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Data journalism and data visualization from the Datablog | News | The Guardian
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  • Thursday 1 August 2013

  • US

    It's quite ironic that you need a map to navigate this map of the US. The key in the bottom-left corner explains that the colours are based on three maps overlayed. Oh! Right! We get it now! (We don't really, it's just embarrassing to admit sometimes).

    If it's an image that displays and explains information quickly and clearly it's an infographic. These on the other hand are head-craning, eye-squinting, eyebrow-raising nightmares that leave you more confused than before you clicked 'next'.

  • According to the 2011 census 56,075,912 people live in England and Wales. We've drawn every person as a dot in their approximate location. The results give a beautiful picture of population density across the country.

  • E-gaming

    Featurespace is using machine learning to identify people at risk of developing a gambling addiction. Photograph: The Report Company

    Featurespace is using behavioural analytics to identify early stage problem gamblers and guide them away from addiction

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  • Plain packaging cigarettes

    The Australian government has announced plans to increase tobacco excise. Photograph: LUKAS COCH/AAPIMAGE

    After the government raises the tobacco excise Australia could potentially have the most expensive cigarettes in the world

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  • Will pupils be taught in future through tablets pre-loaded with curriculum content?

    Four in five parents said their children used a tablet computer at least weekly, in the latest Ofcom communications report. Photograph: Thomas Tolstrup/Getty Images

    We may be watching more TV than ever before but we're also 'media multi-tasking' with an ever increasing range of gadgets, according to the latest Ofcom communications market report

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  • Wednesday 31 July 2013

  • ONS statistics graphic

    If you live in Britain there is no such thing as a day untouched by the ONS. Illustration: Mark McCormick for the Guardian

    Paula Cocozza: The data gathered by the Office for National Statistics shapes our lives – and government policy

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  • Bulgarian shows UK visa

    Can we expect a flood of new migrants from Romania and Bulgaria? Photograph: Valentina Petrova/AFP/Getty Images

    The front page of the Times on Wednesday discusses possible measures to deal with EU migrants. Which leaves us looking at the data on whether these migrants are a problem in the first place

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  • Zimbabwe votes today - not just for its local governments, national assembly and senate, but also for its president. All eyes are on focused on whether the Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's president for 33 years will be ousted by the prime minister, Morgan Tsvangirai. Find out the results as they happen with this interactive map

  • Network graph

    A network graph showing the relationships between different data points based on common characteristics. Illustration: Justin Grimes

    Companies store copies of information in multiple locations to minimise the risk of data loss, but does our right to privacy suffer as a result?

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  • Tuesday 30 July 2013

  • Man on telephone

    How many people have called NHS 111 since the service was established and how many of them were admitted to hospital? Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian

    The jury is out about whether the NHS 111 helpline should be scrapped. We look at the evidence on what happened next to callers

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  • Guinea summary

    What does Guinea look like in seven numbers? Image: Guardian

    The Beny Steinmetz mining deal put the West African country of Guinea in the spotlight. Here are the key numbers that have helped to shape the country's past, present and possibly its future

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  • SEN mentions social media

    Social media mentions for different SEN types Illustration: Peter Passaro

    Analytics experts joined forces with charities and public bodies over the weekend in a 'Data Dive', the first of its kind in the UK

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  • Monday 29 July 2013

  • online learning

    As social media sites like Twitter try to catch up with their own success they also try to catch up with those that abuse the services they offer. Photograph: David J. Green/Alamy

    High profile cases like rape threats on Twitter against a feminist campaigner make the headlines, but how widespread is abuse on social media? We try to provide some data

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  • Friday 26 July 2013

  • A buyer places a winning bid on behalf of an anonymous Chinese collector for a nude photo of former model Carla Bruni, the wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy

    A buyer places a winning bid on behalf of an anonymous Chinese collector for a nude photo of former model Carla Bruni, the former wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images

    Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. Three names that have just cost the French public almost half a million euros after she charged them for a website she set up. What else could the government have spent the money on?

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  • bullying primary

    Are children as young as seven really becoming aggressive as news reports are suggesting? Photograph: Alamy

    The Department for Education has released statistics about how many children are excluded and why. Critics are already claiming that bad behaviour is on the rise - are they right?

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