Will Kyrie Irving be a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers for his entire career? Maybe. OK, but will he at least stick around once his rookie contract expires? Nobody knows. Not him, not you, not anybody. Here’s the Cleveland Plain Dealer:

Kyrie Irving

When it comes to retaining the Cavaliers’ superstar, it’s never too early to begin the discussion – if only to appease the Cleveland faithful that had their hearts broken three years ago.

So even though Kyrie Irving isn’t going to be a free agent any time soon — the Cavaliers can offer him a long-term extension next summer — when the topic came up for owner Dan Gilbert before the season opener, he was quick to assure that “we feel good about Kyrie being here for his entire career.”

A day later, Irving cautioned that it’s way too early to talk about contracts, but he will offer one bit of reassurance: He has a great relationship with Gilbert.