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'The X Factor' Tenth Anniversary Show: Live Blog

Saturday, November 23 2013, 19:50 GMT
There are loads of fun ways to celebrate a tenth birthday. Going bowling, heading to Laserquest or even hiring a clown.

But for The X Factor, they have decided to shun all of these great ideas (OK, maybe except the last one. Hi Louis!) in favour of something completely different…

Tonight, the remaining six contestants are saying 'Happy Birthday' by paying homage to the very best of what the show has produced over the past decade, from Alexandra to Leona, McElderry to, um, Ward.

The X Factor judges

© Tom Dymond/Thames/REX

The X Factor judges

Join Digital Spy from 8pm as we pop on the party hats for what is definitely going to be this weekend's most important TV show birthday celebration…

21:29Goodnight, everyone!

21:29Leave your comments below, and don't forget to come back tomorrow night at 8pm to see who's going to be sent packing. Personally, I predict a Tamera/Hannah showdown - with Dermot immediately going to Scherzy and putting the kibosh on any sort of dramatic tension.

21:27Anyway, with the night well and truly over, who do you think did this past decade justice? And who should have stayed at home for a quiet night in?

21:27Right, all the cake has been eaten and the party bags are being given out. What did you get? I got a mini yo-yo and a SpongeBob Pez.

21:25Speaking of which, there's been a distinct lack of 'Christopher Maloney's nan' types this year. The closest we've probably got is 'Sam Bailey's husband' - and if you don't mind us saying, he's no substitution to a Dermot-grabbing OAP.

21:24Good mention of her daughter and getting chocked up. Full marks, Sam!

21:22Oi, Louis, stop nicking our thoughts.

21:21Take note, Tamera, Sam's face is how to do humble. You could do with some of that!

21:21Sam is just pulling this out of a bit of a nosedive to make this one of our favourite songs of the night. Do you agree?

21:19We didn't think we'd seen half as many light boxes as we'd have liked this week, so it's nice to see seven being brought out of storage for Sam's performance.

21:19Leona 'Louis' says Sam needs to make Bleeding Love "her own"...

21:17Finally it's Digital Spy favourite Sam Bailey. Or how Sharon just introduced her "................AGH, SAM BAILEY"

21:14If Tamera isn't in the bottom two tomorrow night after naffing that up and then appearing completely unrepentant, we'll eat our 10th birthday paper hats.

21:12Gary says that was a "car crash". Ouch.

21:11How Do You Solve a Problem Like Tamera?

21:10Louis thoroughly narks off Luke and Nicholas by saying that Tamera is the one with the biggest chance of a great career...

21:09Tamera looks close to doing a Katie Waissel and saying "sod it".

21:07Tamera looks friggin' terrified, and as well she might. For the second week running she totally fluffs up the lyrics and loses her timing!

21:06We're sure the only reason James Arthur hasn't made an appearance is because he's currently suffering from exhaustion, and has absolutely nothing to do with SyCo currently typing up his P45…

21:06So taking on a James Arthur song come cover, Tamera gets advice from...Olly Murs?! Wuh?

21:06Up now is Tamera, who would have been completely rubbish on Shane Richie's much-missed 'Don't Forget the Lyrics'.

20:59Gary said "Urban Flavour!". Great to see someone representing the spirit of Tulisa in this celebratory episode.

20:58Sharon Osbourne has come over all Craig Revel-Horwood, daaahlings.

20:57And it wasn't even their original song! Our outrage is ramping up to 11.

20:56In what is one of the worst exploitations of this week's theme, Rough Copy singing 'Don't Let Go' - which Little Mix sang twice and then released as a B-side, allegedly. Honestly!

20:55Why hello, L'il Muffins - special mention to Perrie as Miss Marple in a tweed two-piece.

20:53Rough Copy get some brilliant advice from.... Gary Barlow. And a free trip to Winter Wonderland.

20:52Chicken Factory Man gets an invite, Leon Jackson doesn't. Says it all.

20:51You wouldn't want to be stuck in a corner talking to Chico at a party would you? Cripes.

20:50Oh yeah, Flack, Shayne is "an old friend" now, is he?

20:48They're sticking the boot right into Shayne here, giving more airtime and praise to the fact that Adele sent a tweet, rather than Ward actually pitching up and bothering to meet Worzel.

