(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Extreme Weather | The S.P.A.C.E Program
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20131212081454/http://itsabeautifulearth.com/category/articles/extreme-weather/

Students Preparing a Changing Earth

Extreme Weather

The Easiest Explanation for Global Warming Narrated by Bill Nye

Despite what the media may portray, global warming is a real threat to our survival on this planet. Even worse, we’ve catalyzed global warming since humanity started developing powerful combustion machines during the Industrial Revolution. YouTube’s ClimateReality has given us simple, reproducible proof that our planet is actually warming. This demonstration is that proof. (more…)

365 Day Time-Lapse of Earth’s Sky in 5 Minutes

Our planet, and seemingly the rest of the universe, has rhythms. One of these rhythms couldn’t be more obvious in this video from Ken Murphy. With some technical expertise and a sophisticated camera rig, he managed to capture 365 days of terrestrial weather and feature them all in one flowing art piece. (more…)

Our Planet is Beautiful and Powerful: Supercell Cloud Near Booker, Texas

Supercells aren’t just dangerous because they can spawn tornadoes. Supercells can bring forth hail, torrential rains, and even stronger-than-tornado-wind downbursts! But photographer Mike Olbinski however didn’t let this knowledge phase him on his hunt for the perfect shot of one of these behemoths. In this stunning four part time-lapse, Olbinksi manages to capture the beautiful flowing movement of this rare phenomena.  (more…)

Anthropocene: Humanity’s Most Redefining Era on this Planet

The Anthropocene from theawesomer.com/The anthropocene is the chronological term for humanity’s global presence. This new time period we’ve assumed as humans means we now impact the entire biosphere of Earth. In this profound music video created by MelodySheep, the significance of being a member of this age becomes almost tangible.  (more…)

Cassini Catches Glimpse of Saturn ‘Rose’ Cyclone

Saturn Rose CycloneAs we already know, Earth is but a pebble in our solar system and space is generally an unfriendly place. On Saturn, the Cassini satellite captured images of a storm literally 2 times larger than Earth itself. This monster monsoon has 300 mile per hour winds and measures at 1,250 miles wide.


Why Nature is Awesome – Lightning Strikes Power Cable and Vaporizes It

The Top 3 Most Unique Volcanoes

The Top 3 Most Unique Volcanoes


Volcanoes can be some of the most devastating forces of nature on Earth, killing hundreds of people in events like Pompeii and Kilauea‘s eruptions. While volcanoes may be extremely dangerous, they are also one of the most important features of the Earth, as well as one of the the biggest displays of sheer power. In order for me to list the 3 most unique volcanoes, it’s important to understand what a volcano is.If you don’t have the time to read the next paragraph or two (which I hope you do!), I’ll put it in layman’s terms: Volcanoes are really old, really big, and release tons of gas and magma. They are also kinda badass. Just sayin’.


Dust Storms Are Scarier Than You Think

What Are Dust Storms?


Dust storms don’t really sound like much, but it’s not until you see actual pictures of them that the real threat comes into perspective. Most people assume that the height of the dust threat lingers in the 1930s with the Dust Bowl, but several notable dust storms have happened over the course of time. In their wake, dust storms leave unique signatures on the land. Cattle during the dust bowl were helpless, and ran around until their lungs filled with mud. Roosters would fall asleep and die because they mistook the light outside for night. A giant windy cloud of fast moving dust particles may seem harmless, but they do more damage than people think.


Waterspouts Are Cooler Than Tornadoes, Deal With It



I thought I would open this post with incredible footage from a helicopter in Australia capturing these massive columns of air over the ocean. Waterspouts as they are called, are essentially tornadoes over water. These beasts can form by transferring from land to water, or straight from the clouds to water. The formation process of these types is different however, and the formation of waterspouts is especially interesting.


Insane Earthquake Videos from Japan

Raw Earthquake Footage

Ever since I’ve been interested in Earth, earthquakes has fascinated me. The tragedy in Japan was an incredible and unfortunate example of the Earth’s power. In these videos I found this morning, you can clearly see how the ground is swaying back and forth, and it can only be described in one word: surreal. Water is just forming on the ground in puddles, like an invisible rain, indescribable.


What is the Great Red Spot?

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Jupiter is a fascinating planet, and the largest planet of our solar system. Dwarfing all other planets, Jupiter could fit 1321 Earths inside of it, and 3 Earths inside of its Great Red Spot. What is the great red spot? It’s a terrifyingly powerful storm, with up to 560000000 square km of raw destructive area. It’s been churning violently for at least 340 years, and it doesn’t look like stopping soon. It’s basically what happens when a hurricane get pissed off.


Mother Nature is a Bad Mamma Jamma

A Dust Devil / Tornado Touching Down in a Soccer Game


Oh my god that is incredible! As soon as I found that I literally rushed onto my blog to show the rest of the world. This video is a perfect representation of how much the earth cares about what it does. Without even a thought, a giant dust devil began in the middle of a soccer field, filled with children and adults. A murderous twister of dust flew around the field, threatening the lives of every human there. The Earth displayed its mighty-ass power as it ripped tents from the ground, and flung them into nearby trees.

The Fascinating World of a Snowflake

300um Snowflake

Snowflakes Under a Microscope



The Intensity of a Hurricane

I saw this video today, and it blew my mind. To me, it looks like the entire city was inside a vacuum cleaner, taking the brunt of every bit of debris being sucked up from the flooded ground. I’m happy that I’ve never had to experience something like this, it looks like extremely intense examples of the Earth’s power, one I certainly don’t want to be around to see.


Example of Earth’s Power


Breathtaking Earth Footage
