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What's Happening

PlayStation 4 Controller Removes Pressure Sensitive Buttons

We've heard all about the new PlayStation 4 controller's added features, but it was recently revealed that at least one feature has been removed.

On the PlayStation 2 and 3, the DualShock and Sixaxis controllers had pressure sensitive buttons, essentially offering multiple functions for each face button. In a series of exclusive articles on VentureBeat where the new PlayStation 4 controller is being broken down piece by piece, Sony revealed that the pressure sensitive nature of the X, square, triangle, and circle buttons has been removed.

Sony's manager of product planning, Toshimasa Aoki, told VentureBeat, “With the DualShock 3, we were able to get analog data, which games didn’t really use. For DualShock 4, we deleted that, and now it’s all digital. The mechanism inside is a little different, and the data that games get is different.”

[Source: VentureBeat]

Our Take
It's our expectation that new features will be added to new controllers on new consoles, so it's surprising to see features get removed. That being said, it was a function that very few developers took advantage of. There are more, but I personally only recall two scenarios where it was used in games. In Metal Gear solid 2, you could spray a wider and and stronger stream of the freezing material by pressing the button harder. Silent Hill 2 also had a stronger attack for a stronger button press. Both of those games released in 2001. It's a feature that I doubt many will miss, or even knew existed for that matter.

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  • This is fine by me.
  • Sad that this feature is going away as it may diminish game play possibilities in the long run-let's hope the TouchPad on the DualShock 4 compensates for that.
  • Well, that's too bad, but I guess it's not that bad.

  • Let's get rid of that light next, shall we?
  • I knew about it and would try with so many games to see if pressing harder or softer made a difference. I have been disappointed so many times...

  • Happen Noooo remove X, square, triangle, and circle buttons. I feel favorite Keep Long PlayStation Year X, square, triangle, and circle button Best Keep Skill only know control.
  • you forgot "The Bouncer"
  • I never noticed it. I just wish they'd remove the joystick buttons. I hate having to use those.
  • Aw come on! How am I suposed to play MGS? ¬¬
  • Had my PS3 for years and I never knew. I have never read a game manual that mentioned using pressure sensitive buttons. Sounds like Sony made a wise choice.
  • Well that sucks, especially for people who play MGS and racing games.
  • But my Metal Gear needs it so it won't play like the crappy ports on the 360! Every MGS uses it =\
  • Feel Bad Lucky matter see Predict Happen.

  • Aw, cheer up, Squid! It could be worse!
  • that sucks. I remember the feature being used on the bouncer for Playstation 2 as well in regards to light and strong attacks. Although a part of me will miss it, i can understand the lack of desire in the need to keep the feature. When i'm playing a game, i hate having to think about pressing light on a button in order to do a different action.

  • So the whole thing about if you press the buttons harder the attack is stronger was true? Mind blown...

  • Long live the Playstation Master Race!!! Hail Sony!!!
  • That's not good, but the only game(s) I wanted to use it never utilized it or so poorly that I couldn't tell. In F1 2011-13 you can re-map the controller... gas/brake = X/[]

    I guess I'll be fine. :/
  • they said this back at e3. why is this new news?
  • I was aware it existed, but the only place I ever saw it used was the Metal Gear Solid games.

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