20:46Say what you like about that (I actually thought it was rather good. Cough) at least it was an original 'X Factor' song - which makes it stand out amongst the other 80% or so tracks being covered tonight.

20:44Louis not only stole a Wagner blazer for himself - he passed a fetching blue one onto the little Hairy Hippy!

20:43"Wow, i wasn't expecting to hear that" says Shayne as Luke reveals he's singing a 1D song, clearly trying to hide his annoyance that 'That's My Goal' isn't getting an airing...

20:41Louis gave us a terrible link between Luke singing a One Direction song and being forced to listen to compulsory advice by Shayne Ward. Seems as though that hatchet is well and truly buried.

20:39We could have sworn Louis was saying he liked "getting hard" every year. Please tell us our ears were deceiving us...

20:38They did a pretty A1 job of airbrushing Miss Fag Ash Breath and Rowland from their history, there.

20:37Hooray! Here's a bit of timewasting with a judge montage. "I want to take it to Deadlock!" "You remind me of a little Lenny Henry!" We could have just done with a Louis montage, let's be honest.

20:35"No-one can do what you just did" says Nicole. Um, we think Alexandra might disagree...

20:35Doing her best A-Burke impression, Hannah is told she's getting more comfortable by Sharon and that it was her best performance by Louis. Gaz Baz also claims there's no strategy to winning the competition. Surely it's just 'Don't get Louis as a mentor'?

20:33We hate to go all 'Louis Rule Book' on everyone, but surely covers of covers of covers should have been disqualified from a special 'Best of The X Factor' programme? What a load of parp.

20:32Hannah is singing Hallelujah by Alexandra Burke. Sorry, Jeff Buckley. Sorry, Leonard Cohen...

20:31Hannah and Alexandra are having a cry-off! Gawd, someone make it stop...

20:30Harry Hill threatens a 'FIIIIGHT' between Hannah and Sam as Amelia Lily (maybe?!) looks on behind him. In a word, surreal.

20:28We would have expected more flesh-coloured underpants and dwarves in Nicholas's performance, but hey, you can't have it all. Additional point to note, McElderry got - what - one minute of airtime? We bet Leona gets hella loads...


20:23Louis says that Nicholas is one of the "best vocal artists he's worked with in ten years". NOT a compliment. (For reference see: Jedward, Wagner, Kitty Brucknell, Johnny Robinson etc etc etc)

20:20Birthday Boy Nicholas did a great job at that song, no doubt about it. We can now expect the judges to say "He's only 17!" from now until Christmas.

20:19FINAL FLASHBACK! It's like we've fallen into BBC One and travelled back to Christmas 2009. What a frightening time warp.

20:17Nicholas is taking on a song from way, way back - when Miley Cyrus was firmly PG as opposed to 18. Here's 'The Climb'...

20:17"You remind me of a little Joe McElderry!" says Joe McElderry.

20:16Up first is Scotland's finest, says Louis! It's not a bottle of whiskey - it's Nicholas McDonald!

20:11Olly gets his nose thoroughly brown up Simon's you-know-where by saying "I LOVE THE X FACTOR" about three times in 20 seconds. Impressive.

20:09Here's X Factor runner-up Olly Murs, who's slowly but surely completing his transformation into Robbie Williams. Latest step: wonky quiff. Next stage: Giving Louis a lapdance. Come on, Murs!

20:07Louis is celebrating ten years with a tribute to Wagner with that lovely velvet suit. Meanwhile, Barlow continues his ill-advised affair with skinny ties and Scherzy and Osbourne are wearing, well, dresses. All four are sadly lacking in '10 TODAY' badges.

20:04After a quick trip down memory judge lane, here are our four resident rent-a-gobs...

20:03After being on the show for ten years, Louis says he "knows a winner when he sees it". Yet even after all this time, he obviously still hasn't managed to grasp the fundamental concept of the show after saying he has "two winners".

20:01Ah, poor little Leon Jackson. We'd forgotten all about him until we saw that delightfully naff montage.

19:59What was that loud noise?! Oh, must have been the sound of most of our readers shutting their laptops and switching over. Well, thanks to YOU for sticking with us!

19:56Good evening, hardy X Factor fans! Thanks for joining us for this extra-special birthday episode, which will be starting very shortly...Although just in case you've been living on another planet, The Day of The Doctor is now airing on BBC One.

