Linear B TU
Linear B Syllabogram *69, /tu/

TU- Sign Groups  

anthroponym tu-da-ra KN hapax
anthroponym tu-ka-na KN
anthroponym tu-ka-to KN hapax
anthroponym tu-ke-ne-u PY hapax
anthroponym tu-ma-i-ta KN
tu-ma-ko KN hapax
tu-na-no KN
toponym tu-ni-ja KN
anthroponym tu-ni-jo PY
anthroponym tu-qa-ni-ja-so KN
tu-ra-te-u, (nominative plural) tu-ra-te-we, (dative plural) tu-ra-te-u-si KN, PY
[[tu-ri]] KN hapax
anthroponym tu-ri-jo KN, PY
toponym tu-ri-so KN
anthroponym tu-ri-ta PY hapax
tu-ru-pte-ri-ja PY
anthroponym tu-ru-we-u PY
anthroponym tu-to KN hapax
tu-wi-jo KN hapax
anthroponym tu-wi-no, (genitive) tu-wi-no-no KN
anthroponym tu-zo KN
anthroponym tu-*49-mi KN hapax
anthroponym tu-*56-da-ro KN hapax

Phonetic Greek  

θしーた, cf. tu-ru-we-u (Woodard 1997: progressive spelling)
θしーたυうぷしろん, cf. tu-ka-te
σしぐまτたう, cf. tu-ru-pte-ri-ja (Woodard 1997: partial and progressive spelling)
σしぐまτたうυうぷしろん, cf. tu-ma-ko (Woodard 1997: partial spelling)
τたうυうぷしろん, cf. tu-ri-so
τたうυうぷしろんνにゅー, cf. tu-da-ra

TU as an Adjunct  


Appears as “tu-ni-ja ‘tu’ MUL 4 ne di 3 ko 1′” on KN Ap 629.
Appears as “ri-jo-no ‘tu’ MUL 3 ko-wo 3[" on KN Ap 629.
Appears as “do-ti-ja ‘tu’ MUL 4 ne di 6[" on KN Ap 629.
Appears as “ko-so-jo , MUL 1 tu 2[" on KN Ap 637.
Appears as “*18-to-no , / tu , MUL 2″ on KN Ap 639.
Appears as “]si 1 tu 1 ki-zo 1 MUL (3)” on KN Ap 5748+.



o-da-ke-we-ta (Knossos);
o-da-tu-we-ta (Knossos)


o-da-ku-we-ta (Knossos);
o-da-tu-we-ta (Knossos)

twe (as tu-we)

o-da-tu-we-ta (Knossos);
o-da-twe-ta (Knossos)


Woodard, Roger D., 1997 Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer: A Linguistic Interpretation of the Origin of the Greek Alphabet and the Continuity of Ancient Greek Literacy

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