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Animal Legal Defense Fund : none
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Animal Protection Groups Sue Federal Agencies for Failing to Regulate Deceptive Egg Labeling
March 28th, 2013
Lawsuit Pushes for Mandatory Labeling of Eggs as "From Caged Hens," "Cage-Free," or "Free-Range"
University of Minnesota Sued for Failing to Release Animal Testing Records
November 8th, 2012
In Violation of State Law, University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Refuses to Allow Public Access to Meetings and Records on Vivisection
Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues New York State Agricultural Department, Leading Foie Gras Producers For Allowing Sale Of Diseased Food
September 25th, 2012
Lawsuit targets failure to declare potential health risks of products from force-fed ducks and geese.
Animal Cruelty Lawsuit Settled, Joint Statement of Parties
June 12th, 2012
Compassion Over Killing (COK), Cal-Cruz Hatcheries, Inc., and its president, Brian Collins, have entered into a settlement to resolve all claims relating to an unfair business practices lawsuit based on alleged animal cruelty at the hatchery.
Animal Cruelty Lawsuit Settled: Santa Cruz Hatchery Closed, Owner Agrees Not to Work with Animals for Five Years
June 12th, 2012
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Compassion Over Killing Claim Victory in Lawsuit Against Cal-Cruz Based on Undercover Investigation Revealing Animal Cruelty
ALDF, PETA Appeal Court's Dismissal of Lawsuit Seeking Lolita's Freedom
May 30th, 2012
Government excludes captive orca from Endangered Species Act protections
The Prosecution of Animal Cruelty Cases - An Ethical Imperative
by Geoff Fleck, ALDF Attorney
May 29th, 2012
I've written in the past about how important it is for animal cruelty prosecutors to "take the high road" and be scrupulously ethical. As I've studied and considered the issue further, it has occurred to me that an even more fundamental ethical issue presents itself with disturbing frequency -- the failure of prosecutors to prosecute animal cruelty adequately or at all.
Owners of Stanislaus County's A&L; Poultry Sued After 50,000 Egg-Laying Hens Left to Starve to Death
Animal Legal Defense Fund Represents Farmed Animal Sanctuaries Who Rescued Almost 4,500 Birds
Making Sense of the Current Status of the Tony the Tiger Cases
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
May 14th, 2012
Will Tony stay or will he go?
Animal Groups Sue USDA for Allowing Sale of Foie Gras From Diseased Birds
May 9th, 2012
Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act Requires USDA to Prohibit Adulterated Livers from Entering Food Supply
Evan Dwin
When the Animal Legal Defense Fund sought to ensure compliance by the Palm Springs Animal Shelter with state and local laws regarding the animals in its care, we were fortunate to get this kind of tireless assistance from Evan Dwin.
ALDF Heads to Summer School
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
May 2nd, 2012
This summer Matthew Liebman and I are excited to be teaching an intensive course at Lewis & Clark Law School entitled Animal Law Litigation.
North Carolina Residents Sue USDA Over Renewing Federal License for Jambbas Ranch
April 19th, 2012
Roadside Zoo Allowed to Subject Bear and Other Animals to Inhumane Conditions Despite Repeated Violations of Welfare Laws
Volunteer Opportunity with the Nonhuman Rights Project
The Nonhuman Rights Project is the only organization working toward actual Legal rights for members of species other than our own.
From Behind a Minivan to Under the Bus: Abusing Both a 9-Month-Old Colt and the Post-Conviction Relief Act
by Scott Heiser, Director of ALDF's Criminal Justice Program
April 16th, 2012
Michael A. Tabor of Branson, Missouri tied a 9-month-old colt to the back of a minivan and drove at speeds approaching 35 MPH. The reason? He wanted to halter break this poor young horse.
Taking Lolita
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
March 21st, 2012
For Seaquarium Owners, Exploiting an Endangered Whale Is Just Business as Usual
People v. Fox
by Chris Berry, ALDF's Litigation Fellow
March 12th, 2012
If foxes and rabbits have rights, then is a fox guilty of murder for eating a rabbit?
Great News for Kentucky's Homeless Animals!
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
March 6th, 2012
Legal victory stops systematic abuses at a Kentucky animal shelter.