The X Factor is 10: Digital Spy's 10 favourite moments

Friday, November 22 2013, 10:00 GMT
By , TV Reporter
It's not just Doctor Who's birthday this weekend - The X Factor is celebrating its tenth anniversary on Saturday and Sunday. Now, here at Digital Spy, we're never one to miss a party, so we strapped on some hats, got stuck into some jelly and ice cream and then sat down for a nice little nostalgia-fest about our favourite X Factor moments from the past decade. Join us as we reminisce about times gone by...

Simon Reynolds (Movies Editor) - Gummogate
My favourite X Factor moment has to be 'Gummogate', a kerfuffle that saw Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh quarrelling over American independent cinema. Jamie Archer's rendition of 'Crying' during 2009's Movie Week (c'mon, Simon, have you *really* seen that film?) irked Louis so much he seemed to question the very existence of Harmony Korine's cult oddity. This all leads to the question... has Louis seen Spring Breakers?

'X Factor' Great British Songbook review: Farewell Sam Callahan

Monday, November 18 2013, 18:55 GMT
By , TV Editor
On Sunday night's results show, the final seven X Factor acts awkwardly shuffled their way through Take That's 'Never Forget'. Aside from reminding me of sticky-floored nightclubs, university rugby teams bellowing the lyrics and Athletics' Union foam parties, the track was also an appropriate goodbye song for this week's eliminee, Sam Callahan.

How could we ever possibly forget little Sam? Hard-working, a full package and a voice like a cheese grater being dragged down a blackboard.

Luke comforts Sam.

© Tom Dymond/Thames/REX

Luke comforts Sam.

> Sam Callahan: 'The X Factor isn't a singing contest'

'I'm a Celebrity' Joey Essex, Matthew Wright: Our snap judgements

Monday, November 18 2013, 12:05 GMT
By , TV Reporter
I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! was back with a bang last night (November 17) - we've already had tears, trials and, er, tampons. Obviously, it's far too early to judge our new batch of famous faces... but as if that's going to stop us! So join us as we share our snap judgements of the ten jungle rookies and let us know what you think below...

Rebecca Adlington

Rebecca Adlington


Rebecca Adlington

Rebecca gets instant points for shamelessly fangirling over Kian Egan. Now, sure, this probably made Kian hideously uncomfortable, but her little disappointed noise when she found out they definitely wouldn't be on the same team was amazing.

Even when he beat her at the Bushtucker Trial, she hugged him and called him a legend and thanked him for doing it quickly. If Rebecca has that little composure around a member of Westlife, just imagine what it's going to be like when she's forced to spend time with critters and testicles?

But Rebecca is also fit ("in all senses of the word" - thanks Steve) and could prove to be a worthy competitor. Plus, she knows to start fires with tampons. Very impressive resourcefulness.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 7/10

Kian Egan

Kian Egan


Kian Egan

Kian seems like a very nice guy, but is that going to be enough? He's already spoken about how he's not really scared of adrenaline-filled adventures or creatures, which is fine, but where is the much-loved reality show trope of the journey in that? Even when he got a tick, he was ridiculously calm.

Our only hope is that he ends up flipping out and goes on an outrageous rant after someone overcooks his kangaroo meat. Fingers crossed, everyone.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 5/10

David Emanuel

David Emanuel


David Emanuel

We're not convinced by David just yet. Sure, he has lots of hoity-toity fancy-pants airs and graces - him trying to figure out a makeshift wardrobe was fun - but he got down with the Trial without a hint of a breakdown.

This is all very admirable, but will he be entertaining? We're hoping that the lack of modern conveniences will slowly begin to get to the Royal fashion designer.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 4/10

Steve Davis

Steve triumphantly completes the skydive.


Steve triumphantly completes the skydive.

We weren't sure about Steve before the launch, but we're on board fully now.

Admittedly, this is largely because of his instant and adorable bromance with Joey Essex, which seems to sway from a father-and-son dynamic to just 'lads on tour'. We could watch him on repeat saying in faux-seriousness: "It's important that we reach checkpoints, because Joey has told me that he wants to pick birds that are well fit."

Anyway, we think Steve has just the right amount of humour so far, and could be bringing some of the funniest lines to this series.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 7/10

Laila Morse

Laila Morse


Laila Morse

Laila was a surprise for us after episode one - we think that she could become a sneaky favourite.

