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How Jony Ive Would Redesign Things Other Than iOS, From Star Wars to Coke | Underwire | Wired.com
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How Jony Ive Would Redesign Things Other Than iOS, From Star Wars to Coke

In case you haven’t been on the internet for a few days and missed the news, folks in the design world (and folks with eyes) are, um, conflicted about the latest iOS 7 interface and it’s brighter, flatter, pastel-ier redesign.

So, naturally, they’ve created a Tumblr to poke fun at it, and the aesthetics of its designer, Apple SVP Jonathan Ive.

Jony Ive Redesigns Things is the work of 26-year-old web and app designer Sasha Agapov, who launched the Tumblr shortly after the Apple Worldwide Developers conference keynote unveiling iOS 7 ended. It was born, Agapov told Wired in an email, after he put a joke post on Dribble showing what it might look like if Jonathan Ive, the Apple design maverick behind iOS 7′s new look, redesigned Google. (Hint: It looks like a sunset on acid.)

“Then it just became kind of chaotic—Twitter was full of great jokes and the design community started to show its disapproval by making quite funny mock-ups of new iOS icons and colors,” Agapov said. “So I made the blog to save and store all the good products of this new craze.”

Soon he had collected redesigns of everything from Star Wars to poop – all of which take on Apple’s new anti-skeuomorphism approach to the new operating system interface. Since launching after the Monday keynote, the Tumblr has gained some 7,000 followers and the Agapov said his inbox “has 289 unread messages and about 500 emails that I’ve managed to go through.”

Agapov, an avid Apple fan and iPhone devotee since the first generation, adds that his blog isn’t necessarily a diss against Ive, whom he’s admired as a designer for years, but “I do think those icons and colors need some love and caress.” After installing iOS 7 he said he enjoyed the improvements to the user experience but could only cope with the design’s bright colors for so long.

“There’s a saying ‘Nothing shouts “bad design” more than design that shouts’ and I think it can be somewhat applied in this situation,” Agapov said. “I went ahead and emailed Mr. Ive offering my help free of charge — after all, you get a chance to critique the grand-maestro of design maybe once in a lifetime and I decided to use my one chance. No response so far.”

Images via Jony Ive Redesigns Things/Tumblr.

Angela Watercutter

Angela is a reporter for the Underwire, Wired's pop culture blog. She is also a senior editor of Longshot magazine and a contributor to Pop-Up Magazine.

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