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Sony announces PS Vita TV, a tiny console to take on Apple TV

PS Vita TV stock

Sony has just announced PlayStation Vita TV, a 6 x 10 cm console and set-top box that connects to a TV. It's based on PS Vita hardware, and besides playing Vita, PSP, and PS1 games, also offers access to a range of entertainment services and PlayStation 4 cross-functionality. It will cost 9,480 yen, or around $95 excluding sales tax, and is out in Japan on November 14th. A separate bundle,...

Xbox One video leak offers a closer look at the next-gen dashboard

xbox logo (verge stock)

Microsoft has provided some glimpses of the Xbox One dashboard, but the company still hasn't shown it fully to the public. One particular YouTube user, Jackson Carter, has posted a two minute video of the Xbox One console, controller, and dashboard. The shaky cam overview provides one of the first videos of the new Xbox One dashboard, and a preview of how games and videos continue to play throughout the dashboard interface.

The console appears to be part of the beta program that Microsoft is currently testing with internal Xbox employees. The YouTube user notes that "it has a lot of bugs," but Microsoft still has over two months to figure those out before its release on November 22nd. Like the Xbox 360, the interface makes use of Microsoft's "Metro-style" user interface, with a number of different sized Tiles throughout separate sections. Games, Movies & TV, Music, and Apps all have separate card sections, while apps like Skype, Internet Explorer, and Xbox Music are stored in a...

Shaky cam provides a glimpse at the beta

Networks score early win as judge orders shutdown of streaming TV service FilmOn X

CBS logo (STOCK)

Television networks have been going after companies like Aereo for transmitting their content across the internet, and now a federal judge has ordered a similar streaming service to shut down its operation for the time being. US District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer granted a preliminary injunction against FilmOn X, a step that had been requested by a collective of companies that includes CBS, NBC, Fox, and ABC. The broadcasters filed their initial lawsuit back in May when FilmOn X still used...

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LG says its 4K TVs will scare people like Armageddon

Watch out it's an LG TV

What makes a video go "viral?" After an elevator prank video from LG UK garnered over 19 million views on YouTube, LG Chile has used the same format for a new video. "Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation?" presents itself as a hidden camera, much like a Candid Camera or Punk'd setup. Unsuspecting candidates are led into a room for an interview. The room is full of hidden cameras, and, in place of a window, one of LG's enormous...

HDMI 2.0 future-proofs your home theater for 4K video and 32-channel audio

HDMI cable shutterstock

Slowly but surely, the world of 4K is opening up to consumers and creative professionals. And while 1080p content obviously won't be going anywhere for years, it's the job of the HDMI Forum (which oversees development of the all-important home theater standard) to anticipate and be ready for a shift to ultra high-resolution content. With that in mind, today the group announced the finalized HDMI 2.0 specification. Most people will never notice...

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