Not only did she seem like a very sweet mothering type - comforting Joey after he'd been chosen for the Bushtucker Trial - but she also had an endearing streak of dirtiness. "I don't mind eating testicles and penises, as long as they ain't hard," she informed us all. More of that, please.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 6/10

Joey Essex

Joey enjoys the sky dive.


Joey enjoys the sky dive.

Undoubtedly the star of the series so far. Who else in the first episode provided so many talking points?

We had "confrontate". We had that bizarre face when he was terrified about jumping out of the helicopter. We had him giggling with delight about "proper sort" Amy. We had him worrying about his wavy hair. We had him thinking his water bottle was a man bag. We had him struggling to complete the Bushtucker Trial puzzle, even when Lucy didn't even try to do it. We had him leading a prayer circle for the fire to be lit. There is definitely the potential for a lot of entertainment with Joey.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 9/10

Alfonso Ribeiro

Alfonso prepares for his skydive.


Alfonso prepares for his skydive.

Alfonso loses points instantly for announcing that he won't be doing the Carlton dance until the end of the show. And he also loses points for being frankly useless with a GPS.

On the other hand, he threw himself into everything with a fair amount of enthusiasm - and some funny lines. We also have to point out that he got genuinely choked up when he completed the Bushtucker Trial, like he'd just been through a terrifying ordeal instead of, well, being stuck with a couple of scorpions for about two minutes while he completed an insultingly easy puzzle. This bodes well.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 7/10

Matthew Wright

Matthew Wright


Matthew Wright

Matthew Wright is certainly a polarising character when it comes to his journalism and television presenting, but there's surely one thing we can all agree on: he's hilarious on this show.

We couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he mistakenly thought he'd been picked over Amy, and had to do an awkward darting around dance before realising he'd been snubbed. Then there was his strained: "I'm not having a great day" on his hungover run through the island, his tears at the Trial (though to be fair to him, at least he did it) and his terror at seeing a bug before the show had even really started.

This year's Gillian McKeith/Dean Gaffney/Paul Burrell. Excellent.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 8/10

Lucy Pargeter

Lucy skydives into the jungle.


Lucy skydives into the jungle.

We're a bit torn about Lucy so far. On the one hand, she denounces fame whores - on the other, she's appearing on I'm A Celebrity. On the one hand, she very kindly refused to compete in the Bushtucker Trial so that the other team would get some food. On the other, it's going to get very boring if she's nicey-nicey like that all the time (we want drama, right?)

It's hard to make a snap judgement on Lucy so far. She is an enigma.

Witchetty Wow Factor: 5/10

Amy Willerton

Amy Willerton


Amy Willerton

I mean, look at that ridiculous picture. You would think Amy would be one of those irritating screechers who apparently doesn't know what they've signed up for.

But that's far from the truth - Amy seemed happy to get stuck in, looked fantastic while she was doing it, and seems very kind too (she's been teaching Joey the time. Isn't that nice?) We think Amy could become a surprise favourite...

Witchetty Wow Factor: 8/10

I'm a Celebrity lineup 2013 - Hit or Miss?
Hit - I love it. Bring on the bugs and drama41.92%
Miss - Forget the Z-list. This is the Zzzzzz list24.14%
Maybe - I'll wait and see what happens when they touch down in camp33.94%

Who is your favourite I'm A Celebrity contestant so far, and who are you begging for Bushtuckers? Let us know by leaving your comments below!

'The X Factor' Great British Songbook: As it happened

Saturday, November 16 2013, 19:49 GMT
It's time to get the bunting out as The X Factor celebrates the best of British tonight (November 16).

Our seven remaining singers will be taking on hits from the likes of Adele, Sir Elton John and Coldplay, but will they do their nation proud?

This time last year we were treated to Christopher Maloney's defiant 'I'm Still Standing' and a fabulously OTT Spice Girls medley from Rylan. Whether we can expect to reach such levels of entertainment this year remains to be seen.

The judges arrive for Big Band Week.

© REX/Tom Dymond/Thames

'The X Factor' 2013 judges

Join Digital Spy from 8pm as we settle down ready for this week's show...

21:27Be sure to join us at 8pm tomorrow for more X Factor thoughts and to discover who will be the next to leave the competition. There's also performances from Gary Barlow and Miley Cyrus to look forward to. See you then!

