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Editorials from the Chicago Sun-Times
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20130705003153/http://www.suntimes.com/opinions/


New laws limiting abortion hurt women

EDITORIAL. A wave of new laws around the nation to place limits on abortion will have very real — and very negative — effects on women.

Falafel, tacos and the American story

EDITORIAL: Immigrants have always learned quickly how to fit in despite how we waste so much time and energy fretting that they never will. But that’s the story of America: Pretty much every immigrant group, going back to colonial days, has been feared as a threat to the American way of life.

Legislature should accept changes to gun bill

EDITORIAL. Quinn is right that the Legislature’s concealed carry bill has some terrible features. Lawmakers should face up to that.

Egypt and democracy

EDITORIAL. Egypt needs what any fledgling democracy needs — a broader, richer democracy led by a government that works in concert with the opposition to advance a deeply troubled country.

Concealed-carry bill needs amendatory veto

EDITORIAL. Why Gov. Pat Quinn should use his amendatory veto on a bill passed by the Legislature to permit the concealed carrying of weapons.

Law must protect police officers

EDITORIAL. Society must let it be known that anybody who threatens the safety of a police officer, let alone who kills an officer, will be shown no mercy — for the sake of all officers. It is an officer’s badge and uniform, far more than his gun and Kevlar vest, that give him authority and keep him safe.

Keep nosy drones from invading our privacy

EDITORIAL. Gov. Pat Quinn should sign a bill regulating police use of drones. And the Legislature should pass a second one that extends privacy protections to drones operated by commercial or other non-police interests.

Lisa and Mike

EDITORIAL. If Lisa Madigan runs for governor and Mike Madigan insists on sticking around as House Speaker, the voters should weigh that heavily against her.

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Editorial: State can be a leader in juvenile justice

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that juveniles should not be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. But the court didn’t address two issues. What about juveniles who already had been sentenced to life without parole? And what about very …

Blackhawks love Chicago? Of course they do

EDITORIAL. The festive downtown celebration of the Blackhawks’ Stanley Cup victory reminds us of the things we love about Chicago.

Pride on parade

EDITORIAL. On the day of Chicago’s Gay Pride parade, many people feel the recent Supreme Court ruling has added a stamp of legitimacy to the idea of gay marriage.

A small universe of pension solutions

EDITORIAL. In the real world, there aren’t many ways to fix Illinois’ pension problems. Don’t keep delaying by looking for new ideas

Fix immigration now

EDITORIAL. The wide margin of passage in the Senate for immigration reform — after long negotiations — puts pressure on the House not to shrug it off.

Editorial: Time for Illinois to act on gay marriage

EDITORIAL. Wednesday was an historic day for same-sex couples nationally, with two landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings, one making gay couples eligible for federal benefits and the other allowing for same-sex marriage in California. But here in the president’s home state, our laws still trail behind.

Metra needs to explain costly buyout

EDITORIAL. When Metra’s board voted to spend hundreds of thousands of public dollars to force out the agency’s CEO, it should have publicly explained why it was doing do.