. For on-line ordering in advance of release, try Westfields. For products already released try My Comic Shop or Mile High.

'Dungeons & Dragons' Miniatures
From Gale Force Nine
Gale Force Nine was promoting its D&D Collector Series Miniatures at Toy Fair.