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Delegation of CSCLR visited VNIIOkeangeologia 01.02.2013 15:16
Negotiations on scientific cooperation between Chinese organization "Cores and Samples Center of Land and Resources" (CSCLR) and VNIIOkeangeologia took place in our institute on Jamuary, 31st. In negotiations both sides introduced themselves and defined aspects of future cooperation.

Workshop "Subsea Permafrost, gas seeps and gas hydrates in the Arctic: available data and prospective projects 20.01.2013 16:37
Representatives of VNIIOkeangeologia took part in the Workshop “SUBSEA PERMAFROST, GAS SEEPS AND GAS HYDRATES IN THE ARCTIC: AVAILABLE DATA AND PROSPECTIVE PROJECTS”, which was held in Helsinki on 14-15th of January.
The Workshop has been attended by 31 participants: PERGAMON members and experts.
The presentations covered several topics from overviews of projects, performed investigations and available resources and techniques over results of studies in various environments in the Arctic as well onshore as offshore, to initiatives for data inventory and dissemination.

Signing of Contract for prospecting of deep-sea polymetallic sulphides in the Atlantic Ocean area took place on 4th October, 2012. 02.11.2012 14:05

Secretary-General, Mr. Nii A. Odunton and the Deputy to the Secretary-General, Mr. Michael Lodge visited “VNIIOkeangeologia” in the frame of signing of Contract for prospecting of deep-sea polymetallic sulphides in the Atlantic Ocean area, which was held in Moscow on 4th October, 2012.

The VIIth All-Russian Congress of Geologists took place in Moscow on 24-26 October, 2012 28.10.2012 14:42
VII All-Russian Congress of Geologists was held under the auspices of Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency on Mineral Resources, Russian Geological Society and was organized to discuss a number of the most important modern geological problems - the foundation of the Russian economy.

Expedition "Arctic-2012" 13.10.2012 13:05
In August-September 2012, 9 scientists of “VNIIOkeangeologia” participated as a part of crew in expedition “Arctic-2012”, which was held by “Sevmorgeo” in the frame of object “Carrying out of complex geological  and geophysical surveys on geological reasoning of continental genesis of
Mendeleev rise and delimitation of Russian’s outer limit of the continental shelf in the Central-Arctic Basin (depth-sounding profile “Arctic-2012”, testing of Mendeleev rise’s bedrock, deep-sea drilling on escarps of Mendeleev rise)”. Main aim of the expedition was the delimitation of Mendeleev rise’s geological nature.

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