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Random Encounter - NBA Jam


Show Episodes

  • Feb 21, 2013

Danny and Johnny use the sport of basketball to pit the GOP and Democrats against each other.

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I think I need to buy this game now


The best and worst thing about politics is: everyone has an opinion.


RUMBLE THE BISON, is pretty much Dikembe Mutombo + Vince Carter + Charles Barkley all in one cute furry package hahaha


You guys are geniuses, the brilliant one-liners said from both of you were hilarious. Why didnt you start this a long time ago. We need Australia to do stuff like this


At least this game got positive reviews; some other game suggestions is: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One [2011] nd Skylanders Giants [2012].


You should perhaps get a vague rota going. Start the week with strategy, move into shooters, something random for the Wednesday like a beat em up or any genre, move onto driving and finish with some multiplayer sports games for the weekend.


@Vozlov Yea not a bad idea that. I just like being able to change the rota last minute if it calls for it. But your idea is sound, let me think about it. Cheers!


Some bromance action goin on. 


I thought this was the original NBA Jam on Snes. But this was good too.

espviper301 like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

Danny has some cool shows on Gamespot....but much like anyone not from America....he and his boyfriend are dumbass liberals.  What a shame that that has become the political landscape in this world.  Let the rich pay for all the fucking lazy people.

dannyodwyer like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 5 Like

@espviper301 The only think I like more than making all the rich pay for us lazy people, is attending homosexual weddings, killing babies in the womb, complaining about Iraq and wiping my arse with the second amendment. HORAH!

speedingdeath like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 6 Like


A number of problems here.

A) You're presuming the rest of the world are 'dumbass liberals.' It has already been shown that the US does not place particularly well in either education or average IQ, so if it is true that we are, in fact, all dumbasses, people from America must be slipping in their own drool. Moreover, if we are all liberals (which is definitely not the case), does that not suggest a problem with the conservative school of thought? How could you  propose a system of democratic governance that is supported by half of 300 million, and opposed by nearly 7 billion?

B) '
Let the rich pay for all the fucking lazy people.'

Who are these 'fucking lazy people?' Do they exist in another universe, perhaps one where having more money and paying less taxes means you can't witness human suffering, cannot age, have no need for educated children, have no need for skilled workforces, have no need to financially empowered consumers, and are immune to the effects of a degrading environment? The last time I checked, a country wherein the less advantaged where taken care of was a country where everyone was happy (I don't know, like, say, Sweden?). There is an cap on the real benefit of personal wealth, and that is reached far easier than the yet elusive cap on societal and environmental stability. Even rich people are negatively effected by the selfish decisions that don't consider the impacts on the world around them. Remember, money is a social construct, so unless you construct that society properly, it will mean nothing. Look at the dictators and economic elite in Africa now; rebel groups are overthrowing these despots for the years of being manipulated by their wealth. I'm not saying that conservative Americans are despots who will be overthrown, but the lesson there is that having money when your country is poor does not engender a sustainable system. This is a complex issue, and cannot be succinctly covered in a post, but it is not as simple as saying liberals want the rich to look after the lazy.

C) This was a gaming video. The hosts hardly even breached the stereotypes of the conservative parties, making very tame jokes at their expense, and it was all in the name of good fun. It does not call for an attack on them, and it certainly does not call for an attack on the rest of the world for not sharing your personal (and uninformed) opinion.



You should have saved yourself the trouble.

Even if he did read that (and he won't) he wouldn't understand any of it.

colt_a like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

@speedingdeath @espviper301 Its the sad state of America.  This guy probably has some crazy neo-con Fox News watching parents that told him Obama is the reason he can't go to college and that only by killing grandma and keep the poor starving can he save America.

So he only does what he knows, spits a bunch of BS on the internet, because when we let him know how wrong he is, it doesn't matter.

God I wish we could give the death penalty to the ignorant.


@colt_a @speedingdeath @espviper301 meh. The real problem is the screwing of the middle class. Rich have their government help and so do the poor. How well the middle class lives is a true measurement of a country's economic stasis. The real problem with the US is it's spending. The tax increases still doesn't match their spending increases. I see things from both perspectives and both sides do have a case. And since you seem to be on one side i'll give you the perspective from the other side. Fox News watching people, as you say, just have that old school US mentality which is-if you don't like your situation then work hard to change it. And that mentality still holds true...it is just that it is hard to do and not every one is up for it.


Jinx! opportunity missed, so sad. Still, great video.

The_Last_Paladi like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

There's something quite enjoyable about two Brits not knowing the players name that well.  I'm still laughing at the mentioning of Kevin Garnnit. :)  Thank guys, you made my night.


@The_Last_Paladi I was listening to the Pardon the Interruption podcast before watching this, so imagine the contrast.


Funny about going back to Iraq but under Obama there are more deaths in Afghanistan then Bush by a lot but no one talks about it... interesting indeed. 

surppo like.author.displayName 1 Like

@Chasemandvd atleast afghanistan had something to do with 9/11, where are the wmds you know the whole reason for the Iraqi invasion no one talks about anymore....and who got osama again I forget what was his name?


@surppo you really think the plan changed from Bush to Obama?! They stayed the same Bush was going into Afghanistan when he was leaving office. And what is with this Obama caught Osama...did Carter free the American hostages in Iran? No it is always the people behind the scenes that no one gives them credit for... that is what the movies zero dark thirty and argo where trying to do show the people who actually did it. So surppo you are a little bit closed minded. Oh and fyi what "promises" of Obama's since 2008 gone through?!


Im not trying to take credit from the seals or saying Obama has been that great of a president but just imagine if Bush had just sent in the seals in 2003 instead of liquidating all our military might.  We could have avoided both wars and sent a clear message to terrorist everywhere and saved thousands of troops in the process. I just want my friends out of the middle east.


That was one of the most entertaining video's I've watched in a long time.


Yeeeeh - brilliant random, guys!

plainolddave like.author.displayName like.author.displayName 2 Like

ha, awesome! you two should do random encounter together more often, much funnier with the combined swearing XD


Oh man... you guys didn't just lose against Easy bots, but you lost to the Minnesota Timberwolves? Eeeesh. XD


rumble da bison!!!!!! LOLOLOLLLLLLLL


Lol you guys are SO funny! Keep it up!

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