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Four Million Copies Of Pokémon X And Y Sold In First Two Days - News - www.GameInformer.com
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Four Million Copies Of Pokémon X And Y Sold In First Two Days

Last week saw the release of the first 3DS Pokémon adventure (and we liked it). Nintendo is pretty happy with it, too. The new title has sold over four million copies in its first two days.

Pokémon X and Y were an ambitious release for Nintendo, which sent the game to retail simultaneously worldwide. The title is on pace to sell more than Pokémon Black and White 2 by more than 70 percent.

Nintendo also revealed that five titles in the series have sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. They are:

  • Diamond and Pearl (DS) - 17.63 Million
  • Ruby and Sapphire (GBA) - 16.22 Million
  • Black and White (DS) - 15.42 Million
  • HeartGold and SoulSilver (DS) - 12.67 Million
  • FireRed and LeafGreen (GBA) - 12 Million


Our Take
There is no denying the power of Pokémon. The series has enthralled gamers young and old since its inception on the Game Boy. X and Y have particular nostalgic value thanks to the appearance of the original three starter Pokémon. If you are planning on catching them all (if that is even still possible), Nintendo is no doubt happy for your business.

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  • Would've love to join in if I had an 3ds :/

    War between 3Ds v.s 2Ds/ is 3d better off or on, you have been warned o.o
  • I don't think "since the inception of the Game Boy" is quite accurate, as Pokemon came out several years after the Game Boy had already become a success. It certainly wasn't there at the very beginning when I was. Tetris was what the Game Boy was most well known for, and for gamers, birthing Kirby well before Pokemon came along.

    Hell, checking Wikipedia, Pokemon Red & Blue, the first titles in the franchise, released in Japan in 1996 and the US in 1998. The Game Boy's inception was 1989. It seems that Pokemon was the killer app to help sell early units of the Game Boy Color.

    Oh, and um, "holy crap, that's a lot of games" and such. Still don't play Pokemon myself.

    [Edit] Misread what Mike Futter wrote. Oops, ha! Nobody's perfect, I suppose. I'll leave this here for you all to enjoy. It's fun to see people who are so often wrong so desperate to prove me wrong, after all. Hell, I can take it--it happens.
  • Good game, gorgeous visuals.  Mechanics are largely unchanged with some newer additions thrown in.  I can definitely understand why it's selling as well as it is.  I am happy to be part of that statistic.

  • After all these years, this franchise still has a cult following. I jumped ship a long time about but I may consider getting back into the fray.
  • so i decide to jump back into pokemon and see if there's any changes..i only play after coming out of the forest and into area 3 (forgot the name of city, starts with S i think)..i felt like this was just a remake of red and blue..is it?..i haven't been following pokemon
  • I remember playing Ruby. That was a good game, and one of my favorites on the Game Boy.
  • surprise big not

  • Pokemon X is my first Pokemon game. It's really good. And that is a lot of games in just two days.
  • A cult I tell you! A cult!

  • one of my favorite series of games

  • IT is still possible to catch them all. I do it on every game.
  • Great to hear. I pretty much expected X and Y to have such a huge following, even after all these years.

  • Totally deserves it. Within the first hour, I could tell that I'm going to like this game just as much, if not more, than the first time I played White, which was like a whole new level of awesome for the series.

  • This game is pretty good. It has some of the most advanced social features I've seen in a nintendo game (even though that's not saying much.) At pretty much any time you can just tap the screen and trade or battle with anyone. works real smooth.

  • I've never played Pokemon. Maybe now's a good chance.
  • I wonder which sold more (x or y)? I went with Y and figured that one would sell more simply because the guy on the cover looked cooler (cover sells these days), but I've seen a lot more people with X...
  • 4 mill in 2 days? That's pretty good; I wonder how many it'll get before it plateau's.. I estimate about 16-17 mill.

  • a good game indeed! breathtaking I say.

  • 3ds and 2ds all sold out at gamestops by me. its ridiculous. now all my friends decide its time to buy a new ds

  • I'm planning on picking up a copy soon. I quit Pokémon a while back and sold my games but now I'm wanting to try it out again.

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