Settlement in Clay County Lawsuit Will Mean Dramatic Improvements in Conditions for Kentucky's Homeless Animals
March 6th, 2012
Kentucky Woman Represented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund Had Sued County for Failure to Protect Shelter Animals as Mandated by State Law
Maiming Two Huskies as well as the 6th Amendment?
by Geoff Fleck, ALDF Attorney
February 6th, 2012
In May 2008, Christopher Comins shot two Siberian husky dogs that had come onto an Orange County, Florida property where Comins happened to be walking.
Raising the Floor of Animal Treatment at Factory Farms
by Chris Berry, ALDF's Litigation Fellow
January 20th, 2012
Farmed animals have been left unprotected from cruelty laws for too long.
Santa Cruz Chicken Hatchery Sued for Unlawful Business Practices Due to Shocking Animal Abuse
January 11th, 2012
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Compassion Over Killing Seek to Stop Abuse of Newborn Chicks Following Undercover Investigation
John Melia
John joined the Animal Legal Defense Fund as a litigation fellow in October 2011 and works on a variety of cases, including farmed animals with a focus on foie gras and egg laying hens, and coyote and fox penning.
Chris Berry
Chris joined the Animal Legal Defense Fund as a litigation fellow in September 2011 after graduating from law school. Chris works on a broad range of animal issues including puppy mills, factory farms, and consumer rights.
Make 2012 Another Extraordinary Year for Animals!
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
December 30th, 2011
You helped make incredible strides for animals this year! Please make a special year-end gift to the Animal Legal Defense Fund and help make 2012 another year of extraordinary progress.
Win Justice for Animals This Holiday Season
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
December 6th, 2011
With your support, we can win victories for exploited and abused animals.
Supreme Court of U.S. Hears Meat Industry Challenge to California Law Banning "Downed" Animals From Meat Supply
November 9th, 2011
ALDF intervenes in case, supporting state anti-cruelty law against corporate profit-seekers
National Meat Association Challenges State of California in Supreme Court—Ask an Attorney
November 8th, 2011
On November 9, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments in a case that will determine whether California voters or out-of-state corporations have the right to decide how farmed animals in California are treated.
What Is Best for Tony the Tiger?
by Joyce Tischler, ALDF's Founder and General Counsel
November 7th, 2011
Who can argue that a tiger wants to be spend his life in a cage at a truck stop?
Victory for Tony the Truck Stop Tiger!
Judge agrees with ALDF and rules current permit must be revoked.
Are Factory Farmers Really That Cruel?
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
October 24th, 2011
ALDF is now fighting a case in the Supreme Court that shows they are.
Fraud and a Puppy Named Buddy
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
October 18th, 2011
Join us in our fight against abusive puppy mills and those who support them.
Requesting an ALDF Amicus Curiae Brief
For those interested in having ALDF file an amicus curiae ("friend-of-the-court") brief, please fill out this form.
Appeals Court Considers Noneconomic Damages Owed to the Owners of Dogs Poisoned by Neighbor
October 17th, 2011
What Is a Dog Worth? Oral Argument in Heartbreaking Case Addresses How Our Legal System Values Companion Animals
Animal Cruelty and Dangerous Food Go Hand in Hand
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
October 16th, 2011
Texas is putting the welfare of factory farmers over that of its citizens. What else are state officials good for if they cannot even protect food safety?
All in the Name of Greed
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
October 12th, 2011
Help ALDF stop Barkworks' blatant and illegal deceptive practices.
ALDF Lawsuit to Protect Texas Birds Joined by Consumer Advocacy, Food Safety Groups
October 6th, 2011
Groups join Texas legal battle to protect consumers from salmonella outbreaks
Off-Duty Law Enforcement Officer Kills Neighbor's Chihuahua, States He Feared for His Safety
by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger
September 1st, 2011
Was Off-Duty Law Enforcement Officer Actually in Fear of his Safety When He Shot and Killed his Neighbor's Chihuahua with a Bow and Arrow? Kansas Prosecutors Don't Think So...
Charging Considerations in Criminal Animal Abuse Cases
The expertise seasoned prosecutors bring to the charging process reflects the complexities which often determine the possibility of going forward with a criminal prosecution.
The Need to Open Dialogues and Educate
by Geoff Fleck, ALDF Attorney
August 22nd, 2011
As a prosecutor for the past 15 years specializing in animal cruelty cases, I've come to realize that education, i.e., raising sensitivity, is key to making progress in the fight for animal rights.
Florida Man Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty After Stabbing Rottweiler
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
July 25th, 2011
Win real justice for animal victims like Rosco.
