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Theatrical Trailer for the 'Carrie' Remake Starring Chloe Grace Moretz - iamROGUE.com
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Theatrical Trailer for the 'Carrie' Remake Starring Chloe Grace Moretz

Thursday, 04 April 2013 17:15 Written by  Jordan DeSaulnier
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Theatrical Trailer for the 'Carrie' Remake Starring Chloe Grace Moretz

The full theatrical trailer for the upcoming Carrie remake tacitly serves a message to bullies. 

That message is a stern warning to stop being a jag, because the kid you're bullying might be dealing with a crazed fanatic of a mother and emergent telekinectic powers.  Powers that could really ruin prom night.

Stephen King's first published novel was previously adapted by Brian De Palma with his 1976 classic that made a horror icon out of Sissy Spacek in pig's blood.  The remake is directed by Kimberly Peirce, who most recently helmed 2008's Stop-Loss, but is best known for Boys Don't Cry.  For her most commercial endeavor to date, Peirce cast the always reliable Chloe Grace Moretz as the title character.

While the teaser trailer unveiled last year showed the inevitable result of Carrie's tortures and her nigh-unlimited powers, this one actually delves into the story.  The most compelling bits are those between Moretz and Julianne Moore as Carrie's unhinged, hyper-religious mother, a role originally played by Piper Laurie in the original.  The high school bits also feel well executed, with one shot suggesting that the only thing that could make the "plug it up" opening scene more traumatic would be the advent of modern smartphone technology.

The trailer, here thanks to Yahoo! Movies, also spends quite a bit of time on the emergence of Carrie's powers. 

It's interesting how the ubiquity of superhero origins stories over the last decade provide a new context for this material, making the whole thing play sort of like a supervillain origin story.  It's probably no coincidence that the remake's screenwriter, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, has written some Marvel Comics himself.

The buildup to the blood drop is well done.  We all know it's coming, but it doesn't feel perfunctory or have that obnoxious "Hey, recognize this?" nonsense we see in so many remakes, prequels, and reboots.  Similarly, the prom itself is sold well, as we only get quick, violent glimpses at Carrie unleashing her abilities and years of repressed anger.

With Moretz and Moore in the two biggest roles, the cast also includes the great Judy Greer, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday, Ansel Englort, and Alex Russell as Billy Nolan, played by John Travolta back in De Palma's movie.

This new Carrie was initially set to hit theaters on March 15th, but it was wisely rescheduled to October 18th instead.

Hey, did you know that in 1999, someone thought it would be a good idea to make a sequel to Carrie?  No really.  Check out the trailer for The Rage: Carrie 2 if you don't believe me.  Go ahead.  Double dog dare you.

See?  That happened.

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