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Starchitect Trio: The Men Behind Germany's Building Debacles

Starchitect Trio: The Men Behind Germany's Building Debacles

Stuttgart's train station, Hamburg's concert house and Berlin's airport: Three projects in Germany are currently competing to be seen as the country's most disastrous. SPIEGEL spoke to the star architects behind the construction sites. more... Comment ]

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The Pep Challenge A Superstar Football Coach Comes to Munich

The Pep Challenge: A Superstar Football Coach Comes to Munich

Wildly successful football coach Pep Guardiola sought out Bayern Munich as his next challenge. But he is arriving just after the team had one of the most successful seasons the Bundesliga has ever seen. Will he stand up to the pressure? By Markus Feldenkirchen and Juan Moreno more... Comment ]

Crisis Migration Italian Start-Ups Flock to Berlin

Crisis Migration: Italian Start-Ups Flock to Berlin

With the economy at home in the doldrums, entrepreneurs from Italy have been flocking to Berlin recently. The job opportunities are plentiful and there is a growing Italian community within Germany's vibrant high-tech start-up scene. By Sophie Arts more... Comment ]

The Roma Conundrum Looking for Clues in a Romanian Village

The Roma Conundrum: Looking for Clues in a Romanian Village

Large numbers of Roma immigrants from southeastern Europe are proving to be a serious integration problem for many cities, including Berlin. A local politician recently traveled to Romania to learn more about the challenge. By Özlem Gezer more... Comment ]

Eco Porn Exploring the Limits of Carnal Idealism

Eco Porn: Exploring the Limits of Carnal Idealism

A new documentary explores the lives of "Fuck for Forest," a group of Berlin-based neo-hippies determined to save the rainforests with a for-pay eco-porn site. It paints a sad picture of failed idealism -- but the group isn't taking the criticism lying down. By Georg Diez and Wolfgang Höbel more... Comment ]

Chemical Weapons Charge Berlin Rules out Arms for Rebels

Chemical Weapons Charge: Berlin Rules out Arms for Rebels

The United States has shifted its course on Syria following chemical weapons revelations, but international support is limited. Germany refuses to arm the insurgents, and Russia is openly critical of President Obama. more...

Challenging the Dreamliner Airbus A350 Takes Flight in Toulouse

Challenging the Dreamliner: Airbus A350 Takes Flight in Toulouse

Competition for Boeing's Dreamliner arrived on Friday with the maiden flight of the new Airbus A350 wide-body jet. The plane took off from the company's plant in Toulouse for a four-hour test. more... Comment ]

A Hardliner and Conservatives Iranians Get Few Choices for President

A Hardliner and Conservatives: Iranians Get Few Choices for President

Fifty million Iranians are voting on Friday for a new president. Of the six conservative candidates, Saeed Jalili is the most hardline. If he wins, the Islamic Republic could become even more authoritarian -- and the West should expect tougher confrontations. By Raniah Salloum more... Comment ]

Flood Relief Berlin Pledges Eight Billion Euros for Cleanup

Flood Relief: Berlin Pledges Eight Billion Euros for Cleanup

Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday announced that 8 billion euros would be made available to assist victims of this month's disastrous flooding. With parts of northern Germany still under water, the true extent of damages are still unknown. more... Comment ]

Exiled Economic Adviser 'Putin Is Afraid of the Public'

Exiled Economic Adviser: 'Putin Is Afraid of the Public'

In a SPIEGEL interview, prominent Russian economist and former government adviser Sergei Guriev discusses the Kremlin's retaliation campaign against the opposition and why he recently fled to France. more... Comment ]

British Girls in the Third Reich 'We Had the Time of Our Lives'

British Girls in the Third Reich: 'We Had the Time of Our Lives'

In the 1930s, many English families sent their daughters to finishing school in Nazi Germany. Rachel Johnson, sister of the London mayor, interviewed several for her most recent book. She told SPIEGEL ONLINE about Britain's enthusiasm for Hitler's Reich. more... Comment ]

Prepping for POTUS Berlin Ramps Up Security for Obama Visit

Prepping for POTUS: Berlin Ramps Up Security for Obama Visit

Sealed manhole covers, closed streets and snipers on the rooftops: Berlin is already preparing for US President Barack Obama's visit next week. Security is to be extremely tight, and thousands of police will be on duty. more... Comment ]

End of Cheap Money Can the World Handle Higher Interest Rates?

End of Cheap Money: Can the World Handle Higher Interest Rates?