21:25Thank you for all your comments as always. I hope you've enjoyed reading.

21:24Who delivered tonight and who is at risk of finding themselves in tomorrow night's sing-off? Let us know in the comments section below.


21:22Thank you, Sharon.

21:19Prediction: One judge will pass comment on the fact that Nicholas gave a really believable performance for someone who is just SIXTEEN YEARS OLD.

21:18Nicholas feels under pressure to match the powerhouse vocals of Adele. He's singing 'Someone Like You'.

21:17Nicholas McDonald is the final act of the night. "Scotland's finest" according to his mentor Louis.

21:16Digital Spy user Brekkie thinks Tamera may be in trouble tomorrow night. Do you agree? Did she deliver despite the small mishap?

21:12Think Little Mix's 'Don't Let Go' for example.

21:11Have to agree with Gary. Tamera is very talented but she has yet to have *that* moment.

21:11Lots of praise for Tamera though despite her mistake.

21:10Louis is praising Tamera for picking herself back up after losing the words half way through.

21:09She doesn't look comfortable on stage tonight. She is delivering some impressive big notes though to her credit.

21:08Oh no! Tamera just forgot her lyrics. She has rescued it though.

21:07Next up is Tamera Foster. She was meant to be singing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' but swapped it for 'Diamonds Are Forever' as she felt the former was too dark.

21:05Lord Sugar is also sharing his thoughts over on Twitter. He's a bit behind though. His thoughts on Luke Friend:

21:00Jameela Jamil is not a 'Callafan' then?

20:59A hint of praise from Gary there?

20:58Sharon thinks Sam looks "defeated" and Gary didn't love the performance. No surprise there I suppose.

20:56Even the dancers look uninspired.

20:54Sam Callahan is about to take to the stage. He's telling us that he isn't a karaoke singer. Very true, Sam. You're worse than that.

20:49Of course, Series 7 was the year of Cher Lloyd turning her swag on for the nation. Moving on swiftly...

20:48I wish people would get over 'swagger'. That's so Series 7... *rolls eyes*

20:47Mixed feedback so far. Nicole thought it was more vanilla than chocolate, but Gary is praising the guy's energy.

20:45I'm not entirely sure that Chris Martin would have "loved" that performance.

20:44Bit of a rough start for Rough Copy but they seem to be finding their feet now.

20:42Rough Copy are taking on Coldplay's 'Viva La Vida'...

20:41In case they fooled you, that delightful pair were actually lookalikes. I had to double take though I admit.




20:34Louis thinks Sam is a "world class vocalist".

20:33Gary thinks Sam B's take on 'Something' was "incredible". Agreed.


20:28Sam Bailey is next up. She doesn't seem to be able to put a foot wrong with the judges. Could that change this week?

20:26Nicole Scherzinger says that Luke's voice reminds her of his hair as it has "grown through the competition".

20:25Another impressive performance from Luke. Definitely the surprise of the series. A good rendition of Elton's 'Your Song'.

20:23So, the footage behind Luke seems to have been shot especially for the performance. Great use of the budget, don't you think?

20:21Luke Friend is up next. Is he really the dark horse of the series? I predicted that he'd be the second to be voted out so he's definitely exceeded my expectations.

20:18We're back!

20:16Digital Spy's very own Kate Goodacre has also picked up on Louis's extra special evening wear.

20:14Louis is really bringing his a-game in the fashion department tonight. Loving that jacket!

20:13Louis bringing the comparisons out and we've not even had an ad break yet. He thinks Hannah is like Tina Turner...

20:12Hannah reminds me of Brenda from Series 2. Except she is a lot less interesting to watch.

20:10She's taking on The Rolling Stones classic '(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction'!

20:09Ooh, Hannah is promising us some audience participation. Always a risky move.

20:08Hannah Barrett is opening the show tonight. She's found herself in the sing-off twice already. Can she turn things round?

20:07Nicole is certainly flashing the flesh tonight. Hopefully she won't experience a wardrobe malfunction like Cheryl did all those years ago...

20:06Oh. We take it back. #AwkwardDermotDancing

20:05I hope the Queen is watching. She would be so proud of her country.

20:03Gary Barlow predicted that last week's Big Band theme would provide us with an "electric" evening. We're not so sure he was right. Things can only get better, right?

