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Specific - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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adjective \spi-ˈsi-fik\

: special or particular

: clearly and exactly presented or stated : precise or exact

: relating to a particular person, situation, etc.

Full Definition of SPECIFIC

a :  constituting or falling into a specifiable category
b :  sharing or being those properties of something that allow it to be referred to a particular category
a :  restricted to a particular individual, situation, relation, or effect <a disease specific to horses>
b :  exerting a distinctive influence (as on a body part or a disease) <specific antibodies>
:  free from ambiguity :  accurate <a specific statement of faith>
:  of, relating to, or constituting a species and especially a biological species
a :  being any of various arbitrary physical constants and especially one relating a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area
b :  imposed at a fixed rate per unit (as of weight or count) <specific import duties> — compare ad valorem
spe·cif·i·cal·ly \-fi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Examples of SPECIFIC

  1. Is there anything specific you want for dinner?
  2. There is a specific word for this kind of feeling.
  3. a bird species that requires a specific environment
  4. We were each given a specific topic to talk about.
  5. The doctor gave the patient specific instructions on how to care for the wound.
  6. Can you be more specific? What exactly did the policeman say?
  7. He gave her a ring—or, to be more specific, he gave her an engagement ring.
  8. She was very specific—you have to use a certain kind of tomato in the sauce.
  9. an education plan specific to each student's interests and abilities
  10. problems specific to this one housing project

Origin of SPECIFIC

Late Latin specificus, from Latin species
First Known Use: circa 1631



Definition of SPECIFIC

a :  something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use
b :  a drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease <used as a specific against malaria>
a :  a characteristic quality or trait
b :  details, particulars —usually used in plural <haggling over the legal and financial specifics of independence — Time>
c plural :  specification 2a

Examples of SPECIFIC

  1. <quinine is a specific for malaria>
  2. <although the speech was long on rhetoric and platitudinous generalities, it lacked specifics>

First Known Use of SPECIFIC


Rhymes with SPECIFIC


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