Standing Up for Animals
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
June 27th, 2011
Last week, the Animal Legal Defense Fund moved for permission to appear as amicus in the case of Stray From The Heart v. City of New York, a case in which the City of New York thumbed its nose at its legal obligations under the Animal Shelters and Sterilization Act.
Seattle Taxpayers File Appeal in Lawsuit Against the City for Supporting Illegal Cruelty to Woodland Park Zoo Elephants
June 14th, 2011
Plaintiffs Protest Cruelty at the Zoo and the Use of City Funds to Support Facilities, Practices that Violate Animal Protection Laws
Next Steps in ALDF's Fight to Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
June 3rd, 2011
ALDF goes back to court to fight for Tony's immediate release.
Rockland County, New York Unanimously Approves Animal Abuser Registry!
by Stephan Otto, ALDF's Director of Legislative Affairs
May 18th, 2011
Second in the Country to Adopt a Registry
Answers to Your Questions About ALDF's Win for Tony the Tiger
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
May 16th, 2011
In the wake of ALDF's recent victory in the Tony the Tiger case, we've received a lot of questions about the ruling. ALDF staff attorney Matthew Liebman answers some of these questions.
The Cruel Practice of Penning
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
May 10th, 2011
Speak out against the sadistic practice of penning by submitting comments to the Indiana Natural Resources Commission by May 18th.
Victory for Tony!
by Lisa Franzetta, ALDF's Director of Communications
May 6th, 2011
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will not renew the permit that allows Michael Sandlin, owner of Grosse Tete's Tiger Truck Stop, to display Tony, a ten-year-old Siberian-Bengal tiger.
Victory in Animal Legal Defense Fund's Lawsuit to Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger
May 6th, 2011
Baton Rouge Court Grants Permanent Injunction, Ordering Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to Stop Issuing Illegal Permit Allowing Tony to Be Kept on Display in Iberville Parish
Attorneys Fighting to Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Head to Court
May 4th, 2011
Baton Rouge Court to Consider the Animal Legal Defense Fund's Lawsuit Against the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for Issuing Illegal Permit Allowing Tony to Be Kept on Display in Iberville Parish
True Blood's Kristin Bauer Talks Tony the Tiger in Exclusive Interview with ALDF
by Lisa Franzetta, ALDF's Director of Communications
May 4th, 2011
Kristin talks about her concern over Tony's captivity.
ALDF Goes to Court for Tony the Truck Stop Tiger This Week!
by April Nockleby, ALDF's Online Content Manager
May 2nd, 2011
This is your last chance before the hearing to join the over 27,000 people who have already signed the petition in ALDF's fight to get Tony moved to a reputable and humane big cat sanctuary.
Leonardo Speaks Out For Tony: "We Need to Act Now"
by Lisa Franzetta, ALDF's Director of Communications
April 29th, 2011
Leo is the latest high-profile supporter to join ALDF's campaign to free Tony.
Crime Victim Bill of Rights and Animal Law
by Scott Heiser, Director of ALDF's Criminal Justice Program
April 18th, 2011
For those who practice animal law, a persistent debate rages on: of the many options available, which legal path is the best course to take to improve the plight of animals in the United States?
Habitat Restored for Endangered Kangaroo Rat in California
by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger
April 14th, 2011
In Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. United States Fish & Wildlife Serv., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2349 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 8, 2011), a challenge was brought to a decision of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which was made under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq., regarding the "kangaroo rat" and his "critical habitat."
ALDF Files Suit to Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger
Great news from Baton Rouge, where Judge Michael Caldwell has ruled in favor of the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Louisiana taxpayers in our lawsuit to free Tony the Tiger from the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana.
Lawsuit Filed to Free Tiger Kept in Inhumane Conditions at Truck Stop
April 11th, 2011
Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for Issuing Illegal Permit for Tony at Iberville Parish's Tiger Truck Stop
Criminal Animal Cruelty Charges Reinstated in Wisconsin Deer Massacre
by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger
April 1st, 2011
A Wisconsin court did not buy the recent argument of two brothers that the Wisconsin animal cruelty statute did not apply to their actions in killing several deer, no matter how cruel or senseless, because they were engaged in taking "wild animals."
Can You Kill a Peacock if He is an Annoying Pest?
by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger
March 4th, 2011
Last month in Honolulu, Hawaii, Sandra Maloney (age 70) was acquitted by a jury at the end of her trial for second degree animal cruelty after she admitted to killing a peacock with a baseball bat.