For the last five years, the world's leading central banks have been combatting the crisis with extremely low interest rates and vast bond purchases. Now the American Fed is breaking ranks, as it cautiously suggests a change in its policy -- sending the markets into turmoil. By Martin Hesse, Anne Seith and Wieland Wagner more... Comment ]

Adiós Alemania  Many Immigrants Leave Germany within a Year

Adiós Alemania : Many Immigrants Leave Germany within a Year

Is Germany a dreamland for immigrants? Not entirely. According to a new OECD study, more than half the Greeks and Spaniards who come to Germany leave within a year. By Sarah Sommer more... Comment ]

Syrian Refugees Making Sense of War through Art

Syrian Refugees: Making Sense of War through Art

A centuries-old stable just outside Beirut has become a refuge for young Syrian artists fleeing violence back home. It offers an insight into how Syria's creative class has become alienated from an uprising that many once supported. By Cathrin Schaer in Aley, Lebanon more... Comment ]

Tunisian Feminist Leader 'Femen, Please Leave Us Alone'

Tunisian Feminist Leader: 'Femen, Please Leave Us Alone'

European Femen activists have been sentenced to four months in prison for their topless protest in the Tunisian capital last month. Now the country's opposition leader, herself a respected feminist, is asking Femen to leave, calling their actions counterproductive. By Raniah Salloum more... Comment ]

Culture Wars French 'Exception' Threatens Trade Deal

Culture Wars: French 'Exception' Threatens Trade Deal

This week, EU member states are expected to give the green light on talks for a wide-reaching trans-Atlantic free-trade agreement. But French demands for films and culture to be exempted from negotiations could stall or derail the plan. more... Comment ]

Prism Revelation EU Weakened Data Protection at US Request

Prism Revelation: EU Weakened Data Protection at US Request

Top European officials are demanding more information about the controversial US Internet surveillance program known as Prism. But new information has revealed that the EU weakened privacy regulations in early 2012 following intense US lobbying. more... Comment ]

The Next Disaster? Berlin Lays Cornerstone of Troubled Palace

The Next Disaster? Berlin Lays Cornerstone of Troubled Palace

The cornerstone was laid on Wednesday on the reconstruction of the Berlin palace that was once home to Prussian rulers. The need for such a structure is debatable, and funding looks shaky. It could become yet another addition to Germany's collection of cursed construction projects. more... Comment ]

'Everyone Is Afraid' Erdogan Regime Cows Embattled Media

'Everyone Is Afraid': Erdogan Regime Cows Embattled Media

There are more journalists in prison in Turkey than in any other country. Prime Minister Erdogan tolerates no criticism, and aggressive prosecution of journalists on often questionable charges has fostered an atmosphere of anxiety and self-censorship. By Michael Sontheimer more... Comment ]

Operation Sandbag German Troops Gain Fans on Flood Front

Operation Sandbag: German Troops Gain Fans on Flood Front

Germany's flood relief efforts have prompted the Bundeswehr's biggest-ever humanitarian mission on German soil, with 19,000 troops deployed. For some, the military presence evokes alarming images, but flood victims have learned to appreciate the help. By Rainer Leurs in Osterholz, Germany more... Comment ]

'Homosexual Propaganda' New Law Increases Risks for Russian Gays

'Homosexual Propaganda': New Law Increases Risks for Russian Gays

On Tuesday, Russia passed a federal law against gay "propaganda" in an effort to protect the young from supposedly harmful influences. In addition to facing widespread animosity and frequent violence, gay Russians now fear that they will be stripped of their voice and public face. By Annette Langer more... Comment ]

Crisis Course High Court Skeptical of ECB Bond Buys

Crisis Course: High Court Skeptical of ECB Bond Buys

Germany's high court on Tuesday made clear that it was skeptical of the ECB's program to buy unlimited quantities of sovereign bonds from struggling euro-zone member states. It could strike down the most successful tool in combating the crisis. By Stefan Kaiser in Karlsruhe, Germany more... Comment ]

Turkey's Gamble Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks

Turkey's Gamble: Crackdown Threatens EU Accession Talks

The crackdown against protesters in Istanbul by the Turkish government creates a dilemma for the EU. The Europeans don't want to tolerate violence against demonstrators, but they also don't want to lose Erdogan as a partner. By Carsten Volkery and Severin Weiland more... Comment ]

Hairdos and Movies The Carefree Life of a Teen in Wartime Berlin

Hairdos and Movies: The Carefree Life of a Teen in Wartime Berlin

The diary of Brigitte Eicke, a Berlin teenager in World War II, is an account of cinema visits, first kisses, hairdos and dressmaking, along with a brief, untroubled reference to disappearing Jews. Recently published, it highlights the public indifference that paved the road to Auschwitz. By Jane Paulick more... Comment ]