20:02Okay, here we go. Hopefully everyone has turned over from that other quite popular show over on BBC One?

19:55Good evening everyone! This is your five minute warning. It's time to face the music, so go and get yourself a (stiff) drink.

'Dancing on Ice All Stars': Who do you want back on the show?

Thursday, November 14 2013, 18:35 GMT
By , TV Editor
Dancing on Ice will be bowing out in style in 2014, bringing the series to a close with an All Stars special.

Featuring some of the finest and most popular skaters from the past eight series, it will be a nostalgia-fest for fans of the chilliest of the reality shows.

Philip Schofield and Christine Bleakley.

© Matt Frost/ITV/Rex Features

Philip Schofield and Christine Bleakley.

'I'm a Celebrity' lineup: Hit or miss? Share your verdict

Wednesday, November 13 2013, 17:42 GMT
By , TV Editor
"Never heard of 'em!" "I'm a Celebrity... it should be done under the Trade Description Act." "I want to be a celebrity, get me in there, more like."

We hear these same jibes every year when the lineup of jungle celebs is announced by ITV. Considering this is a reality show which has a winners' roll including such illustrious names as Joe Pasquale, Christopher Biggins and Phil Tufnell, it's slightly baffling that some people expect something more than D-listers and Never-Heard-Of-Them glamour models.

Ant and Dec prepare for the jungle ahead of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! returning to ITV.Ant and Dec have filmed a special promo that will be seen on ITV for the first time on Sunday evening.Ant and Dec are seen arriving in the ˜Australian Outback', and when Dec asks if a limo will be picking them up, Ant tells him, "We don't need a limo Dec. This year it's going to be a lot tougher, we need to live and breathe the outback.""I thought it was only supposed to be tougher for the celebrities," says Dec."When in Rome Declan, when in Rome," says Ant.Dec gets a shock when a tatty pick up truck pulls up and the driver asks if they are Ant and Dick. Dec is quick to correct the mispronunciation of his name.The boys jump on the back of the truck, only to find they are sharing their lift with a hungry crocodile called Gerald.The tongue-in-cheek promo aims to whet viewers' appetites for the fun that is soon to be had when I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! returns to ITV next month.


Ant & Dec

'The X Factor' Top 7: Half term report card

Wednesday, November 13 2013, 15:32 GMT
By , TV Editor
Sam Bailey: A+

Sam Bailey on 'The X Factor' Disco Week

© Rex Features / Tom Dymond/Thames

Sam Bailey

Despite being tagged as this year's "Tesco Mary", given the tag "ScrewBo" by Louis Walsh and an alarming amount of interest from Michael Bolton, Sam has managed to overcome these hurdles and genuinely be considered a contender for the title. No easy feat for an act in the dreaded Overs category.

Sam's managed to not only hit all the big notes, she's also managed to make herself look like an artist who could sell a few records. The judges can't find a flaw, her blubbing husband gets us all emotional every time and she's proving to be consistently popular in the Digital Spy polls. We'd probably hate her if she wasn't so darn nice.

Rough Copy: A

Rough Copy on 'The X Factor' Disco Week

© Rex Features / Tom Dymond/Thames

Rough Copy

This cane-swinging, hyperactive, giddy three-piece have won our hearts. Kaz, Sterling and Joey were the stand-out group in this year's competition, which admittedly isn't saying much, but halfway through the contest and still standing strong, they have to be considered dark horses to win this thing.

Louis Walsh appears determined to pin them as the new JLS, but these guys have their own swagger and style and we most certainly like the cut of their jib. Their version of 'September' in Disco Week was our highlight of the Live Shows so far.

Luke Friend: B+

Luke impresses the judges.

© Tom Dymond/Thames/REX

Luke Friend

Who thought old hairy chops had it in him? We spent the first couple of weeks poking fun at his grubby locks and making cheeky comparisons. Kimberley Walsh. Swampy. The Cowardly Lion. Our old gran's mop.

But then something happened. He surprised us with 'Let Her Go'. We were blown away by 'Kiss From A Rose'. And he managed to cover 'Play That Funky Music' without making us cringe. He definitely wins the prize for most improved contestant, and he's almost been good enough for us to forget about that hair. Almost.