Joshua Crain
Joshua Crain has been an Assistant District Attorney General in McMinnville, Tennessee, since July 2005. Joshua has aggressively prosecuted several animal abuse cases, three of which have made their way into Circuit Court.
Meeting the Standards We Set for Ourselves
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
January 24th, 2011
Recently, Animal Legal Defense Fund attorneys filed suit against the state of Texas in the case Doe v. Suehs. The suit alleges that the state has done nothing to ensure that companies that produce eggs in the state comply with a state law which, in no uncertain terms, requires egg producers to not keep hens in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, and to attend to dead, injured, and ill hens.
Dog Shooting Case Dismissed
by Scott Heiser, Director of ALDF's Criminal Justice Program
January 19th, 2011
On the third day of trial, Judge Bob LeBlanc dismissed the case against Christopher Comins, acquitting him of all charges related to the May 2008 shooting of two Siberian husky dogs in Orange County, Florida.
Make 2011 Another Extraordinary Year for Animals
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
December 30th, 2010
Thanks to your support, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has pushed the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals for over 30 years.
Cal-Maine's Cruelty Leads to Lawsuit
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
December 14th, 2010
Cal-Maine came under an international spotlight last month when an undercover investigation there revealed harrowing, clearly illegal conditions for chickens and a veritable breeding ground for human health threats.
Texas Consumers Sue to Stop Horrific Conditions for Chickens at Cal-Maine Egg Production Facility
December 14th, 2010
Concerned residents of Travis County and Gonzales County, Texas, represented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, filed a lawsuit in Travis County District Court in an effort to stop the horrific abuses to birds and the human health risks posed by Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. -- the nation's largest egg supplier -- at its chicken-raising and egg production facility in Waelder, Texas.
When the State Takes our Companions
by Carter Dillard, ALDF's Director of Litigation
November 15th, 2010
This week ALDF filed an amicus curiae brief in Washington state's Supreme Court, arguing that the court should hear the appeal of Arnold Sather, whose dog was found to be dangerous and impounded by the City of Spokane.
U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania Rules that Deer Hunt Can Proceed
by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger
November 12th, 2010
On October 27th, a federal judge in Philadelphia approved a plan to allow sharpshooters to control the deer population at Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Suit Filed Over Extreme Animal Neglect by Officials in Clay County, Kentucky
November 10th, 2010
Decrepit County facility brought under fire
Clay County's Cruelty
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
November 10th, 2010
What should be a place of refuge for homeless animals is more like a filthy prison. That's why an outraged citizen is filing a lawsuit against Clay County, Kentucky today, taking the county to task for extreme neglect of animals at the county's shelter, neglect that violates Kentucky's Humane Shelter Law.
Remember When You Thought You Could Change the World?
by Joyce Tischler, ALDF's Founder and General Counsel
November 1st, 2010
Were you ever that passionate? Were you ever that hopeful?
Indiana Court Orders Man to Pay $96,000 for Rehabilitative Care for Eight Starving Horses Seized in 2007
Crucial Legal Victory Awarded in Animal Legal Defense Fund's Case to Secure Horses' Permanent Safety from their Abuser
Turtle Tragedy
September 1st, 2010
ALDF files suit against BP to prevent the burning alive of endangered sea turtles.
Nevada's Wild Horse Roundup Resumes Despite 21 Deaths
by April Nockleby, ALDF's Online Content Manager
July 23rd, 2010
Sadly, the wild horse roundup in Nevada resumed yesterday despite the death of 21 horses and several others being treated for painful colic and brain swelling due to dehydration and exhaustion.
BP Agrees to Stop Burning Endangered Sea Turtles Alive
July 2nd, 2010
Animal Legal Defense Fund Announces Temporary Reprieve for Wildlife Being Illegally Killed in Gulf Clean-Up Efforts
BP Burns Endangered Sea Turtles Alive, ALDF Files Suit
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
June 30th, 2010
Today, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, along with several other groups, filed suit in federal court against BP for burning critically endangered sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico, in violation of the Endangered Species Act and other federal laws.
Help Stop Elephant Abuse at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo
Urge the City of Seattle to stop funding the Woodland Park Zoo's cruel elephant exhibit.
Elephant Abuse at Zoo Leads to Lawsuit
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
June 29th, 2010
Help win justice for Chai, Bamboo, Watoto and Sri by making a special donation and signing the petition today. Shamefully, the Woodland Park Zoo continues to use taxpayer money to exploit its elephants for profit while failing to provide them with adequate care. Together, we can stop this abuse.
