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'Xbox Event' Website spotted - GameSpot.com
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'Xbox Event' Website spotted

New domain registration suggests Microsoft gearing up for major announcement.

Microsoft appears to be paving the way to announce the long-rumored Xbox 720. The domain name XboxEvent.com was registered yesterday by U.S. Techs, an event management company that recently rebranded itself Eventcore.

NeoGAF forum users point out that U.S. Techs was also behind past Xbox-related domains and Microsoft's 2013 Hosting Summit. The XboxEvent website does not currently resolve to anything official.

A Microsoft representative told GameSpot, “Microsoft often acquires various domain names as part of its ongoing business strategy, but beyond that we have no comment.”

This news comes during the same week that competitor Sony announced the PlayStation 4 and on the same day that multiple reports suggested Microsoft will hold a media event in April to announce the Xbox 720.

Microsoft has yet to talk publicly about its next-generation plans, but past reports suggested the device will ship this holiday season, require a constant Internet connection, and possibly begin at $299.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He works out of the company's Boston office in Somerville, Mass., and loves extra chunky peanut butter.


Other than having a website up. There isn't much to tell. We all knew that MS will be releasing some info at some point. All I can say is, E3 and various other gaming events are going to be very interesting this year.


i ll be buying this for sure as long as it plays games i dont care if it doesnt play 360 games i have a 360 they should call the xbox 420

I_ArCh0n_I like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 3 Like

Here is to hoping that the xbox remains a console for gamers and doesn't try and shove all these "social" features down our throat.

Also, hopefully these rumours of constant internet connection and not being able to use second hand games are untrue otherwise, choosing our favourite next gen console is gonna be more difficult than before.


@I_ArCh0n_I it won't blocked used games or require constant internet connection. if so, Sony already won before the battle even began as Sony announced that there console will NOT blocked used games or require constant internet connection.


I just wish MS had chosen a Gigabit ethernet connection for the new Kinect via a dedicated port as opposed to USB.

I am however very excited to see what they cook up.

NoelXYeul like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 4 Like

And not a single **** was given that day, in my house.

selbie like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

All I hope for is that it's not called 720. It's a stupid name.

Ledah like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Sony's trying to get ahead this time, the problem is, the PS4 could be a bit rushed on and we all know what happened with the 360 in the early years. Those red rings of death and very faulty hardware design brought a lot of frustration, of course the PS3 also had hardware failures yellow light's of death mainly because of the PS2 BC, and in the end it probably surpassed the Xbox hardware failures all around. I'm just wondering and it could be a pretty smart move to sell more consoles in revisions and making people scared if their system will die one of these days.


@Ledah As of statistics from 2011, RROD was approximately 50% while YLOD was around 10%. Average failure rate for most devices in general is like 3-5 percent. Then again, not many devices get the use a console does. I will say I have had both the RROD and YLOD. I still have a black 120GB phat xbox and knock on wood, going strong while my other xboxs and 1st PS3 all died.


@Ledah but you forget that M$ released their next gen console (which was the xbox 360) a YEAR before the PS3 was released. That was rushed. The PS4 is coming this holiday season, not next month. Just because a company announces their system early doesn't they will release it earlier before the rival company. However, going by that same logic, Nintendo's console should fail.


yeah hopefully its just down to the point unlike ps4. they were just going on about random crap how they are the best and all that


@akdiuuuryttt Kinda hard to brag about being the best when you lose over half of your market share and your closest competitor gained four times as much.


@Sevenizz That was only because Xbox came out a year before during holiday season and took advantage of the next gen audience.  That's how the Xbox grew.  PS4 is likely to see the same results. It's all about which releases first. 


@thebeachguy90 If Apple ever get in on the action of gaming console, then am afraid to say it -- but MS & Sony will lose not just a good percentage of the gaming market but have very stiff competition. And we all know Apple are very good to small indie developers. 


@Sevenizz Who said the new Xbox was releasing this year? Nothing has been announced.

Sega never stood a chance. They were never on Sony's level. Sony had way more support from the gaming industry. The much larger corporation was always going to win, how would they not? Nintendo is only still alive because they went in a completely different direction, catering to the casuals. 

And now see what happens when you put a giant against another giant? it's now an even fight. Developers want to associate themselves 2 of the largest corporations in the world evenly, and why wouldn't they? Xbox was always going to grow anyway whether Sony succeeded or not.  Can't be coincidence that the 2 consoles are equally as popular and very similar sales figures. But don't expect Xbox to grow much further, nor Sony. Both fanbases are too large for one side to truly dominate the other anymore.


@thebeachguy90 And by your theory of releasing late - that should've put the Dreamcast way ahead of the PS2 - and we all know what happened there...