Tamera Foster: B

Tamera Foster on 'The X Factor' Disco Week

© Rex Features / Tom Dymond/Thames

Tamera Foster

The runaway bookies' favourite before the series started and still the most likely to land a cheeky record deal from Simon Cowell, Tamera has everything going for her on paper. Unfortunately, it's still all on that piece of paper and not coming across on Saturday nights.

Aside from her strutting and assured take on 'Ain't Nobody' in week one, her performances have been a little too timid, her personality a little bit too restrained and she's not been warm enough to win over voters. Hence her spot in the bottom two a fortnight ago. She may still win a record deal (and be the real winner), but her chances of winning the whole show are looking slimmer by the week.

Nicholas McDonald: C+

Nicholas McDonald performs 'Dream A Little Dream'.

© REX/Tom Dymond/Thames

Nicholas McDonald

He's only 16 you know. Yes we know. Christ, God, Jesus, we bloody know his age already.

The only problem for Nicholas is that his age is about the only interesting thing about him. A clone of former bland X Factor teens (Ray Quinn, Leon Jackson, Eoghan Quigg), he's racking up the Scottish and granny vote, but proving to be totally unmemorable as a performer. He'll reach the final, but only by being competent and innocuous rather than by blowing anyone away.

Hannah Barrett: C

Hannah Barrett on 'The X Factor' Disco Week

© Rex Features / Tom Dymond/Thames

Hannah Barrett

Her constant blubbing and Greggs worker backstory should have made a winning formula for public support. Everyone loves a Steak Bake, right? However, a shift to growling and bellowing out her songs rather than letting her natural soulful tones shine has left her languishing in the bottom two - twice.

She's got the ingredients to make it to the final, but she'll need to turn things around quickly (and maybe smile when the judges are giving their comments) if she's going to achieve that.

Sam Callahan: F

Sam Callahan on 'The X Factor' Disco Week

© Rex Features / Tom Dymond/Thames

Sam Callahan

Sam's cover of Dean Martin's 'Ain't That a Kick In The Head' sounded a little bit like Dean Martin... if Dean Martin had been possessed by the ghost of Frankie Cocozza and he wheezed out the notes while being trampled on by a herd of wildebeest.

We're sure he's a hard worker, we're sure plenty of people wouldn't kick that face and those arms out of bed in the morning and he's probably a really nice guy. But as a popstar, Sam's about as close to becoming the next big thing as Louis Walsh is to winning Miss World. We've heard farts with better pitching, sick animals with better tone and drunk tramps at Brixton Tube who can hit more of the right notes.

What marks would you give the X Factor Top 7? Let us know below.

'X Factor' Big Band Week Results: Live blog

Sunday, November 10 2013, 19:00 GMT
By , TV Editor
It gave us Louis Walsh tooting on a trumpet, Rough Copy swinging their canes and Sam Callahan murdering Dean Martin. Big Band Week was everything we wished for and more last night.

But who will be getting the boot out of the competition this evening? Only seven acts can go through and for someone, this evening's sing-off will be the end of the road.

The judges arrive for Big Band Week.

© REX/Tom Dymond/Thames

The judges arrive for Big Band Week.

Join us from 8pm when we'll have a running commentary on all the action, including the special guest appearances from Robbie Williams and Celine Dion.

20:59Have a good evening guys and girls. We're off to watch Downton Abbey's finale. Have a good night!

20:58That's a wrap. Next week's theme? A rather bland Great British Songbook. We've also got a live performance from Gary Barlow to look forward to. Hmm. Oh, and did someone say Miley Cyrus? Bring your foam fingers along next Sunday. It's time to twerk it like a polaroid picture.

20:57Abi Alton's final farewell is getting upstaged by Nichole Scherzinger and that dress. I repeat my comments earlier this evening. Cor blimey.

20:56Gary and Sharon are forced to deliver the bad news to Abi. It's a teary farewell to the girl with flowers in her hair. Dermot better have tissues at the ready.

20:55Abstaining. It's the worst thing to happen to X Factor results shows. It's killed the drama.

20:52Nicole is refusing to vote. Typical. Bloody typical.

20:52Hannah belted that out with plenty of feeling and gusto. That should be enough to save her. The queues at Greggs will have to wait a little bit longer.

20:51Hannah is covering 'Wrecking Ball'. Thankfully, there's no nudity or swinging from a demolition ball. Yet.

20:49Oh dear, tears from Abi. Lots of them. And we haven't even got to Hannah. This is going to be the most tearful evening of telly since Marley and Me was last shown.

