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Archive for February, 2007

Server Outage and Data Loss

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

Hi there. Unfortunately, due to server issues over the past week, Clicknoise suffered an outage for three full days (perfectly timed with my attendance at the 2007 Northern Voice blogging conference here in Vancouver). Boy do I look like a boob. Not only was my blog invisible every time I ...

Other Independents

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

The demise of the independent sector has been rapid, brutal and in inverse proportion to the rise of downloading and the digital revolution. [source: Belfast Telegraph] And, no, I'm not contradicting myself. The independent music sector is alive and well, though changing. The decline of indie record shops all over the ...

antisocial bookmarking

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Digg this: Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be so sensitive, Yahoo. After all, you want me to share my bookmarks, dontcha? Doesn't that improve the value of the network? If so, why are all 700 or so bookmarks that I've imported defaulting to "not shared", prompting me to click "share this" repetitively, ...


Monday, February 19th, 2007

I haven't posted about OpenID in some time. Not surprising, considering the weight I've had to give to DRM, indie music, and related business, because of things like this occuring on a more-than-daily basis in recent weeks. Anyway, there's some big news in the area of decentralized identification systems. ...

Breaking News In Science! Music Industry Execs Possibly Smarter Than Conservative Religious Fundamentalists!

Friday, February 16th, 2007

With all the hulaballoo over what some see as the end of DRM (WSJ, subscription required), this story should strike a nerve. Hmm. Over half of the music industry's executives think DRM is a dead end? Well, at least one of the majors (EMI) is already reportedly preparing to drop ...

Vancouver city-wide wi-fi

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

Just as I was checking my links in my last post I noticed that BoingBoing has taken an interest in the provincial attitudes about wifi (Globe & Mail, subscription required) among Vancouver's city police. Here are a few links for more information related to the implementation of municipal wi-fi as ...

Cory Doctorow in Vancouver March 8-9

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

I'll be attending this. Electronic freedom fighter and science fiction writer Cory Doctorow (here, here) will give two free public lectures at Simon Fraser University, March 8 and 9. (March 8th he'll be speaking downtown, at the Fletcher Challenge (ahem!) Theatre, SFU Vancouver at Harbour Centre (reservations required, call 604-291-5100), ...

Canary In A Coalmine

Friday, February 9th, 2007

This rant about The Police on Lefsetz is an impassioned plea for a musical past that is imaginary, but oh so seductive. I would love to believe that my bleached blond childhood heroes could save the music industry from its current woes, but as I've been posting over the past ...

Flesh Mobs

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

I've been fine tuning a report on mobile user experience research I worked on last Fall for Mobile Muse, and so I've been trolling around today for any and all articles on flash mobs and other electronically coordinated uses of public space. Most of this material isn't related at all ...

Decenterings and Coalitions: Indie Music

Monday, February 5th, 2007

Resonating nicely with my post last Thursday about how the growth in indie music market share is coincident with the explosion of digital music distribution, today Wired writer Eliot Van Buskirk takes a look at the mobilization of indies into a unified political and economic force, variously taking on the ...