Seattle Taxpayers Sue the City for Supporting Illegal Cruelty to Woodland Park Zoo Elephants
June 29th, 2010
Plaintiffs Protest Cruelty at the Zoo and the Use of City Funds to Support Facilities, Practices that Violate Animal Protection Laws
Mourning Losses on Both Legal and Human Fronts
by Dana Campbell, ALDF Attorney
June 1st, 2010
Unfortunate, but not unexpected, is how I would describe the ruling just handed down by the Vermont Supreme Court in the case of Shadow the murdered beloved family dog, also known as Scheele v. Dustin, ---A.2d---, 2010 WL 2015270 (Vt.).
Ashley Judd Signs on to Help Kentucky's Homeless Animals
May 11th, 2010
Celebrated actress Ashley Judd, known as much for her smarts as her gorgeous looks (she's currently a graduate student at Harvard), has a big heart for animals, too.
Check Out the Animal Legal Defense Fund's Newest Video!
by Lisa Franzetta, ALDF's Director of Communications
April 27th, 2010
Last year, Americans spent roughly $18 billion dollars on coffee—and virtually nothing to protect animals from some of the worst abuses imaginable. Is this who we are?
Oprah Magazine Article Featuring ALDF v. Woodley Wins Genesis Award
by April Nockleby, ALDF's Online Content Manager
April 23rd, 2010
Tune in to the Genesis Awards on Animal Planet this weekend to catch Barry Yeoman, author of "Operation Rescue," an in-depth account of the ALDF v. Woodley case, win an award for his outstanding article published in O, The Oprah Magazine.
Clarifying the Supreme Court's United States v. Stevens Opinion
by Matthew Liebman, ALDF Staff Attorney
April 21st, 2010
What the Court's decision means for animals.
California Bans Sick and Disabled Animals from the Food Supply
by Lisa Franzetta, ALDF's Director of Communications
April 2nd, 2010
Wednesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a California law banning the use of sick and disabled ("downed") animals in the human food supply. Last year, a federal judge temporarily blocked the state from enforcing the law as a result of a lawsuit brought by the National Meat Association and the American Meat Institute.
Take Action! Teen Felon Charged With Animal Cruelty
by Stephen Wells, ALDF's Executive Director
April 2nd, 2010
Only two months after he was convicted for third degree felony assault in a different case, Joshua Ray Gordon, 18, of St. Louis County, Minnesota allegedly assaulted his girlfriend and severely beat a 12-week-old puppy named Griffin.
Federal Appeals Court Reinstates California Law Banning Sick and Disabled Animals from the Food Supply
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a California law banning the use of sick and disabled animals in the human food supply.
Animal Hoarding Case Study: Vikki Kittles
Vikki Rene Kittles, also known as Susan Dietrich, Rene Depenbrock, and Lynn Zellan, has a history of animal hoarding that goes back decades and spans the United States from the Southeast to the Northwest.
A Talk by the Mad Cowboy, Howard Lyman
by April Nockleby, ALDF's Online Content Manager
March 15th, 2010
The University of Washington Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) recently hosted a talk by Howard Lyman, author of "Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat."
National Justice for Animals Week
February 21 - 27, 2010

Celebrating some of our nation's most important animal advocates.
Tiffany Wasserburger
Tiffany Wasserburger is the county attorney for Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. Tiffany's tireless prosecution has helped provide second chances for countless animals, including Max the kitten.
James Reams
James Reams has served as the Rockingham County Attorney for the past 12 years. James spearheaded the landmark prosecution when, in 2001, the Plaistow District Court searched the property of Christopher Devito in Newton, N.H. for evidence of running a "fighting dog" operation.
William Lamberth
William G. Lamberth II is currently an Assistant District Attorney for Sumner County, Tennessee. In 2006, William, helped secure a positive outcome for hundreds of rescued dogs from a puppy mill near Nashville.
Abandoned Dog Died Tied to Tree -- Deferred Sentence
El Paso County, Colorado
Case Closed
Jail Time for Animal Abusers
by Scott Heiser, Director of ALDF's Criminal Justice Program
February 3rd, 2010
Two horrific cases involving the abuse and neglect of several dogs have recently come to a close, both ending with jail time for the abusers. Thank you to everyone who sent emails and supported these cases!
Brunette Convicted in Dog Abuse Case
Santa Cruz, California
Case Closed

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