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Nintendo News: ONM 100 out now! Comes with Pokémon X & Y stickers and four free posters - Official Nintendo Magazine
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Official Nintendo Magazine

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ONM 100 out now! Comes with Pokémon X & Y stickers and four free posters

Celebratory features, exclusive interviews and self-congratulation galore in the new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine

Chances are if you haven't already gotten a copy of our 100th issue special, you won't be getting our exclusive Shigeru Miyamoto-drawn cover, but don't let that put you off. Our regular edition is a bit special this month too - what better game to adorn our look back over years of ONM than something beautiful from the past?The Wind Waker HD leads the issue, and the reviews section.

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But the real standouts are our interviews. Every member of the team decided who they'd most like to talk to, and we've gotten some corkers in. Chats with an old master (Miyamoto), a young pretender (Michel Ancel), an unsung hero (Shu Takumi, creator of Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick) and forgotten artists (Cing vice-president Rika Suzuki) fill our pages with insight and reverie.

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Less insightful, and certainly less reverential, is our 10-page look back over ONM's history. That said, those of you who've been in for the long haul should get a lot out of seeing each of the magazine's old designs popping up, as well as numerous jokes at Chris Scullion's expense - not to mention a rare visit from first ever editor Lee Nutter to tell us what a bad job we're doing with his magazine.

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That's not to mention reviews of Harvest Moon, Inazuma Eleven, Etrian Odyssey and the aforementioned Wind Waker (among others), previews of the likes of Ace Attorney, Monster Hunter, Hometown Story and a bonus Mouthpiece interview with Steamworld Dig maestro Brjann Sigurgeirsson.

We've even managed to squeeze in some new regular features, too. In comes the Time Capsule, a look back at the retro games we want to keep safe forever, Classic Moment, a beautiful snapshot of gaming history and a startlingly misjudged bit where we drew each others' faces on Art Academy SketchPad. That probably won't be back.

Then there's stickers! And posters! And a competition to win The Wonderful 101 ("Wii U's best game" - me) with a Wii U to play it on! And a How To section where we tell you how to make your own ONM in potentially dangerous ways! It's an absolute bonanza of brilliance if we do say so ourselves. And we do. Because we're big-headed like that.

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You can buy ONM 100 in any retailer worth their salt or online in our digital store (p&p; included) - or you can subscribe here.

You can also buy a digital edition of ONM 100 to read on your Tablet or Smartphone. You can get hold of it for Apple devices here where you can get the latest issue for FREE when you start a 30-day trial subscription!

Or you can get it for Android devices here for £2.99. You can also subscribe via Zinio for £2.50 an issue.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!


8 comments so far...
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  1. oh dae su Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 10:31

    Have to say that the interviews in this issue are fantastic.
    Congrats ONM :D

  2. Crackerjack Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 10:43

    I got it today!!!

  3. reeesy Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 10:45

    I'v bought every single issue since the first one. A great milestone! Keep up the good work and here's to another 100 issues.

  4. MaloMart06 Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 10:59

    Congrats ONM :D You've been a big part of my life ever since I got my first issue (No 22.) and have taught me all i know about video games, so thank you so much :D here's to issue 200!!!

  5. starman292 Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 12:30

    Might buy this, it looks really good. I'm gonna be honest I haven't bought an issue since the last (season of mags I guess?) but I was a subscriber back then and have a huge back catalog of issues. I used to read back when Lee was the editor I'd like a look at that :D and of course the shigsy and zelda section looks like a good read too.

  6. Dean Thompson Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 15:01

    Have to say that the interviews in this issue are fantastic.
    Congrats ONM :D

    Mostly true. I have serious concerns about Nair's ability to conduct an interview - not Miyamoto's responses, but Nair's line of questioning I must stress. I should add as well that my job involves interviewing people a lot - and I really do mean a lot. I would highlight missed opportunities within a semi-structured interview, but then you would have to pay me.

    I must say I was also disappointed by the '10-page look back over ONM's history' as someone who still has every copy of this magazine. Former staff contributions were excellent, otherwise the entire piece lacked something and evoked no nostalgia except for the aforementioned contributions.

  7. dap005 Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 21:27

    My subscription run out at a crucial moment! Either way I'll be getting this whopper of a issue. I still remember the celebration for issue 50, unfortunately the new Zelda game isn't called a link to the future and nor does Link spot a fluffy beard but it's close!

  8. MartinIsAwesome Wednesday 25th Sep 2013 at 22:26

    Fantastic issue, and I was great to see some of the faces of ONMs past in that retrospective, especially since they each wrote something about their experience on the mag (I think I miss Neil the most). Haven't go stuck into all the interviews yet, but I look forward to reading them, especially the one with Shu Takumi and the lady from CiNG.

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