
  1. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please notice the change of location for Women's Tryouts to Baylor School fields!...

  2. CFC is exploring in 2014 a senior squad for women, a sister program to the men's NPSL squad. Tryouts on Jan 4,...

  3. CFC senior men's team (NPSL) OPEN TRYOUTS announced for Jan 18, 2014 - tell your favorite soccer players!...

  4. News flash: Atlanta Silverbacks Reserves are back! Let the trash talking begin.

  5. GM Sean McDaniel is at the NPSL national meeting making plans for next season today. New teams, new schedules.

  6. Calling all Chattanooga FC fans! We need your feedback to improve the fan experience at Finley stadium on our...

  7. Looking forward to forging a new rivalry! What rhymes with Nashville? The lyrical possibilities are endless....

  8. INTER-ACADEMY DAY THIS SATURDAY This Saturday at Baylor's field is Chattanooga FC Academy's first of many...

  9. Some reasons why you should want to play for CFC: a great video by the wonderful guys at Cine Shot......

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