Government shutdown would still entail costs

Government shutdown would still entail costs

The government and the private sector would both pay a price, experts say.


Agencies prepare to furlough workers

Agencies prepare to furlough workers

Agencies tell workers who will work and who won’t if parts of government shutter due to Congress inaction.


GOP’s citizenship suppression

GOP’s citizenship suppression

A second-class America could be created.


GOP’s compromised reputation

GOP’s compromised reputation

The party forgets the Constitution is based on finding common ground.


The real Rouhani

The real Rouhani

Iran’s president and the centrifuges are both spinning.


In the Loop: Too close for comfort — or security

In the Loop: Too close for comfort — or security

Near the White House, activists looking to protest a trade agreement got a lot farther than they expected.


Obama’s cold realism

Obama’s cold realism

If the president ever was a foreign policy idealist, he’s not one now.


Looking to block Obamacare, GOP is party in search of a strategy

Looking to block Obamacare, GOP is party in search of a strategy

Republicans take grievances over Obamacare to the brink

What’s changed for women donors and candidates (and what hasn’t) in one study

What’s changed for women donors and candidates (and what hasn’t) in one study

When it comes to political donors, the gap between men and women has not moved much.

Federal workers: Are you an ‘essential’ employee?

Federal workers: Are you an ‘essential’ employee?

If you could make a pitch to your boss for why you should continue working during a shutdown, what would it be?

Why do we have a debt ceiling anyway? (VIDEO)

Why do we have a debt ceiling anyway? (VIDEO)

The nation’s credit card, explained

Obama looking to replace energy commission nominee

Obama looking to replace energy commission nominee

Ron Binz, embattled Obama nominee for energy job, may be dropping out.

How the government shutdown showdown is a game of ping-pong

How the government shutdown showdown is a game of ping-pong

The question is whether the ball will stop moving in time to prevent a government shutdown.

No, people don’t understand the budget. But the polls still matter -- a lot.

No, people don’t understand the budget. But the polls still matter -- a lot.

People may not understand the budget process, but their perception of it is still hugely important.

What’s in an agency shutdown plan?

What’s in an agency shutdown plan?

Among other things, agencies must submit summaries of activities that will continue and those that will cease.

Stripping’s no obstacle to security clearance

Stripping’s no obstacle to security clearance

A once-and-future stripper seeks advice on passing a security-clearance check.

Feds will be told who is furloughed and who is not

Federal agencies will begin telling employees on Friday if they will be required to work or be furloughed during the shutdown,

House braces for shutdown: shoe shine, fancy dining room to shutter

House braces for shutdown: shoe shine, fancy dining room to shutter

Many of the perks of being a member of Congress would disappear under the House’s plan for a government shutdown.

Stephen Colbert on Ted Cruz’s marathon speech (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert on Ted Cruz’s marathon speech (VIDEO)

“What makes it truly courageous: The bill was his idea, and it’s not really a filibuster.“

Care for some National Park vino?

Care for some National Park vino?

The Park Service waives its rules and okays a line of wines branded with national parks.

When speculation on leaks is wrong

Last year, lawmakers were certain that a sensitive leak came from the White House. They were wrong.

How would a shutdown affect Capitol Hill employees?

How would a shutdown affect Capitol Hill employees?

The House Administration Committee released shutdown guidance on Tuesday.


Obama’s diplomatic appeal

Obama’s diplomatic appeal

The president makes the case for the U.S. role in the world — to Americans.


GOP: Let Obamacare fail

GOP: Let Obamacare fail

Ted Cruz and his supporters should let the act stumble on its own.


In the Loop: Everybody’s a critic — including Valerie Plame

In the Loop: Everybody’s a critic — including Valerie Plame

“Homeland”? “Zero Dark Thirty”? A real spy takes issue with some female characters.


Ted Cruz’s phony filibuster

Ted Cruz’s phony filibuster

His move turned out not to be about Obamacare, but about Ted Cruz.


Shutdown uncertainty generates angst and rumors

Shutdown uncertainty generates angst and rumors

With a lack of information about possible furloughs, federal employees are on edge.

Chart | How a shutdown would impact agencies

Chart | How a shutdown would impact agencies

Find out what some agencies have said about their plans for a government shutdown if Congress and the White House fail to avoid that fate.

What Ted Cruz’s speech accomplished

What Ted Cruz’s speech accomplished

The Texas Senator didn’t block the debate on Obamacare. But that doesn’t mean his speech was pointless.