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Letters from the Chicago Sun-Times
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Friday, May 24, 2013


Shameful words on homosexuality

An article in Wednesday’s Chicago Sun-Times, “Black caucus split on gay marriage,” featured some disturbing quotes from two members of that caucus. State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, who had two openly gay nephews who died from HIV-related complications, stated that he “wanted to make this clear” …

Expressway death-toll messages are powerful

Kudos to the intelligent person who thought of the idea to use the signs on the expressways to tell us how many people have died in a motor vehicle accident. I look at the signs everyday and it really reminds me how to drive more …

Don’t close neighborhood schools

Don’t close neighborhood schools Having taught for 35 years for the CPS, now retired, I can testify that the community schools are the hub of life for the majority of young people in depressed neighborhoods. In most cases, if a student experienced something out of …

Cops working O.T. save Chicago money

With respect to Monday’s story about excessive public employee overtime: Keep in mind that overtime is not as bad as it sounds. First, God bless the poor souls who choose work over family, for whatever reason. And second, overtime has absolutely no pension liability attached. …

School closings are racist

I find your failure to see racism as a valid lawsuit issue unbelievable (“CPS invited lawsuits,” May 16 editorial), especially since it was a Sun-Times headline last year that screamed, “No real progress in grade school reading in 20 years.” That article summarized a Consortium …

Congress should do its job

Congress should do its job Scandal! Impeach! This is how a Republican Congress deals with a president from the Democratic Party. Scandal No. 1: Benghazi. The Congress can fully fund the security forces guarding our embassies and consulates around the world. This Congress cut the …

Casino plan isn’t fooling us

Casino plan isn’t fooling us Regarding Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s proposal for a casino specifically for education: I believe in the old saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Put it in writing, Mr. Mayor, and don’t use invisible ink. …

Sun-Times forgets about Constitution

Sun-Times forgets about Constitution; GOP is trying to invent scandal; Huntley is wrong to chastise Obama; the facts on medical marijuana; hoarders need help.

Non-athlete students need coverage, too

I enjoyed your article “Big talkers” in Friday’s Sun-Times. It’s nice to see decent press given to non-athletic competition in collegiate events. It seems as though there is a lack of emphasis on the academics in our world today. Everything is sports, sports and more …

Pension reform bribe for judges

A bribe is considered an objectionable way of doing business. Yet, this is the tactic the leaders of the Illinois Legislature are using to pass through pension reform in the courts. What is the bribe? The bribe is the exclusion of the judiciary from pension …

Stick to facts in pension debate

If we are to have an honest dialogue about SB 2404, sponsored by Sen. John Cullerton and supported by the unions representing a half-million workers and retirees affected by the bill, we need to work with facts, not misrepresentations. According to your May 10 editorial, …

The NRA’s undemocratic vision

The NRA’s undemocratic vision James Porter, the new president of the National Rifle Association, expounds from the podium that paramilitary groups need to rise to overthrow our government because it is destroying Americans’ rights. A major “right” for Porter would include unlimited numbers of guns …

School board should take a pause

Parents, neighborhood groups, the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board and now a panel of retired judges are asking the Chicago Board of Education to reconsider its plan to close 53 schools this year. Earlier this week, the school board admitted it had overestimated the amount to …

Alderman owes cops apology

Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26th) was pulled over for a minor traffic violation and used his trump card to get out of a ticket but it didn’t work [“Alderman accuses cop of racism after ticket,” Tuesday]. Now he’s screaming racism by the officer he didn’t intimidate. …

Hypocrisy on gun rights

Hypocrisy on gun rights; Jesse Jackson Jr. is faking it; ‘Puppy lemon law’ is idiotic; Sandi Jackson and campaign money