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Archive for February, 2003

Hacking Cybiko

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 28th, 2003

CYBIKO is a wireless voice and text communicator designed for teens. You can pick one up for under $50. It plays MP-3s, has hundreds of programs and can chat wirelessly with 1 or 100 of your friends. It might be fun to play with. The Cybiko broadcasts on 30 digital channels over frequencies between 902 […]

Wi-Fi Bus

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 28th, 2003

A bus with a webcam and “3G” delivers internet to remote areas in the UK. While we don’t have 3G in the United States, we’ve got something just as good – Wi-Fi. Portland’s Mt Hood Cable Grant has money to spend. Let’s help them. Say, $15K for an outfitted bus, live cameras, and a Wi-Fi […]

FatPort + Intel

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 28th, 2003

FatPort, a leading provider of wireless high- speed Internet access in Canada is working with Intel to market hot spots in hotels, airports, coffee shops, entertainment complexes, and other public places. The program coincides with the upcoming March introduction of Intel’s Centrino for notebook PCs that feature built-in wireless. FatPort and Intel are conducting engineering […]

ADSL2 Plugfest

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 28th, 2003

DSL Forum, a consortium of nearly 200 companies, and the University of New Hampshire’s InterOperability Laboratory, sponsored a multi-vendor ADSL2 “plugfest” interoperability event earlier this month. ADSL2 (ITU G.992.3), is a new DSL standard approved in August 2002 by the ITU. It provides line diagnostics, power management, and faster speeds. The industry standard setting bodies […]

Spectrum Conference

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 28th, 2003

The Spectrum Policy Conference, at the Stanford Law School will feature FCC Chairman Michael Powell, renowned economist Harold Demsetz, and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski. Spectrum policy is undergoing a fundamental reorientation in the United States and elsewhere. Do governmentally-allocated spectrum rights inhibit innovation and competition? What form of spectrum management should […]

Playstation2 Goes Grid

Posted by Sam Churchill on February 27th, 2003

Sony’s Playstation 2 and I.B.M. will use Butterfly.net for grid computing for gamers reports the Washington Post . They plan to unveil it at the annual Game Developer’s Conference in San Jose next week. The Butterfly Grid will use IBM’s Dual Xeon Blade Servers running Linux. The concept cuts costs for game developers and allows […]