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ICU Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Study Group
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20131010082059/http://www.icudelirium.org/

ABCDEs of Prevention and Safety

ABCDE is a standard bundle of ICU measures that includes spontaneous Awakening and Breathing coordination, attention to the Choice of sedation, Delirium monitoring, and Early mobility and exercise. All individual components of this bundle are evidence based and can help standardize communication, improve interdisciplinary patient care, reduce mortality, and improve long-term cognitive and functional outcomes.

For resources and education materials for delirium assessment, including the CAM-ICU, the bCAM, and the pCAM-ICU, visit the Delirium Monitoring page. For a complete list of all the materials available for download visit our visit our comprehensive resources page.

what is Delirium?

Delirium is basically inattention and confusion that represents the brain temporarily failing. A person who is delirious is unable to think clearly and can’t make sense of what is going on around him.

Delirium increases the risk of longer stays in the hospital, higher cost of care, death, and more long-term cognitive impairment up to one year later.

More Info for Medical Professionals More Info for Patients and Families