(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Chart Porn
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20130805045444/http://chartporn.org:80/

A clever animation of how the bikes move around throughout the day.  You have to watch it on slow to really get a feeling of what’s going on.


I usually don’t post this stuff, but it’s Friday afternoon, and I like them. Mike Baboon has a great eye for distilling form and creating color palettes.

Marvelphabet (hero and villain):

Muppet Alphabets:
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Meteorite fireballs witnessed from 1913. I’m not sure what is gained by putting this on a map. Also, since this is just eyewitness accounts, it suffers from population density bias.


Is the American dream still alive? Can you work hard and raise your income level? Well, it kinda depends on where you live. The NYT has a couple of nice interactive tools who exploring the results of a study of the issue. (via FlowingData)




Not the best charts in the world, but combined with the narrative, they are a good quick summary.


Source: Bureau of Economic AnalysisIn billions of dollars. Source; Federal Reserve.

and so on.

MIT has a fun toy which let’s you conduct network analysis of your gmail emails. There’s a thread over at Slashdot that discusses how this analysis of meta data is similar to the Snowden revealed PRISM project.


I started Chart Porn because I love graphics. I love data. I love visualizations.  I love sharing with other people the information, perspective, and inspiration that I gain from all these works of data art. Running Chart Porn is a lot of fun. However, it also runs up a sizeable annual webhosting bill.

Chart Porn currently has about 12,000 RSS subscribers, 8,000 Twitter followers, and 4,000 Facebook followers, but I have decided to not have any advertising on the site – I just don’t like them, and find the whole process distracting from my goal of providing the best content.

If Chart Porn makes you laugh, or look at the world a little differently, or inspires your own designs, then please take the time to click on the box and PayPal a donation. If you can’t swing anything now, I completely understand – times are tough out there. Don’t worry – I’ll keep posting cool charts either way.


Thanks for your support!

Lots of books try to convince us that different colors are associated with different emotions and messages, but John Nelson decided to put google image search results to the test. Check out the comments for some good discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the technique.

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A trip down time-wasting memory lane.

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An apparently beautiful diagram of tide predictions for June 2013 in the SF bay – unfortunately, she didn’t post a big enough version for me to be sure how good it really is. Boo.



New Jersey Cultural Map, NJ, New Jersey, Regional Stereotypes, cultural and economic stereotypes, color coded map of New Jersey, Vast Wilderness of Rednecks and Retired Hippies, Well-To-Do Conservatives, Christie Country, hippies, misguided tourists, executives living in mansions, lake houses owned by new yorkers, farmers and subdevelopments, Executives living in mansions driving Mercedes-benzes, Middle-class raritan valley line commuters, Farms and army bases, Pineys ... Pineys Everywhere, Ghetto In The Woods, Sad Black People And Corruption, worse than detroit

There really aren’t many differences between the two current proposals, which were designed to incorporate the new Silver Line to Dulles airport. As mentioned in the WashPost comments, the only major flaw I see is using the same color for the background beltway and DC boundary as for the Silver Line.

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To be honest, I still prefer a lot of the options that Cameron Booth proposed in his 2010 reworking:


What is Chart Porn?

An addictive collection of beautiful charts, graphs, maps, and interactive data visualization toys -- on topics from around the world.

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