(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Compassion in World Farming - Education
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20131023161219/http://www.ciwf.org.uk/what_we_do/education/default.aspx

Research & Education

Educating the next generation

Peter Roberts, founder of Compassion in World Farming, looked forward to a world where cruel factory farming systems would not only be unacceptable; they would also be unthinkable.

French classroom work. Photo © PMAF

Taking Compassion and animal welfare to classrooms around the world

In classrooms around the world children are laying the foundations of just such an animal-friendly future by learning through Compassion’s education projects. From South Africa and Kenya to Australia, the Netherlands and France, and from primary school to university and beyond, the voice of farm animals is reaching the classroom, changing hearts and minds.

Educational resources

We produce educational resources for teachers and students including videos, teaching activities, information booklets and web-based software. These have been translated into a range of languages and adaptations have appeared in the Netherlands, Australia and South Africa. The South African version has appeared in English, Africaans and Xhosa translations.


Visit our main education section for further reading and free downloads. Separate educational websites have been developed by our sister organisations in France, the Netherlands and South Africa. Geert Laugs, who runs the Compassion in World Farming Netherlands office, uses the potential of the internet to entertain and inform, challenging students and consumers to test what they know about chicken and eggs.

Curriculum development

The challenge of building a humane and compassionate society is being tackled in South Africa by Louise van der Merwe, head of the Humane Education Trust (HET) and Compassion in World Farming’s voice in the country. Louise is a global inspiration. In addition to producing a wide range of educational resources, she has managed to get humane education officially incorporated into the South African national curriculum since 2004.


We organise conferences ranging from the ground-breaking From Darwin to Dawkins: The science and implications of Animal Sentience attended by leading welfare scientists and policy makers from across the world to the first ever Humane Education Symposium in Australia.

Visit the main education section for further reading and free downloads.