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Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
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Space News from SpaceDaily.com
October 24, 2013
Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Oct 24, 2013
A unique space cannon developed for Japan's Hayabusa 2 spacecraft has successfully test-fired on Earth in preparation for a 2014 mission. During its upcoming journey into space, the cannon will blast an asteroid and mine samples of its soil. The test took place in the Japanese prefecture of Gifu, paving the way for the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft to extract soil samples from the asteroid, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announced on Monday. During the mission of Hayabusa 2, scheduled ... read more
Previous Issues Oct 23 Oct 22 Oct 21 Oct 18 Oct 17

Cassini Gets New Views of Titan's Land of Lakes
With the sun now shining down over the north pole of Saturn's moon Titan, a little luck with the weather, and trajectories that put the spacecraft into optimal viewing positions, NASA's Cassini spac ... more

Space ballooning: 20-mile-high flights offered for $75K
A new US venture plans to use helium balloons to send deep-pocketed tourists in specially-designed luxury capsules up to the "edge of space." A four-hour flight to an altitude of 20 miles will cost ... more

Mars Rover Opportunity Heads Uphill
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover has begun climbing "Solander Point," the northern tip of the tallest hill it has encountered in the mission's nearly 10 Earth years on Mars. Guided by mineral map ... more
Space News from SpaceDaily.com


Mars Crater May Actually Be Ancient Supervolcano
Scientists from NASA and the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz., have identified what could be a supervolcano on Mars-the first discovery of its kind. The volcano in question, a vast ... more


Scientists discover how the atmosphere of Mars turned to stone
Scientists at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, the University of Glasgow and the Natural History Museum in London may have discovered how Mars lost its early carbon dioxide-r ... more
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Orbital Completes COTS Demonstration Mission to ISS
Orbital Sciences reports that its Cygnus cargo logistics spacecraft reentered Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean east of New Zealand at approximately 2:15 p.m. (EDT). Cygnus unberthed from th ... more

Gaia launch delayed several months
Yesterday, the decision was taken to postpone the launch of ESA's Gaia mission after a technical issue was identified in another satellite already in orbit. Gaia shares some of the components ... more
Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
Turkey PM defends Chinese missile choice but says deal not final

China, India sign border defence agreement

NATO, Russia make no progress on missile defence row

Iraq PM warns of 'war of genocide' as attacks kill 48

Kerry calls for action from Iran on nuclear issue

US, NATO, Afghanistan confident on post-2014 troop accord

N. Koreans in Panama over detained sailors in Cuba arms case


NASA Laser Communication System Sets Record with Data Transmissions to and from Moon
NASA's Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD) has made history using a pulsed laser beam to transmit data over the 239,000 miles between the moon and Earth at a record-breaking download rate ... more

Asteroid-blast space cannon on track: Japan scientists
Japanese scientists readying to blast a crater in an asteroid to find out what it is made of said Wednesday they have successfully tested their new space cannon. ... more

Walking robots: it's all in the hips, say Japan researchers
Robot researchers in Japan have proved what entertainers from Elvis Presley to Miley Cyrus knew all along: the secret is in the hips. ... more
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Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon
Enhanced growth of Earth's leafy greens during the 20th century has significantly slowed the planet's transition to being red-hot, according to the first study to specify the extent to which plants ... more

US firm offers 30 kilometer-high balloon ride
Seeking to cash in on the space tourism boom, a US firm is offering rides in a helium balloon 30 kilometers (20 miles) up to gaze down on Earth. ... more
24/7 News Coverage
Over 156,000 hit in South Sudan 'disaster' floods: UN

Indian farmer gets one-dollar cheque in flood relief

Baby's HIV 'cure not a fluke,' US researchers say

New blazes in Australia but worst fears ease

Glaxo says China drugs sales slump on bribery probe

Africa faces water crisis despite discovery of huge aquifers

Dozens flee Japan mudslide island to beat new typhoon


Europe's Planck telescope retires
The deep-space Planck telescope was switched off Wednesday after a successful 4.5-year mission that revealed our Universe to be 80 million years older than previously thought, the European Space Agency said. ... more

Technical glitch will delay launch of European space mission
The European Space Agency says it will delay the launch of a galaxy-mapping spacecraft due to a technical issue with some on-board components. ... more

Satellites proposed as way to bring early detection of wildfires
As firefighters recover from a record wildfire season in the U.S. West, scientists say it's time to give them a 21st century tool: a fire-spotting satellite. ... more
Crowdfunded Lunar Spacecraft Reaches Funding Milestone

LADEE Continues To Settle Into Operational Lunar Orbit

NASA's moon landing remembered as a promise of a 'future which never happened'

Mars Crater May Actually Be Ancient Supervolcano

India sets November 5 for Mars mission launch

Scientists discover how the atmosphere of Mars turned to stone

NASA strives to tame 'big data' flowing in from dozens of missions

Chinese no longer banned from NASA astronomy meet

US firm offers 30 kilometer-high balloon ride

Is China Challenging the Space Security

NASA's China policy faces mounting pressure

Ten Years of Chinese Astronauts


Astronomers hunt for the universe's oldest light
A pattern of light twisted during a journey of billions of years from the very early universe, has been detected for the first time, astronomers say. ... more

BAE offers better imaging as intelligence tool
A lightweight device announced by BAE Systems will enable intelligence agents and soldiers to capture battlezone images and add them to critical information exchange during military or security operations. ... more

'Pillownauts' spend 3 weeks in bed as part of astronaut studies
The European Space Agency says volunteer "pillownauts" completed a test of 21 days in bed with their feet up, all in the interest of spaceflight and science. ... more

Is China Challenging the Space Security
There is a view that the recent China's attempt to capture a satellite in space by using mechanical arm actually demonstrates their capability to develop counter-space technologies. This article att ... more
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    An optical switch based on a single nano-diamond


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    First military band type approval for GX terminals


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    India sets November 5 for Mars mission launch


    Cygnus cargo craft leaves international space station

    Count of discovered exoplanets passes the 1,000 mark

    How Earth's rotation affects vortices in nature

    Tiny drones create new, highly detailed mapping of Matterhorn

    The Complicated Birth of a Volcano

    New evidence on lightning strikes

    Roscosmos, Academy of Sciences pool efforts for asteroid defense

    Russian space agency declares war on asteroids

    Countdown to launch of ESA's billion-star surveyor

    GOCE mission comes to an end

    Armed ground drones to take over battlefields in five years

    Sounding Rocket Calibrates NASA's SDO Instrument

    NASA strives to tame 'big data' flowing in from dozens of missions

    Raytheon demonstrates new protected tactical waveform on a small, lightweight, low-cost modem

    'Walking droplets'

    Lockheed Martin to Build Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) in Arkansas

    Lockheed Martin to Deliver Communications and Transmission Services to US Army

    Russia offers Brazil new joint space projects

    Hardware Ready for Pressure Testing in Preparation for Orion Launch

    Long-Sought Pattern of Ancient Light Detected

    Planck on course for safe retirement

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