@thebeachguy90 Who said they're releasing first?  Both are coming out around the holidays this year.


@Sevenizz Yea Sony did screw up at launch and had a poor marketing plan.  They didn't put their console out there like they should have.  But they look keen to improve and correct their mistakes this time around.  Launching first is a good start. .


@thebeachguy90That, and Sony had poor launch titles, poor initial 1st party support, a price point few wanted to pay, difficult to program software for meant longer dev time and some forgoing it altogether, terrible online strategy, updates taking 1+ hours, lousy and confusing advertising.  These are just off the top of my head - I'm sure there are other reasons.


I wonder if Ryse will show up at the show...


Be prepared to be completely underwhelm like with all Microsoft events unless you like early CoD maps  Then the 720 will be there to charge ya $15 bucks a pop  so you can say to other console gamers hey I get my CoD map packs earlier then you do!! 

mhj0808 like.author.displayName 1 Like

@emptycow2 Careful now man: Odd, poorly constructed comments like that will get you on Feedbackula.

Metronoid like.author.displayName 1 Like

I hope they learned from RROD and dont make the same error, well I m sure I not get one at the first month like I did with Wii U since I never had a problem with any Nintendo systems I had in my entire life, I 31.


@Metronoid They've learned. Hence the 360 S being perfectly stable...


@m4a5 I think the user means at the initial launch and not some where down the consoles life span. 

dabassplayer15 like.author.displayName 1 Like

I can't wait to see white, black, and Asian families joined around a Kinect smiling and jumping through the air in slow motion.


@dabassplayer15 Would you prefer they use grandmas in their PC ads like Nintendo does?


@Sevenizz @dabassplayer15 Honestly, as long as the camera is always from the point of view from the kinect device with occasional 360 degree sweeps of the room, it doesn't matter.


Xbox announcement event is so pointless. When new Xbox come doesn´t matter because we all know! how gonna end! and is terrible!.


@silvergol No one wishes a RROD console.


@Metronoid PS3 had yellow light of death syndrome as well.  MS exchanged 360s that had RROD after the warranty expired...Sony didn't though.


@Sevenizz @Metronoid I have a ps3 slim, but I heard that even xbox slim has a chance of RROD, looks I love the two but I lost my elite last month...


@silvergol  how is it gonna end??? the sony event was piss poor and had nothing new to show. by watching the event microsoft have the advantage. they know what their up against and they know they have the money and the capability do bury sony next gen.


@megaanto @silvergol  your wrong what sony did was good, ign, gamespot, ect thought that they where just going to show some detail of the console and that is it they were expecting 1 hour show but it end up being 2 hour show, and tell the truth i do not know how xbox is going to compare to sony's,

Sevenizz like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like


PS1 102 million

PS2 150 million

PS3 72 million

Xbox 22 million

Xbox 360 74 million

Sony lost over half of their market share while Microsoft almost quadrupled theirs.  If this trend continues (like it's looking with Sony only catching up to MSs innovation for the next gen), then Sony's end is almost guaranteed.


@Sevenizz @silvergol sorry to break it to ya but with what microsoft is doing there gonna go under extremely fast making sony the number 1 again. oh wait its already number 1!


@mercenary_cloud Sales aren't increasing or decreasing on the respective consoles at alarming rates to be concerned about.  If anyone should be concerned it should be Sony.  They lost over half their marketshare over the PS2 and let Microsoft quadruple theirs over the original Xbox.


@Sevenizz @mercenary_cloud well lets see the xbox's sales have been going down while sonys has been going up and with the new stuff the microsoft is going to do with the new xbox its gonna kill it right away.


Can you let me know where you got that crystal ball that predicts the future?  You know - since MS hasn't said anything yet and everything is just rumors now.


@Sevenizz @silvergol The mistake sony made was to launch the ps3 one year later than the 360.  That is probably the biggest reason why they lost so many of their customers.  360 brought the next gen earlier and everyone wanted it.  It was a smart move by microsoft but sony caught up pretty quick with one less year.  Both great systems though can't deny that.

Sevenizz like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Maximaboi That, and Sony had poor launch titles, poor initial 1st party support, a price point few wanted to pay, difficult to program software for meant longer dev time and some forgoing it altogether, terrible online strategy, updates taking 1+ hours, lousy and confusing advertising.  These are just off the top of my head - I'm sure there are other reasons.

samueljeon like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Sevenizz @silvergol well sony is now more than 77million...


@Sevenizz @samueljeon last I check IDC reported that the ps3 have surpassed 360 by 1 million mark. Considering that the Xbox 360 had a year headstart, but still the ps3 was still able to catch up. 

It would be interesting how would the next console generation wars would play this time around round. Knowing that both console have fairly similar specs. It would probably rely to 1st party exclusives in the next generation.


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