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Hundreds of Russians Fighting as Mercenaries in Syria – FSB | World | RIA Novosti
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21/9/2013 12:44
RIA Novosti


Hundreds of Russians Fighting as Mercenaries in Syria – FSB

Topic: Protests in Syria

Opposition fighters in Syria
17:52 20/09/2013
Tags: FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, Syria, Russia

YAROSLAVL, September 20 (RIA Novosti) – Some 300 to 400 Russians are fighting in the Syrian civil war as soldiers of fortune, a senior official in Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) told reporters on Friday.

However, as those soldiers return home, it will pose a “great danger” to Russian security, FSB first deputy director Sergei Smirnov said after a board meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s anti-terrorism department.

Recruiting mercenaries is a real practice, Smirnov said, and preventing this kind of activity isn’t mentioned in Russian law. “We still need to work on that,” he added.

Smirnov's estimate was significantly higher than one made in May by FSB head Alexander Bortnikov, who claimed that a total of about 200 mercenaries from Russia, Europe and Central Asia were fighting in the civil war.

Smirnov said Friday that the SCO board meeting did not directly discuss the mercenary issue, but that Russian officials had privately talked about it with other member state representatives and found that they were also concerned.

The SCO, a Eurasian political, economic and military cooperative founded in Shanghai in 2001, includes China, Russia and the Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Last year, the Syrian government presented the United Nations Security Council with lists of hundreds of foreign nationals who had been killed fighting against government forces in Syria. The lists included mercenaries from Arab countries, Europe, and Russia’s North Caucasus region, including Chechnya.


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RIA NovostiOpposition fighters in SyriaHundreds of Russians Fighting as Mercenaries in Syria – FSB

17:52 20/09/2013 Some 300 to 400 Russians are fighting in the Syrian civil war as soldiers of fortune, a senior official in Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) told reporters on Friday.>>

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  • Mikhail1228Krasnodar Krai (Region)
    18:54, 20/09/2013
    Some reporters are raising an alarm bell about 400 mercenaries from Russia’s volatile North Caucuses region returning home from Syria and causing trouble for the olympics. These reporters know very little about this region. Sochi is located in the Krasnodar region. This region is home to the Kuban Cossacks. In American terms this would be like a tougher and much larger version of a Montana Militia. Cossacks are armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art Russian weaponry. They are Orthodox Christians trained from the age of a toddler to fight and whose sole purpose in life is to protect Orthodox Christians and the Russian Motherland. I really don't think that any Muslim from the Caucasus, even ones battle hardened from Syria are going to like this neighborhood very much. They are outnumbered more than 10 X 1 and cossack will enjoy giving them all dirt naps!!!
    • gunshipdemocracyБоже, Храни Россию
      21:33, 20/09/2013
      Porky mercenaries. They are and will be financed by Saudis and Qatar with silent but clear approval from Pentagon.

      But Cossacks surely will prevail, no doubts about it.

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