Note: be sure to read our 13-inch MacBook Air review for lots more on Apple's latest laptops.

When my parents bought me my first laptop, I fought tooth and nail to spend the extra money and get a bigger model. The 15-inch Dell Inspiron E1505 I cajoled them into purchasing was backpack-fillingly large and back-breakingly heavy, but man did it have screen space.

Eventually, my computing needs changed. My laptop stopped being my TV, my game console, my desk, and my serving tray for late-night Bagel Bites. I needed a computer that was powerful but not quite so huge. So I bought a 13-inch MacBook Pro, which served me well until I dropped it one too many times and downloaded one too many torrents, at which point it clutched its chest and collapsed in my living room. This time I bought a 13-inch MacBook Air.

Now, two-plus years of liveblogs and cross-country flights later, it’s falling apart — one of the USB ports only works half the time, audio output is horribly inconsistent, and it’s always a desperate sprint to make it through a meeting before my battery croaks. It’s time for a new machine.