20:49Abi is up first. She hasn't got her piano, but she's back in her comfort zone with an Ed Sheeran cover. If I was putting it politely - and I am - her vocals are fragile. This sort of sopping wet indie-pop is smack bang in her comfort zone.



20:45How did Sam survive above Hannah? To be honest, it doesn't come as much of a shock to me. Sam's no Rylan/Jedward and he's certainly packing some guns and cute looks. Hannah switches between being too aggressive and too blubbery. Her song choices haven't been the greatest either.

20:42The sensible money is on Abi going home. Deadlock would be interesting, but we suspect Scherzy will abstain. Tsk.

20:42Louis Walsh has got the full sweep. Nicholas is the last act through. It's a bad night for Scherzy. Either Abi or Hannah will be leaving tonight.

20:40Heaven help us all. Sam Callahan is still here. He'll be honking like a hippo again next Saturday.

20:40Tamera is returning. Quite rightly. And quite fortunately, because it looked like she might faint.

20:39Sam Bailey will also be back next week. Standard.

20:39Luke is also safe. The hair lives to sing another day.

20:38Rough Copy are safe. Boom!

20:38In no particular order (Just the most dramatic)...

20:37Bottom two predictions? Abi and Hannah. Abi and Luke. Sam and anyone. I can't make up my mind.

20:33After all this faffing around, we're slowly edging towards the results. Slowly. We've still got time for JLS to try flogging us a car. The poor lads must really have hit on hard times since their split.

20:31Louis Walsh has donned a sailor's hat. I'll let your write your own Roger the Cabin Boy and Seamen jokes.

20:30Robbie is riding a boat as dressed as a sea captain. He's doing some dodgy half-hearted wiggling. His vocals would give Sam Callahan a run for his money. But despite all of this, it's utterly charming.

20:26It's Robbie Williams time. Which Robbie will turn up? Great Robbie, Mad Robbie or Bad Robbie?

20:26Dermot asks the judges who "nailed it last night". That's a bit personal isn't it, Dermot? Although we have heard some rumours about Sam C and Tamera. Just saying.

20:25Dermot tells Louis that he has two questions for him. Louis starts wheezing and cackling. Someone fetch him some Wether's Original.

20:24Iceland Christmas Advert Klaxon. Frozen weird looking prawn toast. A Michael Buble soundtrack. It's almost enough to put you off Christmas.

20:22Where are all the Christmas adverts? The John Lewis advert was the best vocal performance last night. Bring back the bear and the hare.

20:20A distinct lack of twerking and foam fingers from Celine.

20:19That's a lot of words from Celine. I think she is making music, touring and you can buy it or see her. You know the drill.

20:18Celine is talking. A lot. Dermot's sweating.


20:15She's not singing 'My Heart Will Go On'. Or 'Think Twice'. It's a newie. *dashes off to make a coffee*.

20:14The first special guest is Celine Dion. Maybe she'll sing 'My Heart Will Go On'. The X Factor has been a bit of a sinking ship this year. Ba-dum tish! Geddit? Geddit?! (I'll get my coat.)

20:13Excuse the lack of updates, we have the second recap of the evening. And it's going on... and on. Like a bum Sam Callahan note, it feels like it's never going to end.


20:08Oh my ears. My eyes. And that's just Sam Callahan.

20:06Time to hide behind your sofa. It's the group performance. Cringe-Ometer is set and ready for action.

20:05Cor blimey guvnor. If Nicole turns sharply she'll have Gary Barlow's eye out.

20:05Nicole Scherzinger Boobs Klaxon.

20:05Here come the judges. Did you know that Louis Walsh actually has it in his contract that he has to stand on the right side of the judges.* He flips if he's placed on the left.

*Might not be true.

20:02Oh and Nicholas McDonald sang as well. He's still 16.

20:02In case you missed it, Rough Copy ruled, Sam Bailey soared and Tamera bounced back. Abi Alton and Sam Callahan wobbled. And Hannah Barrett and Luke Friend were in the dangerous middle ground.

20:00Time for a quick recap from last night, for viewers with memories like goldfish.

20:00Good evening all. Who's going to go? How far will the Cringe-Ometer swing for the group performance? And most important of all, will Dermot O'Leary be able to shut up Celine Dion.

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