

Where Silicon Valley meets governance

  • There Are No More “Tech Issues”

    There Are No More “Tech Issues”

    Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is not a tech founder. President Barack Obama does not have a GitHub account. The failed launch of the new health insurance e-commerce website,, came as a shock to political leaders that were too steeped in government shutdowns and the machinations of two-party infighting to understand how their hired geeks could flub a… Read More

  • Yes, Only 6 Users Signed Up On Launch Day, But Don’t Panic

    Yes, Only 6 Users Signed Up On Launch Day, But Don’t Panic

    New documents reveal that a mere six people managed to sign up for health insurance through the government's beleaguered e-commerce website, on it's opening day. Naturally, the press is milking every last ounce of this click-bait statistic, but in reality, it probably doesn't matter. Young, uninsured consumers are compulsive procrastinators. When Massachusetts launched its own… Read More

  • No, Madam Secretary, Prices On Are Not A “Hypothetical Situation”

    No, Madam Secretary, Prices On Are Not A “Hypothetical Situation”

    Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, wins the award today for most creative political spin. During a congressional grilling about the failings of the federal e-commerce website,, the secretary now claims that insurance prices are merely “hypothetical situations.” The claim was in response to recent reports that is low-balling… Read More

  • NSA Infiltrates Google And Yahoo Networks, Report Says

    NSA Infiltrates Google And Yahoo Networks, Report Says

    The National Security Agency has secretly taped the networks of Google and Yahoo to monitor real-time communication, according to newly revealed documents from whistleblower, Edward Snowden [PDF]. “The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA… Read More

  • Senate Confirms Tom Wheeler As New FCC Chairman

    Senate Confirms Tom Wheeler As New FCC Chairman

    The Federal Communications Commission finally has a new Chairman: Tom Wheeler. Yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz released his hold and Wheeler was unanimously approved. He will take over for Acting Chairwoman, Mignon Clyburn. As a former telecommunications lobbyist, there has been concern about what his priorities will be. Rather than join the speculation party, we’ll wait until his first few… Read More

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